Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

06 Mar


Agree we need a better way of showing which point has been removed or a suggestion like OPs. I’ll get it queued up

05 Mar


I find feedback of this nature very interesting. Hypothetically if you could start at level 1 in the monolith and expect to find the exact same gear as the campaign and level at the exact same rate, would that be what you are looking for?

Is it the activities of the campaign that you dislike or is it the process of leveling up a character that you would prefer to skip?

Either way, if you have leveled up characters before, you'll be able to play legacy and get right into the game without needing to level up. You'll still have access to all the new content.

04 Mar


Viable? Extremely likely. Aiming to bring super OP builds more in line while buffing/reworking builds that are underperforming or mechanically not great. Of course, this type of work is never done but plenty coming with season 2

02 Mar


Originally posted by astromedia

One year later may I ask if it moved in any way? Im still waiting for this too for very long time :) ... Im starting to fear there will always be too much to do in other aspects of the game the time for this may never come and as new things will get added it will be harder and harder to do. I do appretiate your reasurements over time its still planned tho, hopefully the wait will be worth it. (and hopefully I will not loose on too much content meanwhile not being fully in the loop as Im not actively playing for few years - nowadays in lot of games tends to happen a lot of time sensitive stuff sadly but maybe this is not the case)

There isn't much news on this front. We have made progress on some adjacent systems which will make eventually doing it faster and easier which is good news. It hasn't made too much progress up the list. It's still in the "someday" category. I do still expect it at some point but I'm sorry to say that I don't have any ETA.


Originally posted by xDaveedx

I remember seeing your original post that started it all. That's really crazy you managed to attract so many competent and probably equally passionate people with no professional background yourself.

I don't know if that's too personal, but may I ask what you did for work before this?

I ran a web studio and did front end web dev, software but also all the sales, marketing, business side of things. Thought “how hard could it be?”.

Turns out - really hard. But if you love something you can push through a lot of hurdles and work crazy hours happily.


Originally posted by xDaveedx

Trying to think of new stuff that isn't too technically crazy to be impossible to implement is like one of my favourite activities to pass time! Sadly I don't have any professional background (yet), so there's not much more I can do than shouting random thoughts into the void haha. Maybe one day.

I appreciate knowing the chef himself has seen my brain soup!

Before I started EHG I had no professional experience in games either and was just obsessed with doing things like you posted haha!


I love reading people’s class and skill ideas. Cool interplay with Stomp. Need some decay rate on fury so you’re not One Punching every boss for instant kills 😆

01 Mar


Originally posted by xDaveedx

Damn, I was about to forward this lovely description of yours to you, if you wouldn't have caught it already :D


28 Feb


Originally posted by rcglinsk

On the off chance a developer might be watching:

The gray-bearded and Gandalf-looking fellow who does the developer live stream said about a month ago that there would be a good time to start picking up set items on legacy characters. Are we there yet? The set deal from the preview kind of looks like it could consume sets players are picking up right now.


Flattery will get you everywhere. Hi, it's me, the gray-bearded and Gandalf-looking fellow.

Yes, set items are a go!


Originally posted by tFlydr

Evidcerated that boi, rip.

Not the goal at all, I even upvoted them. It's a legit concern and if they only played during the first week of 1.0 and 1.1 then I can see this feeling like a real pattern to them. Both times it happened were during our highest player counts so many players have the experience of playing during dupes. I'm just trying to reassure them that we take item dupes extremely seriously and that preventative measures are actively being worked on, even though it's not currently a problem.


Originally posted by Vex1om

The biggest trade change they need is not destroying their own economy by allowing dupe bugs all over the place. My hopes of them achieving this are not high.

There are currently no dupe bugs and there have not been any in the current cycle. We are also putting in new dupe prevention and detection methods to ensure that it remains that way.

27 Feb


Originally posted by oompaloompa465

me after the 3lp slam carries only the t5 affixes

We’re taking care of you in Season 2 - you’ll understand soon!

25 Feb


Controller targeting is getting a big update in Season 2. Dread Shade is a particularly tricky skill to have it target exactly what you want quickly and reliably. Depending on how you have it specialized, it will lock on to different target types. Generally this means that it will target a minion. We are still working on a better way for the player to target the specific minion that they want.

Dread shade is also getting a nice baseline buff that removes the fixed max duration.

23 Feb


Fun fact, the item name was changed from The Falcon when the falconer was released.

22 Feb


Originally posted by StankyRoux

TY for the comment. I have been to the observatory on my level 98 today, and also hit he little button to transfer all my stash materials, and moved my stash items (tab by tab). Please let me know if there is something specific I can do to make the NPCs show up in The Keeper's Camp.

The material transfer button was what I thought would do it.


It might require you to do something on one of the mains. Did you hit the transfer stash button yet? You might have to go to the observatory on a main too.

It should let you join CoF on your alt from the first town.

17 Feb


Originally posted by Moethelion

It has to be at least 8 or the overkill damage would have been 1. Liar!

He had ward 1

15 Feb


Originally posted by Few_Ad_2940

Hi, according my informations you did an engine update in the past this year. So what is now with this isse. Is there a plan and ETA when this will be fixed ?

Best regards.

Yes, we did recently roll out a update to the game engine. It wasn't expected to have an impact on this though. We don't have an ETA for it.