I still lurk looking for fixable infrastructure issues…
I still lurk looking for fixable infrastructure issues…
Aside from AMAs, I feel like we do comment here and there. Its purely voluntary to engage on social media so you'll probably only see a select few people (especially the ones that engage often), but they are definitely there. One thing I will say is that we read EVERYTHING here, even if we don't comment on it.
thanks for reply and intro, might as well throw in 2 questions while we are at it, Im assuming Behavioral Systems Engineer work with systems like Surrenders, Toxicity Detection, Pings etc.
correct me if I am wrong ofc if that doesn't lie in your field of work
now that pre season changes has been up for some months now
-do you believe the objective vote succeeded in its aim? or it just became a redundant system feature?
-Was the new ping wheel successful? Do you guys somehow measure/evaluate its usage? from my personal experience, only bait ping seems to have become mainstream and definitely not for its intended purpose lol
Pretty close!
We do all those things....except pings. I don't know anything about those two features except in my capacity as a player. The guy who designed them used to sit next to me, if I see him tomorrow I'll ask.
We're still around :)
I'm kinda new to posting around here, but Riots engagement with the community was one of the reasons I wanted to join up; so now that I'm here I'll try and do my part to keep the tradition going.
Here are some of the reasons I don't comment more often:
And since this is as good a place as any to make my official introduction:
Hi everyone!
I'm Riot Hu...
This. Riot doesn’t care because it makes them look good. They don’t give a shit about the rest of us.
If I could flip a switch and remove all bots right now forever I'd flip it without a second thought, anything like player count (which also isn't that useful in this context without also looking at game hours, we don't get extra cookies for counting 2 accounts playing 30 minutes as 2x 1 account playing 1 hour) and skin sales aren't factors to be clear.
Should we bring back AMA's? They sort of faded away because we focused on doing the insights article for champions and dev blogs for features which can get localized into all languages for all regions. But it's not much of a conversation. Reddit AMA's are very NA-centric. Doesn't mean we can't do them, we just want to make sure they're actually worth it.
Some of the reasons already mentioned are perhaps why some Rioters don't respond much on Reddit, but also, this community is very active and often yall respond to each other with answers that we might. In addition the conversation here can move on VERY quickly, where unless we comment super fast things get buried. It's also not a great format for debate or go back-and-forth so it tends to be a one response kind of thing.
But trust we're here and read and appreciate your feedback. Except about Yuumi those posts we just filter out /s
why hello there
I really feel like we're so close to getting there, it feels like Lulu Milio are collectively holding up pro enchanters, if Lulu drops enough I have to believe that's enough to shift perception even if Milio is still heavily banned. One annoying enchanter feels different than looking at picks and seeing enchanter vs enchanter often.
Also worth noting that Yuumi’s matchup tables are pretty enchanter favored. She has historically only shown up in pro play when it was already enchanter heavy. I’ve never seen Yuumi drive the pro meta, only respond to it.
Nilah Taric makes a lot of sense to me, but what makes Nilah Senna really good?
Senna is tuned around laning with marksmen, where it’s hard to get full value out of her kit. As soon as you change either the damage type or range she becomes much stronger.
Basically once Nilah goes in, Senna Q and R do double duty. Plus the MS isn’t bad either.
no way they ll gut enchanters there s a big niche of players that only play those characters
The initial goal for pro balance at MSI was roughly 2/3rd melee supports, 1/3 ranged.
Using MSI picks, we had:
The list goes on with other 1-4 pick champions but the sum total result was 97 melee, 55 ranged. So we ended up hitting that pretty well. Of course, the refrain was that we were in an Aphelios Jinx meta, which was accurate in terms of picks. But it's funny that we really weren't in an enchanter meta, we were in a melee heavy one, and people still played largely immobile long range DPS marksmen.
Of course right now Milio and Yuumi are eating up a lot of pro presence so we're much more heavily ranged.
I'm pretty confident we can get enchanters into a spot where they're completely reasonable in solo queue for most players while returning to a 2:1 sup...
Read moreJust wait until Phreak puts some more bullshit stats that try to tell you that what your eyes are seeing is actually wrong.
This is just the ADC version of Ardent Censer all over again.
You do realize there are already nerfs in the 13.12 patch yeah?
Like I understand it’s really popular to hate on me right now but your literal quote is “what your eyes are seeing is actually wrong” and then you commit that exact action by pretending that we aren’t nerfing her via the incredibly accessible public patch plan.
There was a new Lol Dobby video released 7 days ago about an AP Varus top main in KR Grandmaster, which could explain the sudden popularity
Yeah it’s 100% influencer driven.
Milio being the most picked support right now definitely stymies a lot of otherwise strong engage supports though.
Totally agree.
I was completely unaware of the Varus thing, i need to look more into that.
Yeah it'll be funny if people pin it as "marksmen OP LUL" because he's building strictly mage items and his kit hasn't been touched in a long time.
Also it's probably OP and AP Varus probably needs his damage profile changed.
Rell/Nilah is extremely strong especially, hilarious that she’s not even in there at ALL. I guess she just doesn’t bring enough in an Enchanter meta and coordinated play.
Keep in mind, "enchanter meta" is sort of weird phrasing here. We still see a decent amount of Rakan, Nautilus, and other engage champions. Also, Rell isn't even bad into enchanters. Her engage reliability is a lot better now that it's not tied to Mount Up. At a certain point Milio can't beat Hexflash + E + Q + W without both champions playing entirely off the wave.
I can't wait for next patch where Lucian can finally get some tank duos again.
I'm a broken record on this but I will keep saying that Nilah Senna is such a crazy powerful duo, if you have a premade you should be mastering this because its been OP for a while.
I was so sure Nilah Senna was going to be the lane of Worlds last year. It's still cracked right now. Nilah Taric is also incredible.
I see other people talking about Rell. Generally pro players do not have enough time to investigate every possible champion. I think they could probably do better but it's hard to figure out every possibility.
Here's a random one: AP Varus Top just 10x'd its pick rate in Korea last week (It's in like 5% of all games last I checked) and it's starting to spill over into other servers now. His build didn't change. It's all the same items (Nashor's Riftmaker Zhonya's/Banshee's) but just out of nowhere it's a thing now. We may even see it in pro. But it's just been there waiting for a year+
How can be a region with 7 worlds title be weaker than a region with only 3 titles????
Next you'll tell me the PCS is stronger than the LEC, yeah?
Hey phreak I just want to start this with saying I am a big fan. However this argument that she has a high skill expression is quite the moot point when someone got to platinum playing her with her feet while he was playing adc with his hands.
Challenger player smurfs on two accounts and winds up 1000 MMR below their skill level is not the sick burn you think it is.
What's yuumi's presence in LCS?
Picked in every single game played
LOL. Phreak are they putting you at gunpoint ? This is like saying "There were 10 millions of haters now there are 5 millions so this is a huge W"
I mean Yuumi isn’t getting deleted. Changes that go in a positive direction are good changes. I wish people would be willing to accept that.