Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

19 Apr

    Mox on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, just want to say this we’re very in tune with this idea and we will not be afraid to drastically alter gold drop rates and sale prices closer to release, especially once we have most systems in place that will affect and relate to the economy. We’re fans of keeping numbers low so I could see us going in this direction. The largest concern is dropping enough that you feel a sense of progress from the delta in drop amounts when going through the game but the current implementation leaves plenty of room for reductions. Good topic!

    Mox on Forums - Thread - Direct

Cool idea. Definitely see the merits :+1:t3: I’ll bring this thread up in a design meeting

    Mox on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, we’re updating all playable characters animations. Currently reworking mage animations and they’re coming along extremely well with the addition of our new lead animator. Hoping we can wrap up the changes before 0.7.8 so we can get them in your hands and show you the new level of quality we’re aiming for for all classes

    Mox on Forums - Thread - Direct

Definitely had been talked about but comes with some issues including starting a new character with your friends in multiplayer, early game imbalance, issues for future race content, probably some others I’m forgetting at the moment. It’s a really cool idea and maybe we’ll figure out a way that it makes sense for a future class. I loved that aspect of Chrono Trigger and their obtained party members :slight_smile:

    Mox on Forums - Thread - Direct

Haha sorry guys - that placement is on me :wink: repositioned internally and will be updated for next patch

    Mox on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys. We need to give you an update on multiplayer soon but the short version is it’s progressing and still on pace for phase 3. I wish we could push it even faster because we are incredibly excited for it but there’s a bit more to progress on.

Welcome to the community @Wanderlust o/

    Mox on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, we agree the character selection could use a little love and have been talking internally about what that may look like. Characters on the select screen reflecting your gear will make an appearance at multiplayer release or near then because the system update to allow that is tied together with those systems. :slight_smile:

18 Apr


Yes, that’s correct.


I wouldn’t say significant reworks for most skills. I think most skills are in a pretty good place and just need some tweeking to get them in to that sweet spot. Several high profile skills are in desperate need of reworks but we have to prioritize between reworking old trees and making new ones for new skills. I’m sure skill trees are something that will continue to get tweeked and fully rebuilt after 1.0 we don’t like to set things in stone in general.

17 Apr


I just replied to the other thread but I thought I’d pop in here too just so everyone knows.

We’re moving it. We’re actually reworking the panel a bit more than just moving that button.


Yup, we’re moving it.


Mark for Death has a base cost of 16, I don’t know what caused the behavior Arethwyn saw but it did not happen to me when I tested.

The rounding that’s occuring here is only on the tooltip-- you’re only paying the 13.06 mana that Arethwyn calculated. In situations like this it’s probably a bit extreme to round the displayed value up, so I’ll ask if that can be changed.

Rounding the values displayed makes a cleaner presentation, but being off by this much is excessive perhaps. For cooldowns, the display is always rounded to the nearest tenth of a second.


Soul Feast does grant a base of 5 ward, currently ward is always rounded down so it will look like it grants 4 at base.

The added ward gain from Soul Seeker isn’t being affected by other modifiers from the tree, so that should be what’s causing the discrepancy. I checked, and Grim Affliction is multiplicative with Soul Bastion, not additive. Also, Grim Afflication grants 15% less per point, not 20%.

Sorry about the errors, I’ll make sure those get fixed!


If you get a level up it will update your entry to show the new level and personal best wave clear. The data isn’t a pair set. It’s the highest that character has reached in each category.

I think I see what happened that caused a 332 to be recorded and I can fix it.


Did it display you on the ladder on the website at 332?


I think it’s probably worth having the system clear the personal best when you switch challenge modes like that. I can probably make that happen for next patch.

It also shouldn’t record a wave advance if you’re dead.


This has been fixed internally and will be included in a future update. Thanks!


The way it works is that it just records your character’s personal best and ignores runs that are under that. I might look in to clearing that when you switch over from SSF to not SSF. I’m not sure it’s necessary because you’re actually moving to an easier league.

As for the 331 vs 332 problem, did you ever show up on the ladder at 332? It might not have recorded that last wave and just always was 331.


We can probably help more if we have you Player.log file right after a crash. If you could also post your general pc specs, quality settings that you’re playing on and notable programs that are running in the background (e.g. VPNs, AV programs, Firewalls, Chrome with dozens of tabs, etc)

Info on how to find your player log and general support can be found here:


If you don’t care about losing your data, you can follow the steps that AliCologne listed above.

If you want to keep your data, you can:

  1. Find your Epoch_Local_Global_Data_Beta file in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Saves\
  2. Rename it to Epoch_Local_Global_Data_Beta.txt
  3. Post your Epoch_Local_Global_Data_Beta.txt file here.
  4. Wait for me to load it, fix it, and send it back.
  5. Replace it in your save folder.
  6. Remove .txt from the end of the file name.

Also, we have an automated fix for this problem that will be included in the next hotfix patch.