Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

27 Jan


Originally posted by i_dun_care

I would love to see a system where we had a Unique upgrade process, borrowing some concepts from the Poe2 reforging bench:

3 LP0 uniques (same unique item ofc) could be reforged to one LP1 unique where the modifier values are rerolled.

Similarly 3 LP1 uniques reforge to one LP2 and so on until LP4.

This would be especially beneficial in CoF where every unique item contributes to your progression instead of being useless unless it has high LP/good rolls. Almost every unique drop would turn into a potential upgrade at a later point in time

This is a frequently suggested system. The big issue is with the relative rarity of each stage of LP being different. So each unique would have it's own number to combine and it would have to be way more than 3:1.


Congratulations to ThellllStandard and Azerov!

We're always excited to see community events and happy to help how we can. I look forward to seeing what kind of fun events the future brings!


Originally posted by Akhevan

Did you switch to a new partner for the Russian localization as well? Cause the last one looked like they just pocketed your money and sent you a google translate, too.

We switched everything.


Originally posted by Necessary_Lettuce779

This spanish translation looks like it came straight out of google translate...yikes.

We've switched to a new partner for localization that is redoing a lot of it.

25 Jan


Lots of work going into this.

To be specific we’re looking at untangling objects loading in some non-necessary additional objects and converting them to addressables, finding instances where some enemies have been implemented incorrectly and have too many skinned mesh renderers, optimizing server instances - we actually had a build error happening that was caught this week that had manifested some performance loss on live, finding some instances of visual effect objects that were using too many… we’ll just say “objects” in general, some animated characters having too many ”bones”, the list goes on.

Hopefully that shows you that we truly are working hard to continue improving performance. We’re still paying the tech debt of starting from a small team of ARPG obsessed players who met through Reddit and didn’t know game dev as well as many teams - but now have lots of extremely talented developers and engineers on the project. You should have seen the sheer terror an...

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24 Jan


My guess is that some passive has a typo in the code and it's giving the wrong stat somewhere.


We actually just hired in a new animation lead to the team and they’re actively auditing all animations, starting with player animations.

They’re brand new to the team so we may not see much of this work at Season 2 launch but it’s definitely coming


Originally posted by project48v

Once they fix online stability. And offline stability. And overall performance. And once they fix cross play compatibility. And the damage calculation bugs. And the leech health bug. And when they figure out a consistent season rotation.

After all that, sure. Animations could be looked at.

Haha I think you’ll be pleased with season 2.

23 Jan


Originally posted by Mister_Ost

Since you wrote streamers, rather than content creators, I will assume you're referring to watching live streamed gameplay. Thus we can ignore video/clip content, such as build guides, in-depth boss mechanics showcases etc.

The TL;DR is that I'm not watching livestreamed content.

If you imagine the average gameplay session, assuming you've reached monoliths, becomes mostly just grinding monoliths. Something that, given how "stale" monoliths are right now, becomes very boring to watch. Crafting in LE is pretty quick, and once you know what kind of item you want, it will be relatively little compared to the regular mono gameplay; a similar case with bossing.

If we focus on the last question, What would make watching streamers more enjoyable? I look at the clips that are posted to the subreddit (And the PoE subreddit) and most of them end up being 'high-stakes moments'. What makes a moment high-stakes? Death/Character deletion being on the line always ...

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Thanks for the thoughtful response. 1.2 (season 2) will bring some freshness to Monolith too!


Originally posted by lifemarket

Currently, nothing. Build theory will be on YouTube later in the form of a VOD I can skip through. High risk crafting is a gambling stream. I don't want to watch someone else gamble; I want to be the one who gambles!

I'd watch an ARPG stream where it's an ARPG + something else. Challenge run or competition or some other hook. Some contrived competition with arbitrary rules that introduce new/unique challenges for top tier players.

Hear me out. I don't watch streams where people play Elden Ring. I'd rather just play Elden Ring. But I watch the hell out of Bingo Brawlers, which is a Twitch event put on by captain_domo where each season he invites a roster of the best speedrunners/challenge runners in the world to play a bingo format of his own design - 5x5 bingo squares, lockout, players race to complete objectives.

Imagine. Asmongold vs Zizaran. Bina the Loot Filter Guy vs the Filterblade dev. High stakes bingo. The squares are, like, "Kill Lagon at minimu...

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Very cool suggestion and one I agree with. If it happens we'll have to attribute the new format to u/lifemarket! Glad you're enjoying the game


Originally posted by Moistwinds

I just enjoy watching quin die

I would have to agree that this is top tier content.


Originally posted by decepcao

If I'm being completely honest, nothing. For me, it's one of the least watchable genres of games out there. I love playing it though, just find it extremely boring to watch.

This is good, honest feedback that I genuinely appreciate. Im curious if you can think of something that would make it more entertaining to watch for you?


Hello travelers! Coming at you with a fun ARPG discussion topic today.

In general, ARPGs are attractive games for streamers by nature of the core systems you find in them. But what makes YOU want to watch ARPG streamers?

  • Build theory, build crafting and build advice?
  • Watching them do high risk/reward RNG item crafting?
  • Competing on leaderboards and events?
  • Trading valuable items?
  • Uber content?
  • Hardcore death mode?

What else? What are your favorite watchable moments?

What would you love to have implemented in LE that would make watching your favorite players even more enjoyable?

P.S. the team is hard at work on Season 2 and look forward to sharing more information about the great new updates coming.

- Judd | Game Director of Last Epoch

External link →

Originally posted by BigWubbs

Would it be worth just setting a timer on the shields? So they effectively drain before you even get to them if the fight is taking long enough? That way they still slow down some of the bigger dps builds but they don't feel as noticeable for some of the lower dps builds?

Depending on the details, that's either just what we have now with increased complexity and reduced visibility. Or it sets up a situation where you can actually kill a boss faster by doing less damage. Both are things we want to avoid.

I do agree with the implication that it is "feel" issue. Almost all of the negative feedback I've read on the system hinges on a misconception.


Originally posted by Iorcrath

a simple "lowest sale price" and "highest sale price" in the past 7 days? and an average of the last 20 sold, or whatever the average comes out to updated once every 24 hours?

I know there are a lot of factors here, but even an average across ALL factors would be immensely helpful.

I agree, the information required to do that was not being tracked.

22 Jan


The stash layout has some automatic corruption recovery methods that are probably running to fix some error in the layout save. One of the top level folders probably has a mistake in it. That or it's hitting a false positive.


I’ll bring it up with the team and make sure it’s addressed for the upcoming patch


Originally posted by Teaehararehantea

Thanks for the quick reply! Love this game.



Originally posted by Teaehararehantea

Link??? This is news to me


While this is not the case, it is a common enough misconception that we are addressing the issue. We are always working to improve balance and reign in the significant outliers in both directions.

The shield has the exact opposite effect that you perceive it to have so we are removing it from the vast majority of places that it exists and reserving it for just the biggest fights where low power builds need the most help.