Would you guys ever consider better pricing on the supporter packs? Maybe not pricing but better perceived value? It’s really disappoint to see the higher tier packs not even give you more value with the premium coins. (Sorry I forget what they are called currently)
I really wanted to support the game but my perceived value seem really low when compared to other games like path of exile. I just spent 100 there because you get the pack + all the content from the lower value packs. The same value in currency as you spend. And it makes all future packs cheaper.
I’m not saying you have to do the same thing but I think minimum is to give out the same amount or at least more coins for the higher cost packs. Spending 20 bucks for a portal skin a cape and pet plus 150 coins is neat but then seeing the 60$ pack still give 150 coins feels bad. It has kept me from supporting the game even though I want to.
I'm not really involved in that process much so I can't really speak to potential outcomes. I do find this one very interesting though and I talked with someone yesterday that said the same thing as you. They may have been a little more extreme about it because they said they would want the bundles to be like PoE, even if it meant you were getting a worse deal.
I do think you're right that we aren't designing our packs to feel like you are getting more value, even if your are.