League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Jun


Originally posted by bz6

Don't you feel promos added a bit of intensity? Doesn't this soften the ranked climb? Also how inflated will ranked get?

These are all non-issues imo, I think game ruining behaviour and the ranked team's delay on acting is what killed the prestige and aura of the ladder; now yall are playing catchup.

Yeah we feel like they did add intensity or excitement for some players, for others it was a very stressful moment. It was enough of a mixed bag to think about and evaluate it. Couple that with a reset in the year and it feels like the promos were something a player would be encountering too often. Climbing will still be climbing, you just won't potentially hit a wall because you have some bad times in promos.

For the inflation conversation its something the team is going to of course monitor closely and make any changes if we need to but we're pretty confident that it won't result in anything too detrimental or worrying. If we need to followup on this we will.

Game Ruining behavior is a bit more complicated and nuanced of a conversation because that's something handled by multiple teams working in conjunction with our Player Behavior team. We're always working on it but it's just not an easily "solvable" problem. What would you want to hear about or see related ...

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Originally posted by Kardiackon

To be fair, they're doing ASUs on champions which have a ton of skins, especially older skins, so I'm not that surprised.

Yeah. We'd very much like shorter timelines too, and if these were champs with very small skin catalogues we'd be pretty close to ship. Champs with tiny skin catalogues are generally either new (and don't need an ASU) or pretty niche (so give a lot less benefit when ASU'd, since fewer players are benefitting from the upgrade)


Originally posted by Piercingforce

So what happens are 0 lp between divisions? Is it just instant demotion?

Demotion shields are still in place. Getting promoted into immediately demoted is a pretty bad experience we can avoid while maintaining integrity, if you really aren't cut out for a rank you achieved you won't hold it long term.


Originally posted by Nicky-Santoro

/u/auberaun thank you for removing promotions.

Did you also remove or nerf demotion shields as well? This would, in my opinion, force players to take ranking down more seriously and improve the game quality of games close to ranking up / down.

Hiya, demotion shields are still in place. Getting promoted into immediately demoted is a pretty bad experience we can avoid while maintaining integrity, if you really aren't cut out for a rank you achieved you won't hold it long term.


Originally posted by TheGreatWalk

Not gonna lie, this reads exactly like ChatGP response

I was here first so i like to think chat gpt sounds like me, not the other way around


Originally posted by Resouledxx

Man, where is the 2v2v2v2 thing..

PBEing late June, live in July


Originally posted by Grumahr

pretty much half of the Dev update is talking about skins

Something we're trying at the moment is bringing in a guest for each dev update. This time that was Steph, who leads the team that does skins and some other stuff. As a result there's a lot of focus on skins in this particular case since that's her area.


Originally posted by Papa_Poro

So that means jax is still getting his asu thing this year.. right?

also is tft also getting emerald? cause we use the same ranked system.

Jax - on track for this year still yes.

TFT - will get emerald at some point yes, still figuring out exactly when makes sense in terms of at a set launch, as part of the last midset with 9.5, some other time again though


Originally posted by BurrStreetX

Yes that is when they filmed it?

Yup. We have been saying the filming date because we can't address stuff that comes out between the shoot and publishing date in the video itself. So we wanted y'all to know that in case something happens and we don't cover it!


Originally posted by IlluminatiConfirmed

And grandmaster

Diamond, Master and Challenger are also additions that weren't there from the start. Season 1 was Bronze (top 25% or so from memory), Silver (top 10%?), Gold (Top 2%? can't recall at this point) and Platinum (almost nobody).


Originally posted by Etonet

Monthly clash instead of biweekly

Were not enough people playing Clash or too many?

The shift back to monthly isn't about population size, but about how we've seen people engage with clash, sentiment about it, perceived specialness etc. At biweekly we see a lot more "I'll just wait for the next one"/"this happens often enough it isn't that special"/"it's hard to get my team together all the time". In retrospect the monthly schedule we originally had for Clash looks like it was a better fit for a larger time commitment that requires some preparation and in exchange should be more of a high moment


Originally posted by AlphaXl

Ok so no naafiri update.

When a champ's close we're going to stop talking about them in things like these Dev update videos. Want to save some surprise, some elements etc for teasers, reveal and PBE. In terms of timing Naafiri should be hitting PBE late June.


