Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

29 Dec


Originally posted by Dauntless113

Hey, thank you for your quick response. It's shitty that I got attacked for pointing out an issue, but I never meant to cause problems. I have friends that have played this game for almost 2 years and have nothing but nice things to say. I was literally gifted this game on steam because they want me to come play. ... At worst, my intent was to make sure you guys were aware of this potential issue being bigger than just me ahead of your 1.0 release. I can't imagine double registration emails going out to new players is ideal when you're hitting 1.0

Yea it’s definitely helpful - in the future we have some in-game tools for reporting issues or the forums which are considered the more “proper” areas to post problems. Either way, thank you for taking the time to let us know. Hope you’re enjoying the game and have a good new year!

28 Dec


We’ll look into it when the team is back in the office. Glad this isn’t blocking you from playing. Welcome to the community


The Monolith of Fate

You're going to want to just do any quests that you have until you are high enough level to do that (roughly 55).


Originally posted by Acedrew89

That’s great to hear! I trust you’re taking that feedback into consideration as you always do! Thanks for the work you’re putting into this game and this community!

Thanks :)

And yup, we've already added an extra sub-system for CoF because it didn't have enough depth and control.


If it makes you feel any better, the item factions have been getting testing from the community for a couple months already.

27 Dec


Originally posted by Allignment

Just wanted to add on, I play exclusively with a controller and it can happen with any item. I've had it appear with items on the ground, items in my inventory and items that I am actively wearing. Only going back to the character screen or exiting the game addresses the issue.

Yea, both of those actions reload the scene that holds the tooltip so it would reset it. You'll have some error in your log that will point to the problem.


Fire damage is elemental and gets full benefit.

More narrow stats will generally appear with larger numbers. So the same level fire damage affix will have higher numbers than the corresponding elemental damage affix.

So, flame reave or cinder strike each get 5% increased damage from a 5% increased elemental damage affix. We try to keep things simple when we can.

Edit: changed the example skills to try and hit which one you are taking about with melee and fire tags.

26 Dec


Originally posted by Kingreptar97

Yeah it’s very strange. Even if there is an item on the ground, no matter what type, it compares it to that glyph too. So it’s not like I can really ignore it either. It just stays stuck on the steam deck cursor somehow.

Oh it's the compare data tooltip, interesting.


Originally posted by Kingreptar97

I have tried hovering over a different glyph and even the same glyph in the crafting materials panel and it did not go away.

Well, was worth a shot. Not sure how that's happening as there is just 1 object that gets moved around.


Originally posted by Kingreptar97

I have tried that. I’ve tried moving other glyphs, items, armor. Even logging out and going back to character screen doesn’t fix it. Usually I have to restart the game to actually make it stop. Was hoping someone found a better solution than that though

Just to be clear the glyphs on the ground, in the forging panel and in your inventory display differently than the glyphs in the crafting materials panel so my suggestion is specifically from the crafting materials panel.


I don't know how to fix this but have you tried opening the crafting materials storage panel and hovering a glyph in there?

25 Dec


Since we aren't seeing widespread reports at the moment, I suspect that it's an issue with your local files or some account setting possibly.

The suggestions you're seeing in other threads are probably still relevant. Start by verifying your game files on Steam. Reboot your computer. Reboot it again just to be sure. Check video card drivers. Check memory isn't overflowing. Check you can log into the forums with a private browser or a different browser because it goes off the same auth system.


Just fyi, drops don't work like they do in D2. It's not like a base type drops and then decides if it wants to upgrade to a unique. Instead, it first rolls rarity, then if it is a unique, it picks which unique to drop.

This means that the base item has no impact on finding the unique version.

24 Dec


It's seasons. Current characters are going to non-ladder (legacy). New characters can be ether that or ladder (cycle).

Please use the search function to check for existing topics of the same title. I'm going to delete this for being the I don't know how many duplicate topic of this question.

23 Dec


Originally posted by Valderius

Ahh. In that case I'll defer to the EHG expert in the thread

But normally you would have been right.


You can figure it out by looking at your character sheet and looking at your armor damage reduction for hits. Then apply the percentage of that value from your stats to dots.

So for example, if your armor would reduce the incoming damage by 30% and you have 10% armor applied to dots, then you're armor would reduce incoming dot damage by 3% because that's 10% of 30%.


Originally posted by Valderius

Armor does nothing vs dots. Only hits. Resistance affects dots of their damage type, but armor does t do anything

They have a stat which applies a percentage of armor to dots. They are asking how that stat works.


GW1 was what got me into MMOs. Loved GW2 but I fell off after about 6 months. GW1 has been a huge influence for me on the design of LE.