League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Jun


Originally posted by Estrald

Oh cool, so in cases like Nasus, it won’t really affect him? It’s more tuned around ADCs? Was there someone else it was overtuned on, like Draven or something?

It'll actually be stronger on Nasus.


Originally posted by SilvertheHedgehoog

Do you think there are possible avenues that can force players to actually think about their rune choices instead of defaulting onto one set for multiple games?

Not easily. Players want to net deck. It's just how things work. Out of game optimization is just not something most players enjoy.

I think games like TFT have it right: You're offered a mutator, pick the one you like. You're offered some units at random, pick the ones that fit you the best. You can try to force a comp (and people do) but it's probably weaker than just adapting. But people still force comps. You have to be so incredibly overt about it to get people to break out of their comfort zones and they'll still just go to their comfort zones.

That's just an entire redesign of League's out-of-game systems at that point and probably not one that's correct for a sport-adjacent title.


Originally posted by enflame99

I amnt trying to argue that things should be nerfed when they are out of hand I feel this kind of NERF is silly and sets a dangerous precedent. I legit change my runes every game specing into match up specific runes every game. Now there is an issue were pros are just gonna funnel they carry super hard. But I like rune choice and think it's important. I think it's good that my knowledge of runes nets me LP over say another player using auto runes. I also think runes should beade to be competitive with each other before that change overhead was never picked but now it's a big consideration in that line please don't remove meaningful choice from the game.

Listen, I am a build tweaking enjoyer myself. It's why literally the first patch I worked on I tried tweaking runes. It's why I later nerfed Lethal Tempo to try to get more ADCs to try the other keystones.

But most players just don't engage with the systems that way.


Originally posted by Le0here

Neither of them are as good as stormrazor on practically anybody other than maybe vayne



Originally posted by WoonStruck

Any chance you can make only the greatest source of lifesteal apply or make it a unique passive so it doesn't have to be tuned on the weak end due to having to consider the possibility of stacking?

I'm sure people would love a universe where the only good time to build lifesteal isn't just if you're stacking or a source is OP/zero opportunity cost.

Neither BT nor Shieldbow are tuned around stacking.


Originally posted by Altruistic_Milk

I hope Xerath is one of them. I don't know how he can be made more satisfying without making him more toxic but I look forward to it if so.

Xerath has some sweet changes in dev atm.


Originally posted by Javonetor

seeing those nerfs on systems makes me think if they have a hotfix to triforce prepared, idk if monitoring will be enough

and the overheal nerfs are weird?, Aphelios is like the only one taking that rune consistently now

Yeah so I got us to buff it in 13.1b with the hope that ADC players who felt like they couldn’t survive could tech into a defensive rune. Same logic as the BT buff.

Thing is, most players don’t change their runes. Pros do. So this just ended up being a pro ADC buff, which is the exact opposite of what we need.

So yeah it’ll be weaker on ADC, which won’t effect 99% of players but does hit the ones we care about.


Originally posted by THESuperStuntMan

Buffs to champs that have been languishing? Can't languish harder than Vel'koz so buffs confirmed?

We currently have a backlog task for “mages who lost their home in mid.” I don’t know when that will be picked up or by whom but it’s something we overtly want to address.


Originally posted by amasimar

Yeah thats why she has 48% global WR and 56% for one tricks, because everyone who plays her is an onetrick :^)

Sounds like an appropriately balanced high skill cap champion.

05 Jun


We should be able to update you all on this in the next few weeks! The team has just finished a lot of under the hood changes that will make the Essence Emporium more stable & less hand-coded for each one


Originally posted by Pale-Ad4624

It just feels bad to have every other class get an op first item(mythic) except adc, and I’m not even an adc player. It’s a little telling that every champ that can buy something other than ie is buying something else

I feel you. ADC is in a tough spot: are they the best late game champs? If so they have to be bad somewhere else. Do they get to have a good first item? Ok that means it can only be “good” and not “OP”. The alternative is they don’t outscale anyone and I’m not sure that’s allowed.

