League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Jun


Originally posted by Xanhomey

Are you guys planning on updating PBE servers? I feel like the servers might crash when the new game mode drops, like what happened with Set 9.

We did double PBE capacity recently in response to queues for the latest TFT set. Might potentially be able to do more again at some point. PBE's not going to be able to accommodate a large proportion of the overall playerbase though, and our priority's on using it to find bugs and do late polish so that the full launch goes as smoothly as possible


Originally posted by parrycarry

I, for one, welcome my new peak being Emerald instead of Platinum. XD

congrats on your progression. I'm really proud of you


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/RiotMeddler are those new Orianna ability icons I peep, is the team working on a new batch since its a been a hot minute since the last big update

Huh, good eye. I believe that was an accidental inclusion in the video rather than a deliberate one. Icon updates are the sort of thing we'll fit in where possible around other work, I don't believe we've got a large batch underway at once though


Originally posted by CrossXhunteR

Don't know if you're the appropriate person to ask, but you are the person here so I'll do it anyways; It doesn't appear that the following skin stuff included in the TL;DR is actually mentioned in the skins dev article. Could that get added at some point (I know it wouldn't be immediate since y'all have to localize articles like these into other supported languages.)

Star Guardian Seraphine and Orianna will be available in Patch 13.13 and Star Guardian Senna will be available in 13.14.

Redeemed Xayah and Rakan will be released towards the end of this year.

Taliyah and Ashe will receive the next Crystalis Motus skins later this year.

Odd, will pass that on


Originally posted by fIusterstorm

So someone in P4 now will most likely actually start "above" where they are because of distribution? Wonder if I can get emerald from placements...

I don't want to say yes or no because that depends on a lot of factors that aren't easily quantifiable from player to player in a reddit post, but "hypothetically" yes.

The best way to think about it is your distance from Diamond should stay the same. You'll just be doing it with some Emerald colors instead of Platinum.


Originally posted by trieuvuhoangdiep

They have emerald in Wildrift. So they probally see the good response from that and decided to add it to league, too. Plus emerald worth more than platinum so i don't see how it break the higher rank = more valuable thing

Yep, we felt consistency across similar games in our ecosystem was pretty valuable here, so wanted to adopt the same terminology and general visual approach Wild Rift had used with Emerald that was well received. TFT will be adopting Emerald as a tier as well in the moderate future (exact timing TBD)


Originally posted by Oreo-and-Fly

Ashen Knights were male. So why cant they give female champs some mythic skins too?

Also, SG skins are mostly female and they are more ports than new.

Yeah we're not going to try and force particular gender ratios for a skinline. We instead want to make sure we're going for champs that make sense with that theme, bring something new but resonant to the theme etc. Sometimes that will mean particular skin lines skew towards male or female champs


Originally posted by RiotMeddler

Lemme double check with the team on plans there

Current thinking - we'll try some non SR Clashes as additional clash runs and some as replacement for that month's SR one. See what sentiment and play rates look like for each approach, figure out what to do longer term


Originally posted by YoooJan

did they say anything about the Essence Emporium? I can't watch it right now

No updates on the Essence Emporium atm. We're still working on it but don't have anything to share beyond Brightmoon's post a few days ago saying this:
"We should be able to update you all on this in the next few weeks! The team has just finished a lot of under the hood changes that will make the Essence Emporium more stable & less hand-coded for each one."


Originally posted by redcloud3

When is emerald rank and no promos releasing

Mid July (same time as the 2v2v2v2 mode, Naafiri, soft ranked reset, new thematic etc)


Originally posted by Boow_

So nothing on blue essence emporium?

Still coming, don't have an exact date to share today though


Originally posted by crossbonecarrot2


Have no clue why y'all thought it was a good idea to stop. This is a lot better.

Since Akali is getting prestige again (which I don't agree with despite maining her) I wonder if KDA is coming back. Would rather a legendary so that Soyeon could voice her.

Funny enough when we started talked about bringing it back a few months ago we couldn't really find a good reason why we stopped doing it. We just kinda did? Seemed like a no brainer to bring it back after players were asking for it and then while we were at it figured we should do the same with the mythic shop.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you able to share anything about Essence Emporium, I thought PIE was in charge of that as well

Still underway, can't offer a specific date yet.


Originally posted by asiantuttle

Wouldn’t this change feel bad for people that don’t participate in ARAM clash? So hypothetically you could miss out on July’s SR clash and then not have an opportunity to play it again until September? Or is ARAM clash separate from the normal monthly?

Lemme double check with the team on plans there


Originally posted by MazrimReddit

I really want master tier to be more prestigious again.

I basically gave up try harding ranked because it was not much of a challenge to stay in it as an old master tier player but impossible to get into grandmaster

It's not explicitly stated in the article but you can see it in the graph bars, the intention is for Master tier to be smaller than it is today in the next split, closer to last year's size at least. Diamond should be slightly smaller too but not by as much.


Originally posted by armorgeddonxx

Is the emerald update going live in July or next year?



Originally posted by Epyimpervious

Next split

Yep, so mid July (20th from memory, or around there)


Originally posted by bz6

Don't you feel promos added a bit of intensity? Doesn't this soften the ranked climb? Also how inflated will ranked get?

These are all non-issues imo, I think game ruining behaviour and the ranked team's delay on acting is what killed the prestige and aura of the ladder; now yall are playing catchup.

Yeah we feel like they did add intensity or excitement for some players, for others it was a very stressful moment. It was enough of a mixed bag to think about and evaluate it. Couple that with a reset in the year and it feels like the promos were something a player would be encountering too often. Climbing will still be climbing, you just won't potentially hit a wall because you have some bad times in promos.

For the inflation conversation its something the team is going to of course monitor closely and make any changes if we need to but we're pretty confident that it won't result in anything too detrimental or worrying. If we need to followup on this we will.

Game Ruining behavior is a bit more complicated and nuanced of a conversation because that's something handled by multiple teams working in conjunction with our Player Behavior team. We're always working on it but it's just not an easily "solvable" problem. What would you want to hear about or see related ...

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Originally posted by Kardiackon

To be fair, they're doing ASUs on champions which have a ton of skins, especially older skins, so I'm not that surprised.

Yeah. We'd very much like shorter timelines too, and if these were champs with very small skin catalogues we'd be pretty close to ship. Champs with tiny skin catalogues are generally either new (and don't need an ASU) or pretty niche (so give a lot less benefit when ASU'd, since fewer players are benefitting from the upgrade)


Originally posted by Piercingforce

So what happens are 0 lp between divisions? Is it just instant demotion?

Demotion shields are still in place. Getting promoted into immediately demoted is a pretty bad experience we can avoid while maintaining integrity, if you really aren't cut out for a rank you achieved you won't hold it long term.