League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Jun


Originally posted by AofCastle

Have you considered giving her aa range?

I think her short range is what pushes her to rely on her Q, thus making her buy lethality more often than crit.

Is waveclear still a defining factor?

Whatever the answers are I'm curious about your thoughts. Good luck with the update, I hope the update is a success.

Yes we have considered Range but decided against it due to it muddying her identity. Having 500 range buys a lot of budget for fun stuff on the rest of the kit.

She will still waveclear very well, but not quite as crazily mid-late as she does currently. Want her to be closer to her peers here while still being clearly the best.


Originally posted by PatrollerAZ

Is her auto attack range going to be increased?

It will not be. 500 range is going to be her thing for backline marksmen.


Originally posted by Magnaha23

I am guessing her Spellshield will remain more or less the same? To me, that seems like one of Sivir's biggest identities aside from farming up until late.

the functionality of blocking a spell with spellshield will stay the same as, like you said, it's core to her identity in League.


Originally posted by Carlzzone

Will you account for both her lethality and crit builds?

The intention is for Crit to be the go-to build in terms of pick-rate and win-rate. This doesn't mean "killing" lethality as an alternate build necessarily, but it won't be the intended playstyle.


Originally posted by Ok_Road1778

What parts of Sivir's gameplay do you think work really well? What parts do you think are the weakest?

The fantasy of "fast-moving lady with a boomerang that spreads damage" is really compelling and also pretty unique for our roster of marksmen (AOE marksman who is short ranged), but the live kit doesn't really do it justice, especially due to Q and R being REALLY overtuned relative to her other outputs. Hoping to remedy this.


Originally posted by Ayo_The_Pizza_Here69

Is she going to keep her movement speed utility thought? Or is this all just to give her a solid spot in the meta without her lethality build?

She will still have some movement speed utility but not as sharp


Originally posted by xorcism_

Will she be getting an actual passive?

Looking to improve (but not replace) each of her spells to keep her familiar but more functional. This means the passive is likely to be augmented but not swapped for something entirely different


Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

Do you think the mana restore on her spellshield is detrimental to both her mana costs and her kit in general? Making it give a short burst of attack speed for example would feel more exciting while also not forcing her mana costs to be 70-110, 75, 100 to ensure she won't have infinite mana. Restoring mana doesn't feel as impactful since mana is irrelevant (for the most part) until you are no longer able to cast your abilities, and on a marksman whose main source of damage should be basic attacking it feels very disconnected, even if her identity is casting spells as part of her dps.

Mana restore is absolutely detrimental to her pattern and we are looking to have sivir go forward with more typical mana distribution.


Originally posted by gaom9706

Do you have any idea on how you can prevent her from becoming a champion that just stalls out games like she used to?

Waveclear is important to her identity, but there certainly is a limit. On live her waveclear is by far best in class, so aiming to bring that closer to her peers, especially in late game.


Originally posted by Aggravating_Corgi

Yes! So excited, I am assuming you’ll be keeping the W and moving her away from being basically shurelyas? Would love more individual power over buffing her team.

That is a primary goal of the changes. “Just a sivir comp” should be because she does high damage, not because she enables Volibear.


Originally posted by JoeBrow321

what will be the goals of this update ?

making her kit less unidirectional or giving her ways to outplay while ?

High level goals are to legitimize her Crit build and play style by giving her more consistent tools to do high DPS at the cost of some of her ability to shuttle teammates around.

This will be done by making her W and Q far more functional for crit builds and giving her a personal DPS buff on R in exchange for some (but not all) of her utility and early poke.


Excited to work on Sivir! Pretty passionate about this project, I can answer some questions here in this thread if you have them.


Very cool to see some reviews start to filter in. We did a private screening for a bunch of community folks last week and the reception was positive -- some people came up and said, "We expected you to f*ck this up but we were surprised." And, well, thanks, I guess?! Haha.

So far some of the sleights are actually that the show might be TOO inside baseball. I hope some of these early reviews alleviate some concerns about the authenticity of the world we've built, cuz we'll need some help from y'all to pull in non-League viewers into our world! Tony and Dan were especially amazing to work with -- Vandalheads already know how special that show is, and I think we've managed to retain a lot of that magic (and then added some more)!


Originally posted by DefinitelyNotSmall

+3 ad on Graves


13 Jun


Annie pog


Originally posted by DelBringo

Better Rioter Wins

It wasn't me, ya goob

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FriendlyGhostLady

Samira, akshan, belveth, tank...meanwhile when was last champ from frejlord and tagon, damacia etc

Samira is Noxus and BV is void

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JailsinhoHue


Oh yeah! I always think of him as aligned to the Sentinels rather then a region

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FriendlyGhostLady

And why not some Champs from frejlord or smehing...just shurima every year is getting so boring

When was the last Champions from Shurima we made? I can't even think of it


Originally posted by hobbinator924

Tell that to most everyone who lives below Princeton, you'll find that the majority call it Pork Roll.

The Trenton Thunder (minor league baseball) have a Pork Roll as a mascot (and pretty good pork roll and cheese sandwiches on Friday nights).

With that said, I prefer Taylor Ham (sounds classier - which all native NJ people will appreciate), but I'm from Northern NJ, so that tracks.