Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

01 May


Hey there!

We have no plans on limiting equipment to a single visual appearance for each class. Despite being the largest individual team at EHG, the art team has sometimes been a bottleneck for us and we just haven't had the time to create more looks for each class yet.


Originally posted by Dephness

BOO! not wrong.. but BOO! *throws femur*

Impressed you managed to throw it tha thigh.


But people always said that if we just copied Diablo II everything would be fine! :P

We know that minion pathing is a bit wonky at the moment and it's on the list of things needing improved - though at the risk of saying the wrong thing, it's not currently considered to be a priority. Before I get boo'd out of the subreddit let me just say that I'm an Acolyte main (my avatar is even a skeleton).


Originally posted by 420dank

Appreciate the speedy response <3

Guess my account is one which doesn't have access to them currently, do we need to make a post on the a certain forum topic for our individual accounts to be looked at? or will there be a blanket fix for everyone affected?

You can either post here or e-mail [email protected].

The forum post will probably get things moving more quickly currently.


I'm very sorry for the difficulties you've encountered.

Last night the game both entered beta and was released on Steam, and there was a massive surge in support requests around this time. I'd echo /u/Mogibbles's advice to e-mail [email protected] if the steps ...

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We're looking into the crashes at this location.

Sorry about that!


Originally posted by FissFiss

Hey you know what!

Thank you for the response ;D <3


Originally posted by ShadowSpade

Oh, thanks! I thought it was always online like POE?

At release Last Epoch will support both online-only and offline-only characters.

So in the future it can be that way if that's what you want. :)


Hi there,

Buying the game through Steam will give you the $35 Ardent Gladiator supporter pack


Apologies for any bugs we have to squish in the immediate aftermath of our Steam / beta launch. It's a very busy time for us at the moment.


Are the Alpha Supporter pets in-game?

Yes, but we're currently investigating reports of some people not having access to theirs in-game.

and will there be a character reset going into Release?



Hey there!

So Last Epoch is primarily client-side. I'm afraid I'm not currently able to confirm if we'll have servers in a specific country at the moment.


Originally posted by kortonx

I know it's a known issue, but I think OP means he purchased through the website and linked to Steam. He did not purchase through Steam.

Oh, maybe - sorry if so!

You log into the same Last Epoch account and will have access to the same in-game MTX regardless of which client you're using.


Hi there!

When you get the chance could you post about this in the Bug Reports section of our forum?



You are purchasing the $35 Ardent Gladiator supporter pack through Steam.

We're aware of a few bugs relating to cosmetic items and we're looking into them. Please accept my apology for the delay.


Glad to hear you're not venturing through the world of Eterra alone!


Thanks for the kind words! We don't want you to get fired either.


Originally posted by Daevun

D2 Boss runs is my best memory in gaming. I would absolutely love to see it coming back. I was never really a fan of everything can drop everywhere. How is a white creep suposed to cary the best weapons and armor in the game. I never really understood that concept.

Perhaps the rascal nicked the loot from a corpse after another player missed the item or disconnected.

I'll ask our Narrative Director about that one. :P


Originally posted by CzarTyr

I love how vocal you guys are on reddit. Try your hardest to keep it up and the playerbase will come and respect it.

From watching this game on twitch yesterday and being on this reddit last night I've already spoken with hundreds of people on my discord about this game and everyone is interested

Thanks for the kind words! We really appreciate it. :)


Originally posted by Hartsai

is it just 1 difficulty or same content repeated couple of times? Like PoE used to be?

Our campaign has a single playthrough.

There'll be an endgame mode designed to make the campaign still relevant - some members of the team have fond memories of boss runs from Diablo II and want to do what they can to make that fun and rewarding - however there'll be other endgame modes for those who aren't interested. Here's a link:


Sorry to hear this! Could you please e-mail us at [email protected]?

We're working through a backlog as quickly as possible.