-Server: EUW
- Type of Bug: Ingame
- Description: Animation freezes on Odyssey Sivir whilst auto attacking.
i havent check any other skins or default i just had this one equipped when in game
- Video / Screenshot: Didnt try to screenshot because i was in a ranked game and wasnt recording- Steps to reproduce: Tried to reproduce but i couldnt reproduce the bug spent 10 mins autoing minions
- Expected result: The animation shouldnt freeze
- Observed result: The animation freezes when auto attacking so it just looks like im stood still firing blades.
- Reproduction rate: Random went in to try and reproduce and i couldnt get the issue to reproduce . Will try again later.
- System specs: ryzen 5600x gtx 1070 16gb 3200mhz Ram
If you can repro (or have a clip) that would be helpful ty for the report