League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Jun


Originally posted by albens

With those nerfs ardent is gonna be worse than it was before the changes, wow.

Censer is currently the most built support legendary item in the game, including tanks.

Items coming online 400 gold earlier is a really big deal. The fact that supports are getting to complete more items is great but that means the items have to be tuned around actually showing up in games now and few things are more impactful than damage buffs on a marksman.

Remember that 13.9 censer provided 10-30% AS (20% AS at level 9-10) and 5-20 on-hit damage (15 damage at level 12-13). So the overall power of the passive is relatively similar to the prior version of the item... And it got 10% cheaper. So losing about 10% of the item's power is reasonable: The base stats are about as efficient as they were before (5% ms and 200 gold vs 25 AP is a pretty fair trade), so taking down the on-hit damage to be on average a bit lower is really just keeping the item balanced compared to before.

The goals of letting supports buy more items was a good one and these items should...

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Originally posted by piiees

Are we going to talk about the fact that the gale force changes have a full build break even point (200% crit scaling vs 45% bAD) of 444.44bAD recurring, and there's a certain ADC which has a fixation on the number 4, builds gale force a lot and also has a kit which gives them much higher bAD than normal?

Coincidence? I think not.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Originally posted by Fatcat-hatbat

I’d prefer some smaller buffs to her w above a big ult buff tho. Or maybe a touch more range on her q. She needs more reliable damage.

Orianna is a tough one. She's got surprisingly few spots to buff that aren't either sacred (Ball Speed/Range/etc) or that skew her super hard one way or another. We also want to keep her core weaknesses intact which further limits our potential areas to buff that are still "exciting".


Originally posted by Guest_1300

Yeah, I guess that's more or less what I expected. Thanks!


06 Jun


Originally posted by KeeBoley

When you and other Rioters cite the agency stats/metrics like "ADCs have 21% agency currently", etc. are those metrics for all elos or plat+?

And are there different numbers for different elos for role agency?

Id imagine 21% ADC agency is for all elos and the number is at least a bit higher for Masters+, no?

It changes a bit with MMR but not massively so.


Originally posted by Guest_1300

Oh I have a question on lifesteal items. It's pretty noteworthy that both BT and Shieldbow start scaling later into the game, which I assume was intentional. Were there specific reasons you wanted lifesteal on adcs to be less prevalent or nonexistent before 3rd item or so?

Shieldbow is more important here where if you give a champion sustain + damage + burst resistance exactly what are you meant to do to them? The item does literally everything. This is mostly a problem in the early game where one champion can't really hope to burst through a Shieldbow.

Bloodthirster is less important here but sustain is still a pretty scary stat to give early game. If BT is meant to be a satisfying life steal item, it makes many lanes completely uninteractive. You get to side step those issues by telling players "Look, this item is good, but you have to buy it later."


Originally posted by vooffle

Buffs will get reverted after high Worlds presence.

The cycle of Ryze continues.


Originally posted by w00ms

they severely overreacted with her micropatch buffs. i hope they decide to rollback a few of them instead of gutting the character again

It's very hard to land 7% win rate on the nose while also trying to anticipate how much learning is still to be done by live players.


Originally posted by KiddoPortinari

Out of game optimization is just not something most players enjoy.

You're wrong, at least you WERE wrong, before the last few years of changes like this drove the majority of thinking players out of the game

The ability to switch around runes is at one of its highest points of all time. This is just factually true.

Most players just don't do it.


Originally posted by blublub1243

Can you go into why pro play ADC needs nerfs? The problems with bot lane in pro seems to me moreso that the meta can be somewhat stale, not the overall power of the role (and, tbf, I don't really see a good reason to care about role balance too much as far as the pro play viewing experience goes), and I don't quite understand how making it harder for basically every ADC to survive would actually address that.

Pro play ends up thought-leading regular players. An example of this from recent history is Azir's play rate doubling in the middle of last year with zero changes, driven purely by sustained pro presence.

