Cool video, but there's something that I've been wanting to bring up for a while that I think is relevant here-- lots of people have been calling FlyQuest 2022 Spring as a team that got off to a bunch of early wins, but eventually couldn't keep up with the "better" teams and then fell off.
That's totally fair. But I also see a lot of people talk about how they got off to an early start by "cheesing" or "abusing" Enchanter top, and then when that got banned out they fell off after, or somehow attributing their early start to using the strategy. I think that idea is mostly untrue.
Firstly, FlyQuest started out 5-1. Of those 5 wins, only 2 of them were using Enchanter top. They were both during week one of the LCS. The first game they played, they were against CLG and won easily-- but CLG was one of the worst teams of the League in 2022 Spring, and I don't think it's fair to say that FlyQuest won against that CLG team by "abusing" anything. They likely would have beat...