04 Jun


Originally posted by tryndger

Hey Phreak, I think IE will end up being a dead item because almost every champ has a better mythic competing for that slot. What do you think about changing the IE mythic passive to increase Crit dmg for every legendary item? It would give IE something else to be a truly viable option for many champs.

No, Galeforce is just OP.

IE doesn't need even more of its power locked behind 5 item builds.


Originally posted by Spiderbubble

Yeah honestly I don’t get why Riot is doubling down so hard on the mythic items. Just get rid of the concept already. It isn’t fun to have your champ’s viability be completely reliant on what mythics are strong.

Having everything be legendary is so much more fun. You can mix and match items way more and it allows more variety in item builds.

Outside of not allowing you to buy IE and Galeforce together how exactly does the current mythic system limit ADC item choice? Everything is stackable outside of situations where you already couldn't (IE + Rageblade = ????)


Originally posted by UngodlyPain

This, galeforce just needs nerfs. Its really stupid how strong Phreak/Riot decided to overbuff it cause idiots thought IE was so strong galeforce would be unusable. The dash alone on it is strong, now it's also a NUKE of an active.

Edit: also it's probably stronger 1-3 items cause the active ain't RNG based and it gives attack speed which is huge early game for dps.

I mean to be clear this feedback was universal from almost literally everyone.

It'd be equivalent at this point to me saying, "Nah, ADC isn't actually overpowered and pros are wrong to play around bot lane right now. Maybe they'll sort it out by Worlds."

Feels like that's not a great content strategy in either the Galeforce on launch or a theoretical "don't nerf ADC" case.


Originally posted by VaporaDark

People buy ie when then are ahead

It's not that, you and the person you replied to are misinterpreting the stats. Guinsoo's on average for Twitch is built at 19 minutes, IE at 25 minutes. Meaning Guinsoo's is typically built as 2nd item, and IE more commonly as 3rd. The later into a build an item is, the higher its winrate will be as you are more likely to get deep into your build while ahead than while behind, so the games when you're behind don't get into 3rd item IE's stats as much as the games where you're ahead do. This is called survivorship bias. It also means that more expensive items also suffer from this, as when you're comparing a 2700 gold item vs a 3400 gold item, the 2700 gold item is more likely to have been completed in losing games than the 3400 one, meaning its winrate will be less inflated.

Every item winrate suffers from survivorship bias to a very certain extent, even first items, but you have to absolutely take it int...

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Two extra notes here:

Sample size matters. A decent rule of thumb is 10k games gives you +/- 1% win rate and anything that doesn't exceed that mold is statistically insignificant.

Also, popularity matters. On average, unpopular builds have inflated win rates because players who are smart enough to look into the shop for their items (as opposed to using rec items or Blitz or whatever) will tend to be better at their champion.

Then there's some further things like the ability for players to troll their builds. What if Hurricane is bad on IE builds but good on Rageblade? That doesn't mean IE is necessarily worse than Rageblade on a 3-item build, just means players haven't been building correctly.

Anyways, overall IE is preforming pretty well. Galeforce is still OP, especially on Yasuo/Yone and now that there's enough data on champion item builds, we can act in a more appropriate manner.

03 Jun


Originally posted by Extension-Ebb6410

thanks for making some fun offmeta itemization possible.

Happy to help :)


Originally posted by Ephemeral_Being

Okay, that should be changed...

Her designer was working on that today. I expect that to be in for .12

02 Jun


Originally posted by Shuggieh

I was a bit confused by the time you posted this answer... So, the next Dev Update Video will be now in June or only July? .-.

Oh, right. Next video should be next week (around the 8th of June, though that's not a guaranteed date)


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you able to share if you got the PIE lead in for this one

We do yes


Originally posted by tearsana

so statik shiv on rumble going to be a thing now?

Statikk Shiv on every champion is the intended interaction, tbh. Why should ADCs have all the fun?