Originally posted by No_Oven2010

the season I almost get diamond, thinking I'll get it next split, then they add a new tier. so I'm just gonna be grinding for emerald instead? weird asf, not a fan. lol

You should find yourself actually already in Emerald pretty quickly and be roughly the same distance you are from Diamond. The goal is to just add Emerald within the distribution, and adjust players based on the new scales with Emerald now in that equation. So if you're pretty close to Diamond now, you'll still be pretty close to Diamond after. Getting there is still up to you.


Originally posted by IZCH12

Just a more efficient way to copy/paste the messages you'd receive anyway.

Yes and no. Easy copy/paste responses are part of our approach to player support but AI-written ones (at least like this) aren’t.

The team is still sorting through what happened here, but to answer the big questions here: we don’t write responses using AI and if you’re talking to AI when you’re communicating with Riot Support then we’ll tell you.

We do maintain pre-saved responses for agents to use as the baseline for their response for common issues. This helps ensure that there’s consistency plus it speeds things up. Agents can adapt these to their own voice and save them in their accounts to respond to players. In this case, this individual agent used some AI-generated language as part of their saved response. Writing any part of a response with AI isn't part of our protocol and shouldn't have happened.

Couple points about how we use AI: - we do use chat bots and automated responses in some cases (~15% of tickets) - we're honest about it every time we’...

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Hey all,

Confirmed with Player Support that they’ve responded to OP on this (think OP is offline for the night) but wanted to respond here too since people have some questions and concerns.

To answer the big questions here: we don’t write responses using AI and if you’re talking to AI when you’re communicating with Riot Support then we’ll tell you.

The team is still sorting through what happened here, but here's some context. We maintain pre-saved phrases and responses that we encourage agents to use as the baseline in responses for common issues. This helps ensure that there’s consistency plus it speeds things up. Agents can adapt these to their own voice and save them in their accounts to respond to players when there's language that works for them. In this case, this individual agent used some AI-generated language as part of their saved response. Writing any part of a response with AI isn't part of our protocol and shouldn't have happened.


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Originally posted by TropoMJ

Censer is currently the most built support legendary item in the game, including tanks

Not saying that Censer isn't overtuned, but wouldn't it be a strong contender for the most built support legendary even if balanced just because it's got the most consistently useful niche (buffing your ADC)? Staff is niche based on team comp, Mikael's and Putrifier are situational, Mandate is only good on some champions. Even Redemption is slightly situational as it needs you to be having large scale teamfights by the time you build it to be at its best.

It seems to me that Censer will always be the default first item post-mythic for enchanters unless it's gutted, and so nerfing it because it's popular seems silly. Am I wrong?

Here's a fun note: The Ardent meta from Worlds 2017 was 25% flat AS and 25 flat on hit damage

This is missing the fact that Ardent Censer's on-hit damage was also on-hit healing ...

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Ardent did not heal during Worlds.

Edit: I’m wrong, that got removed the patch after and cloned the effect onto the caster.


Originally posted by Whodoesntlovetwob

isn't 80 less magic damage a bit much tho?

Expecting to be level 18 at all times is a bit much isn’t it?

07 Jun


Originally posted by WoonStruck

What about adjusting clockwork wind-up stacks up or down to either make it more consistent/usuable, or allowing her passive to be a more relevant part of her kit that lasts past laning phase?

Damage could be adjusted as well to make it more mid-late game focused than early, since obviously some of her match-ups are already pretty polarized.

Could shake things up in a way where tankier AP builds and nashors are usable. If those become more standard, the AoE wombo nukes are less emphasized and it might even become easier to tune her.

Orianna is skewed towards the higher elo brackets, buffing her Passive runs the risk of skewing her towards those higher elos further.


Originally posted by Moorabbel

Why should i ever take Overheal again?

Well it's 20% stronger than 12.23, and 75% of Aphelios players ran it then, so... 🤷‍♂️


Originally posted by Daomuzei

was rapid fire that strong? who even uses it? lucian?

  • Statistically overperforming a bit
  • Trying to tap down marksman burst since they're best in game DPS. I'm not 100% convinced this is the right thing for the game long term (Jhin, Jayce, lethality Varus, there are definitely champions who are more like mages than marksmen) but for now I think this is reasonable
  • RFC is pretty much strictly stronger than the 13.9 version due to a more advantageous stat profile (which is really just point 1 restated)