League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Jun


Originally posted by pureply101

My problem with Jersey, New York, Boston, and even Philly is the fact I can’t go a day without yelling out “I’m walking here” and I’m sure that offends the people that live there but I can’t stop.

If it makes you feel better, when you walk around those places, best bet is no one is paying any attention to what you're yelling.


Originally posted by firewall245

Still super sad they cancelled the finals in Newark last year and haven’t made plans to come back :(


Like other people said, it's meant to be future facing

12 Jun

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zarathielis

Sorry to bother you, but could you repost what team (art, gameplay etc) is working on the high-skill toplaner? I swear you posted it before, but I cant seem to find it

Maxw3ll did the original design though one of our newer designers took it over. I can’t remember his rioter name though. The artist is RiotEarp and SkipToMyLuo is doing the narrative


Originally posted by shrubs311

no worries totally understand why you'd want to be 100% sure. thanks for the response!

I’m asking around today but not sure if anyone will get back to me on a Sunday. I’ll update if I hear back.


Originally posted by shrubs311

hey, i know a few of us are wondering how this works with skins. i assume you won't be able to buy skins for champs you don't permanently own but do you have any idea of how that will work?

I’m not positive so don’t want to get it wrong. It’s either that you won’t be able to buy skins for champs you don’t own or you can but it would revert to a full skin shard if you later didn’t own the champion any more. Not positive which, but I know that doesn’t really help. We’ll have more details in the next few months before this launches in the winter. I’ll make sure this is in the FAQ.


Originally posted by Canzas

Do I need to renew gamePass every month or just buy it once and the Champions will stay?

My understanding is that you’ll still be able to unlock Champions/Little Legends/Cards/Agents in the normal ways while playing with an account linked to Game Pass. Everything earned from gameplay will then stay unlocked later if you let your subscription lapse. That’s part of the reason for the bonus experience that also comes with a linked account.

Elsewhere in the thread there are people comparing it to the Riot Unlocked model that’s used in PC Bangs and that’s very close to what we’re doing here.


Originally posted by Cashmiir

(Hi Marty!)

Yeah I also had never played with a Rioter and have been playing since Season 2. Then in my first few weeks as a Rioter I got one on my team.

And since then I've been matched against coworkers. I like to shit talk them in slack as the game happens.

LOL hey Erika. If the day comes where I perform WELL against another Rioter maybe then I can try this Slack idea ;)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Would you say that she slaps?


Originally posted by CVPKR

What happens when you leave riot?

It’s on the long checklist of stuff we do when someone leaves Riot. We turn off their RP stipend and switch their name back. Sometimes we mess this up but it’s very rare so if you see someone with Riot in their name they’re almost definitely legit.


Originally posted by swdNipps

I got RiotPhillybrew in my ARAM game once, really cool guy who directed the team to feed the poros. Funny thing I didn't even realise he was a rioter until after the game

We blew that poro up I bet


Originally posted by sorendiz

Phillybrew is the only rioter I've run into more than once!

+1 more time


Originally posted by MartyMcNinja

Been playing since Caitlyn's release, never played with a Rioter.

Then in 2019, became a Rioter. So uh that's how I fixed that problem I guess!

(Hi Marty!)

Yeah I also had never played with a Rioter and have been playing since Season 2. Then in my first few weeks as a Rioter I got one on my team.

And since then I've been matched against coworkers. I like to sh*t talk them in slack as the game happens.


Been playing since Caitlyn's release, never played with a Rioter.

Then in 2019, became a Rioter. So uh that's how I fixed that problem I guess!


Originally posted by QuiescentRabbitt

Your offer open for others? :eyes:

There’s hypothetically 3 more open spots in the lobby, I don’t see why not!

Edit: how about Monday evening (PDT), I’ll have an open lobby for anyone interested? Will update here with my IGN then :)

Edit 2: Lobby open! Send a friend request to Riot Pjotter on NA and I'll add you to the lobby.


Originally posted by Scatter5D

I don't think I've ever played with or against a Rioter and I play since season 3 lmao, or maybe I have but I just didnt realise it

If you’re in NA, let’s fix that 👉😎👉

11 Jun


Originally posted by NocaNoha

How about something else that sounds.. a bit easier - additional damage dealt at max stacks?

Even that would be somewhat of an useful stat

As others have mentioned; there's no way for it to tell you how much additional damage it did at max stacks. For example, if you Syndra Q with liandries, it would need to snapshot the AP ratio of both your Q and liandries, as well as your other runes and items, then simulate the damage as if you didn't have the adaptive, and do that every single tick of damage. This is also not counting other outputs that Conqueror helps: Healing/shielding that scales off AD/AP. Riven/Swain for example get a lot of value from conqueror that isn't tied to how much damage you deal. It's just not really feasable.