League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Apr

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Jragon713

Exciting! So will we perhaps get a 6th map over the course of this run, or is this planning for the 4th iteration?

And are you able to share how the team feels about the continued existence of cameos?

We like some of the things they are doing (forcing you to move around the map, forcing you to approach fights differently) but we don't think they are the best execution of those goals. We do want to eventually replace them with a better objective system, and you can see with the new map that we are already, in some ways, doing that. For this iteration of Arena we felt that the predictability of the item system and the number of players were higher value to address, in order to add more game to game variance/depth.


Originally posted by Xey2510

Mage supports. If you read reddit you'd sometimes think they weren't by far the least popular supports while Enchanters are insanely popular.

Lux is the most played support in the game


Whats the gameId? That should still be around in your match history.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Weak-Pie-5633

I've never been this exited



Originally posted by coeranys

I wish they would stop wasting time on stuff like this and make something fun.

Genuine question - what is it you’re looking for as fun? I can make some guesses but figure it’s better to ask 

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by go4ino

prismatics sound like mythic items 2.0 lol.

interesting changes, but would like more info

The major difference is that you can't select whatever prismatic you want. They are powerful, but the round you get a prismatic, it is similar to getting a augment, in that you get to pick 1orf 3 randomly shown to you (you can reroll like augments though) Same thing happens if you buy a prismatic anvil. Thier is no way to directly purchase a prismatic item.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by victini3521

Do you know if Riot plans to do multiple balance changes during this run of arena? Because I feel like that would definitely keep engagement up, if some of the top tiers/annoyances got nerfed.

Yes, we are planning to do balance patches. We are also looking into to doing a small content drop at some point (with probably a few new augments/prismatic items)


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Meddler do you guys have any concerns about the extended Arena run competing for engagement with the PvE mode, given it'll be out for an entire split, or are you guys taking that into account when evaluating both modes

We’ll keep an eye on it certainly, if Arena is to become permanent though it’ll need to show engagement either maintains through event modes or that its player base comes back after an event mode ends 


Originally posted by Guest_1300

Only one new map, interesting. Does this mean there will be duplicates of some maps? As I understand there would be up to 8 2v2s happening at once now and I think there are only 5 (?) arenas. Or are there more new arenas that they just didn't reveal?

Overall super cool changes, can't wait to try out this new arena, especially the new item system!

Each arena holds 4 people (2 teams of 2), so one of the five will be unused each time 

13 Apr


It does. Shadowflame works like this:

  1. Who is dealing the damage? It only checks damage dealt by the holder (this includes their pets and other things like items that are sourced back to the originating champion).

  2. What type of damage is being dealt? It only proceeds if it's magic or true damage.

  3. What percent health is the enemy at? If they are below the threshold, it crits, dealing the increased damage.

It has some other hidden rules, like not applying to summoner spells, but Liandry's damage would fall within these, since it deals magic damage and is being dealt by the Shadowflame holder.

All of that having been said, I would say Liandry's Shadowflame Yorick is a...bold choice.


Originally posted by Burnin_Potato

I feel like grubs mostly help ranged champs (they can basically poke the tower even when enemies defend) and champs that have problems taking down towers. Most side laners don't need them

As a Kennen player I love having grubs. Before I did nothing to turrets.

12 Apr


Originally posted by Violence_Fiend

Are lobby reveal softwares bannable?



Originally posted by upvoting_the_truth



Reports for exploits leveraging the anti-cheat kernel driver vgk.sys.

What does that have to do with your original claim that the "driver" is not calling home, and OP saying it is calling home even when the game is not running? That's obviously "a feature" that you installed, not an exploit

If vgk.sys is communicating externally when vgc.exe isn’t on, that’s not intended functionality. It would be eligible for a bug bounty.


Worlds 2016 when all of the pros were playing solo queue in NA are the best quality games I can ever remember playing in. Got to play with Faker 4 times, all on my team, we won all of them except when Mancloud didn't want to give him mid :P. Ruler + CoreJJ (actually I think it was Pray and Gorilla) duo was also the most gapped I'd felt in a bot 2v2 up to that point.


Originally posted by upvoting_the_truth

So far not 1 rioter responded to similar claims, or any security concerns.

It's more important to reply to comments about "lulz cheater outsource mails to fiverr lul".

It has been responded to on other social medias ( https://x.com/deteccphilippe/status/1778502812403700045?s=46&t=iCQaeykeGHTksKoO4TeHHw ), but if you can prove this is happening, we do have a bug bounty program operated by HackerOne offering significant monetary sums to anyone who finds a vulnerability


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Originally posted by x3nics

I have CheatEngine installed which I have used for years on FIFA career modes (to install face mods). Is having it installed/open going to cause any f**kery with Vanguard?

I have CheatEngine installed which I have used for years on FIFA career modes (to install face mods). Is having it installed/open going to cause any f*ckery with Vanguard?

I think K3o can probably say it better than me. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1c1kgrk/dev_vanguard_x_lol/kz3yi9u/?share_id=HibAEyoDgZgQOqPJUCFjv Hope this answers your question.


Originally posted by Einoshi

I'm on Windows 10 and I can't even play valorant because it ask for TPM 2.0 to be enable or to deactivate VBS and I will not deactivate VBS just to play a game. This mean vanguard for LOL is different?

Vanguard for LoL doesn’t have the current restriction system that VALORANT has for certain players.

If you’re on Windows 10 and you’re getting this message on VALORANT and you can’t support TPM 2.0, please write into Player Support. If you have already, you can message me your ticket number.


Y'all just sleeping on my Shaco x Fiora fanfic or?


So is someone going to photoshop Lee sin with a 2nd health bar and dark souls HUD or do I need to do it?


Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

Can we get a breakdown of cheaters PER SERVER? Because Asia is a majority of players. China alone has 29 servers. So if the only statistic you give is is based on totals numbers then it seems flawed and dubious as if you were using Asia's higher cheating statistics to push Vanguard on the remaining players. I would love a graph with each server laid out and each amount of cheaters per rank on each server.

None of the numbers or graphs contain data from outside of riot regions. So no they wouldn't impact the numbers we shared here.