League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

31 Aug


Originally posted by -Basileus

It was a mixed bag to me but overall positive.

All the mentions of being data driven is the exact opposite of what I wanted to hear. Especially in regards to changing broadcast times and dates to reach the maximum number of people. Will changing broadcast dates and times for the millionth time increase viewership by like 10%? Probably, I'm sure the data is correct on that. However, if you make a compelling product and advertise the league well, people will come to watch regardless. The amount of times that the LCS has changed its broadcast time, broadcast dates, format etc. over the last handful of years is laughable.

However, hearing her draw comparisons with the MLS and its youth development systems was exactly what I wanted to hear. It's by far the best North American sports league to look toward. The two leagues face very similar challenges: weak leagues in a global sport, smaller playerbase, but both have an ability to attract foreign talent.


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Thanks, appreciate your feedback positive or negative! Increasing viewership and sentiment around the LCS is going to come down to (in my opinion) several different initiatives and approaches that tackle different problems... and hopefully the sum of those parts is what improves LCS overall :)


Originally posted by LeapYearCake

Great show, thanks for joining /u/jackfelling. It might be too late to implement at this point (I didn't think of it during your previous feedback thread), but if you were looking for feedback from fans have you considered having a QR code and link (emphasis on "and") shown on broadcast that takes people to a survey to gauge interest on different ideas or get a sentiment on other feelings about the LCS? Something like one of the slides during ad breaks like you'd see for the Grubhub deal or the Mastercard deal. I've gotten survey pop-ups in the client relating to the game before and that's neat, so having an open survey shown like during finals where there's the most eyes watching could bring more feedback than you'd normally see only on Reddit or Twitter (probably also more trolls). Even as a trial run for the open survey link, sample questions could be about what people think about the live comms, or players being involved on the broadcast, or quality...

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Good idea!


Originally posted by clg_wrath2

Dang I missed the Jackie Episode flying back from vegas! Had a couple topic ideas I really wanted to bring on the show that always seem to be ignored when talking LCS (though jackie has briefly mentioned it in AMAs, she has been great imo so far.)

But really want to get into the LCS branching out of the boring LCS studio and trying to make connections to younger audiences across the country in something like a homestand.

Feel free to add your thoughts in the LCS feedback channel on Discord. Happy to respond there if there are questions you wanted to ask that you didn't get the chance to :)


Originally posted by VikingCreed

Looking more into local development, I've come to the conclusion that amateur leagues may have the ability to revive League in NA.

Unlike Solo Q, amateur leagues puts you face to face with real people instead of 9 faceless figures across a screen. Toxicity within a team will more than likely be shut down immediately by staff, and behavioral issues if not solved with simply be removed. A team setting also promotes learning and growth mindsets, instead of the mindless, spin the slot machine hypnosis that soloq causes. I've personally found that amateur leagues are a far better and rewarding experience than soloq.

If Riot can support programs at the high school level and promote collegiate, as well as foster and advertise independent tournaments and leagues it would be a very positive change for the region.

That's the hope <3


Originally posted by RedandBurgundy

Lol why does she have a camera filter that makes her look like I am trippin

I didn't want anyone to see my messy bedroom in the background ;)


Originally posted by DarthOniichan

Big fan of Jackie, props to her for coming on. She's got an amazing resume and it already looks like she's bringing some great ideas to the LCS. Looking forward to 2023.

Thank you so much! The entire LCS team has done so much this year and really happy with some of the things we've tested for summer and coming up for Chicago... so hoping 2023 is moving in the direction you guys are hoping for as well <3

30 Aug


Originally posted by clueless6405

So what is it? -20? Or is there no change?

595 -> 575


Originally posted by lmMasturbating

Sylas hp 550 > 550?

Just keeping you on your toes

29 Aug


Originally posted by MrWedge18

They speedran the development. They did it in something like 6 months as I recall. They were only able to do that by reusing league assets.

The reason for the speedrun was people were unsure about the longevity of the genre. They wanted to get in on the hype before it died down, and they didn't want to dump resources into a game they weren't sure was going to last long.

It took 18 weeks.

28 Aug


Originally posted by tankmanlol

u/jackfelling I know you're NA not EU but in general can you not play ads during silver f**king scrapes

Hm, that doesn't seem right but lemme look into it. Thanks for the tag.


Originally posted by m4ryo0

EDG is ok as 3rd or 4th seed,FPX didnt even qualified to 2020 Worlds after winning 2019 lmao

For a while that was always true: 2012 no Fnatic iirc. 2013 no TPA. 2014 no SKT. 2015 no SSW. 2016 was the first time a defending champion even showed up.


I've NEVER disenchanted a champion shard, and I have 7 Graves shards :O

27 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]


Hey there! I would love to hear the specifics for this, especially since Broxah is one of the people i get a long with really well behind the scenes


Originally posted by PrivatePikmin

LOL thank you Quickshot, you made my night!

No, thank you for tuning in and enjoying! We all had a great night with this series.


Originally posted by Crimples

Quickshot has a bit of a potty mouth this series eh?

Wanted to see how many swear words it would take for one of my producers or managers to tell me off. Haven't officially been told off 😜 #winning


Originally posted by AfraidTomato-19

you could feel like after each teamfight that Rogue won Quickshot grew sadder

he doesn't even pretend to be impartial

Genuinely interested why you felt that? My game 4 memory is mostly the tech issues and potentially that impacted the hype, but if you can share some examples I'd love to review it. Also if any other viewers felt the same, please do share, it's a genuine learning moment if I can get some tangible clips to watch back!!

Also if you just didnt like the cast, all good, can't like em all 😁


Originally posted by ucruz6

Nearly a Berlin library on that Penta lol

Bless the casters for keeping the game hype


Wanted to give context on why in this tweet. It's not an easy walk from the train station to the studio and everyone was wet and cold to start the day, so it's totally understandable they were flat at the start. But after 1-1 I felt comfortable to playfully call em out and wake em up.

26 Aug


Originally posted by PrivatePikmin

It took me much longer than I’d like to admit to realize it was you Quickshot and not just another random person who wrote this comment. Absolutely love to see the community engagement.

On a separate note; can you PLEASE tell me where you got that beautiful purple suit you wore a few weeks ago? I have a mighty need.

That purple suit was from a film and TV rental company, so it's literally made for TV.

As an aside, those pants were so tight I couldn't leave my jacket unbuttoned... It ah, didn't leave much room for the imagination if ya know what I mean ⚾🍆⚾


You might enjoy this little anecdote I shared about how I planned to let the crowd rest before calling out those BS chants in game 1 and 2 haha.

They earned my respect after the last 3 though!


Originally posted by Clenzor

I just wanted to say there was a small part of your cast today that I really appreciated and I think exemplified the experience you bring to the desk.

The technical difficulties made watching and casting difficult and I believe Rogue had Kaiser semi trapped after killing unforgiven under the bot turret (definitely could be remembering the play wrong but it doesn’t matter), and you commentated the mini map for us because we couldn’t see it.

It wasn’t a crazy hype moment, it wasn’t something that will end up on any highlight reels, but I thought it was an example of a master continually perfecting their craft.

Thank you and here’s to many more years watching you cast!

❤️ I actually intentionally apologized a lot to not only keep people informed and updated, but I wanted to redirect any frustration to me talking about it too much, and not my production team. So if you listen to how often I talked, saying it's not as simple as OBS, and over and over it was with intent.

I'd rather have people saying I talked too much about it, we didn't care instead of OMG HOW CAN IT TAKE SO LONG TO FIX. Fortunately everyone understood I think.