Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

01 Jan

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Hey Travelers,

Thanks to your support, the team at Eleventh Hour Games has had the opportunity to pour ourselves into Last Epoch and its fantastic community during this turbulent year keeping our spirits up. We would like to extend a warm thank you to you all and recap how the game has evolved over the last 12 months.

Our main focus for the year was to raise the standard for Last Epoch - and I think our most recent additions have done this well. The revamped Temple of Eterra sets the bar for future zones (and updates to existing areas!), while the Rogue’s specialization trees, sound effects, animations, and visual effects are all much-improved comp...

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30 Dec


Thanks, I’ve made a note of these issues internally.


Are your companions not moving at all when you use Fury Leap, or are they just not leaping?

I tried this out and found that they would leap for me under most situations. But, when I leaped far enough to trigger their Follow behavior (where they stop attacking and run to catch up with you), they would run instead of leap.

Does this issue happen for you consistently regardless of the distance and where you do it? (i.e. in combat zones vs. the End of Time). A video recording would be helpful for looking into this.



Thanks, I’ve confirmed this internally and we’ll look into it.

29 Dec


I tried this on my end and found that if you’re pressing the button for Serpent Strike rapidly (rather than holding it down) the Primalist’s animation will get out of sync with the fang visuals, but damage is still dealt each time fangs appear.

I’ve made a note internally for us to look into this in the future. Thanks!


There are many buffs that don’t have icons currently simply due to time constraints.


It is currently not possibly to obtain the Fractured Crown. However we’re trying to figure out how to bring it back, as it hasn’t actually been removed from the game.

28 Dec


Thanks, I’ve made a note of this internally.


I haven’t been able to reproduce this issue, unfortunately. If you find any additional details (or are able to reproduce it on a fresh character at low levels) please let us know.


I’ve looked into this and it’s working for me internally. However, it certainly doesn’t have a buff icon in 0.8-- we’ll be adding an icon in 0.8.1. Thanks!


Even 5 in a row, we’re talking something like 0.03% chance.


I’ve gotten really good with conditional formatting recently. My spreadsheets are really nice.