League is a game that is as much about strategy as it is about individual mechanics. Right now, the best strategy is to play around bottom lane and it doesn't appear to be close. That's boring, stale, and honestly pretty hurtful for players of other lanes.

I don't think ADCs are specifically overpowered (we see very few in top/mid/jungle), but their receptiveness to gold is clearly very high. If only pro players take durability runes and pro players use gold funneling better, then you very quickly get a congealed playstyle.

Overheal nerf hits nearly zero non-Aphelios players outside of pro play. It does affect deathball ADCs in pro play. This is a positive for the game.


Originally posted by MoonDawg2

Fair enough, thanks for the insight phreak it's always appreciated.

As a suggestion, would either upping the LS on shieldbow or somehow moving the 30% atk speed break shieldbow? Atm one item is just plainly better, not just because of stats, but because one has a constantly working passive while the other item only really has its own base stats. LS on BT alone makes it so you can stay in the map for much longer and be safer on teamfights where the isn't a 100-0 threat.

There's also the issue that by the time shieldbow's shield is popped (on the situations it would be better than bt, like a rengar or talon burst) you're honestly more preocupied on running away than fighting, so the atk speed steroid goes to waste by a good amount.

That's the feedback I can give as an adc after I tried it out. Hopefully it helps out

Edit: Kraken is also feeling really good this patch as a situational build. Kraken > IE > ldr/seal item is doing really well on the few ad...

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TBH Shieldbow is ideally niche. It's meant to be strong enough that when you're getting oneshot by Kha'Zix this item will help you not get oneshot by Kha'Zix. But it's not meant to be a default purchase. There's meant to be a real damage loss here.

I'd argue the life steal on pop should be to coax you into fighting back. Maybe that's directionally wrong for a defensive item, but the thing has life steal. Attacking is literally a durability output. But I'm not sure if "gain damage output on shield pop" is the right shape. It at least tells a story.


Originally posted by Jozoz

Life is a circle.

I was always told life is a highway


Originally posted by shinomiya2

like who? unless youre counting build changes like varus going on hit lethal ap hob or lethality comet, aphelios using all 4 depending on game, who takes lethal tempo as core but should use something else?

  • Jhin: Fleet
  • Ezreal: PtA
  • Jinx: Fleet
  • MF: First Strike, PtA, Fleet
  • Kai'Sa: Hail of Blades
  • Lucian: PtA, First Strike, Fleet
  • Caitlyn: Fleet, First Strike, Dark Harvest
  • Aphelios: PtA, Fleet, Conqueror

Those are literally the 8 most played ADCs in League of Legends. All of them have better (at least situationally) options than LT.

So that nerf seemed to line up pretty well. Got a ton more variation in keystone choice now.


Originally posted by WoonStruck

Why is everyone suddenly pretending he's allowed to be in the game?

Like this has been standard ever since his release, but a week of him being decent and people forget that he will inevitably get nerfed when he's decent.

Aphelios is a full 2% win rate higher than he was before the buffs from 13.4. The dude could fall meaningfully just from systems changes and still wind up stronger than before.


Originally posted by MoonDawg2

Yeah it's most likely that. Idk why they turned the primary lifesteal item into just more damage with some LS tagged onto it.

If BT falls out of meta thornmail will become dominant again like it has done in the past f**k

Ideally there's a clear distinction between BT and Shieldbow. One is the offensive option where you shot call that you aren't gonna get oneshot and the other is burst protection.

Shieldbow landed weak and BT landed strong but there's meant to be a fair tradeoff there.


Originally posted by shinomiya2

so are you gonna revert lethal tempo? buff pta or conq for ranged to make them actually viable choices?

For most ADCs Lethal Tempo is not their strongest keystone. Stuff is plenty viable. Y'all can at least try.


Originally posted by ShotoGun

He lost his home in support too. Vel’coz has been abandoned by his most ardent mains.

I can't imagine Ardent Vel'Koz is any good.