League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Jul


Originally posted by TheFakerProdigy

I really do agree a good alfredo is tasty as hell. I also think nerfing irelia is a tasty idea as well.

LPT: Irelia mains usually can't read very well, so when you see them about to dive you can just ask them a question in all chat and they'll get stunlocked for a few seconds trying to read.


Originally posted by TheBluestMan

See it is all on how you prep your chicken that makes the Alfredo good. You also gotta get loss in the sauce for that effective creamy goodness that the dish provides. Not cheesy enough makes me sad.

Ikr. When people aren't dumping cheese into an alfredo like... why even have alfredo at that point.


Originally posted by TheBluestMan

As a person who always cook pasta like an Italian grandmother, I agree. Give it a good boil and put thr ravioli in there and wait a few minutes. Once squishy take it out and you're done with pasta.

Also how do you feel about chicken alfredo?

While not authentic at all a good alfredo (with plenty of garlic) is tasty as hell, but by god people use crusty ass dry chicken breast way too often in that dish.


If you get it to a good rolling boil the water should usually just stay boiling.

Honestly though, you should probably just check doneness by pulling a ravioli out of the water and nibbling on a corner, pull it out when it's still a bit tough to your teeth and finish it in a nice sauce for optimal flavor though.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I mean I love having the most anime fight moments possible when I play League, so contrary to many people my favorite champs to play against are hyper mobile assassins and skirmishers like Akali, Yasuo, Yone, Zed, Irelia and Ekko. I also play those types of champs as well.

The most memorable game of LoL I ever played was a game where I was playing Ekko into Yasuo. So many fun mind games and outplays.

08 Jul


A VPN won’t help. Your ping is limited by the speed of light. You’re 10000km away from the NA servers. At light speed in a straight line it would take 70ms for the round trip. But it’s taking a zigzag path not a straight line, and it’s going less than the speed of light, so your actual ping will be even worse. You’re not ever going to get great ping at that distance.


Hate Teemo. Love this. Great job :)

07 Jul


Gotta appreciate the dedication! At 1,266,494 points, I'm #2852. Looks like I've got a ways to climb!

06 Jul


Hey all- just want to provide clarification. This creator isn’t in LPP.

If it’s ever a question the current list of NA/OCE is publicly listed here: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/community/north-american-league-partnership-program-roster/


Originally posted by SeizureLizard

Geranimo being toxic? I'm shocked

LPP is a joke as long as people like him are allowed to be in it.

Hey all- just want to provide clarification. This creator isn’t in LPP.

If it’s ever a question the current list of NA/OCE is publicly listed here: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/community/north-american-league-partnership-program-roster/

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ok_Road1778

Cool video, but there's something that I've been wanting to bring up for a while that I think is relevant here-- lots of people have been calling FlyQuest 2022 Spring as a team that got off to a bunch of early wins, but eventually couldn't keep up with the "better" teams and then fell off.

That's totally fair. But I also see a lot of people talk about how they got off to an early start by "cheesing" or "abusing" Enchanter top, and then when that got banned out they fell off after, or somehow attributing their early start to using the strategy. I think that idea is mostly untrue.

Firstly, FlyQuest started out 5-1. Of those 5 wins, only 2 of them were using Enchanter top. They were both during week one of the LCS. The first game they played, they were against CLG and won easily-- but CLG was one of the worst teams of the League in 2022 Spring, and I don't think it's fair to say that FlyQuest won against that CLG team by "abusing" anything. They likely would have beat...

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tyty, will keep in mind for future FLY discussions

05 Jul


Originally posted by LordRycho

I don't know if you're even a part of the team who handles monetization and sales strategy at Riot, but I still find it interesting that there are a ton of pre-done ways that the game could be monetized that seemingly aren't done, I know the Halloween map has no updated assets and was Old SR, but I feel like Riot has missed the mark on so many opportunities regarding optimizing the sales strategy instead of just this linear content cannon of patch to patch 14+ skins.

There needs to be some level of optimization that comes into giving people more variety to encourage spending that is not only consistent (both for cash flow to riot and for freshness on the side of the players) Because seeing the way it's going I also wouldn't be surprised to see skin sales % drop drastically over time. Stuff like announcer VO's, Map Skins, even something like custom HUD's would be an amazing addition to the game.

I am one of the people that likes to think I keep the game free becau...

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Hi - I really appreciate thoughtful comments like this one and will make sure that our League team sees it. Contrary to the typical Reddit perception, Riot is made up primarily of players who love our games and want to make them better for people like us/you. There's been some research and prototyping over the years into VO, map skins, etc., and I don't know the latest details, but the cost/benefit has proven challenging in the past for a variety of reasons. That said, enthusiasm from our players/fans is what helps a lot of things get done so I'm happy to share.


Originally posted by Ihaveausernameee

There’s no excuse for this change. Riot makes billions of dollars per year. No amount of employee costs could ever offset the massive profits

You're right that our revenue is in the low billions per year, but our costs are as well, and they have recently been growing faster than revenue because of how much we invest in our games and everything else we deliver to players. That trend isn't sustainable, and premium pricing for optional cosmetics is, believe it or not, the most player focused way that Riot can stay financially healthy long term.


Originally posted by Taradal

I get where you're coming from but with the rising electricity costs obviously the servers are getting more expensive

Energy is not a big expense for us. Riot's largest expense is our people and the average compensation per person has gone up more than 50% since we began selling RP in North America thirteen years ago, and almost 10% in the past year.


Originally posted by ImportantTomorrow332

Is the lack of third party sites accessing api going to be fixed?

This has nothing to do with me but I have passed this on to the people who worked on the migration for follow up. I am not sure if this will require the op.gg devs to point at a different endpoint or if something else in that ecosystem has been changed. Riot is mostly AFK this week so likely it wont be picked up until next week https://www.riotgames.com/en/news/were-taking-a-break-brb

04 Jul


Originally posted by Magna_superstes

Yeah this. Perth, Aussie Broadband. Ping was consistently 59, now 101.

They are routing into Singapore instead of Sydney. I’ll speak to a contact there tomorrow to get it looked at.

03 Jul


Originally posted by zealot416

Oh Phreak of the Reddit Thread, will CLG make Worlds this year?

It’s them or C9.