League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Jun


Originally posted by Braxenionuwu

Hi Ken! Whe you say later this year, you mean next event after MSI pass? Or like later September-December?

Q4 basically. So September - December. We are targeting Worlds. 👀

05 Jun


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

ping google.co.kr

I'm not that player but from EU I get

Reply from 2a00:1450:4009:821::2003: time=14ms

Reply from 2a00:1450:4009:821::2003: time=14ms

Reply from 2a00:1450:4009:821::2003: time=13ms

Reply from 2a00:1450:4009:821::2003: time=14ms

How does that relate to the ping I would get on league KR games?

Oof, sorry. That address resolves to a local mirror. Try "ping" intsead. It should be closer to the ping you would have to KR


Originally posted by shkmin

ping on KR? never tried.. frankly scared of that server hahah

You could try from commandline "ping google.co.kr" and it will give you an idea

You can also do "tracert google.co.kr" to see where the different hops your internet traffic will go through

KR just has the best network infrastructure in the world and a very high player density for League so its likely you'll get a more reliable connection and faster match times for a similar skill level


Ouch, I feel your pain from playing MP games in aus back in the day. If you are going to be on that kind of latency then consistency will matter as much as another average 50ms. I would guess that KR is your best option. Also please don't use WiFi.


Originally posted by Sandalman3000

Would there be any feasibility for One For All Mirror Mode to come back? One of my main issues which causes me grief in OFA is that your entire team can get hard countered by the entire opposing team. OFA:MM on Howling Abyss I thought was a neat riff on the original idea. First being on Howling Abyss lowered the stakes of the game by the quick nature of the map. And in addition to getting rid of the hard countering in OFA, you also prompted different builds. My most memorable game was a OFA:MM of all Braums, each team had a crit Braum, a tank Braum, an AP Braum, and an on hit Braum. Fights were long, figuring out which Braum to focus was a topic of discussion in each fight.

I'm hoping being similar to OFA would make this mode easier to bring back, but at the very least I would like to voice this opinion to you.

Great points. I think there is certainly more we could do with OFA in the future, including improvements to the “oh no their pick is the hard counter to our pick” situation that can happen sometimes. I’ll send this to the Modes team and see what they think :)

04 Jun


Thanks for taking the time to write this up - it’s a really constructive conversation-starter. A few thoughts to address your feedback and some of what I’m seeing others talk about in the comments:

Map accents are something we know that players like and add flavor and variety to the event. As a few people have already mentioned, Elemental Drakes made this a lot more complicated to do, since SR is a very hand-crafted map and is not modular or easy to edit at all (this is a tradeoff we made intentionally with the SR update so the game could still run on extremely low spec machines). We also have limited art bandwidth in this space. That being said - we miss the cozy feels of the snow map (as just one example) as much as all of you, and we are exploring ways to resource some changes there. I can’t make any promises about timelines, but we love how much map accents spruce up the play experience, and we want to find ways to make this easier and more sustainable ...

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Originally posted by Cpt_Blackbird99

It’s annoying how the tower buffs are getting reverted already. Towers should do even more damage than they do currently. They are a complete non threat the entire game

Only OUTER TOWERS are getting slightly tweaked, and it should only be ~1/3 a reduction from the Durability Update changes. ALL OTHER TOWERS are unchanged from their Durability Update buffs. This "towers are getting reverted" narrative is strictly false.


Originally posted by kirbyfreek33

Using the same site and looking at platinum+ and diamond+ seems to show some significant variance in the data, though. I'll ignore Kayn and Nocturne so we can go from the all-rank <50 winrate for each.

Mid Plat+: https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?lane=middle

Qiyana at 51.22, Talon's at 50.58, Zed at 50.41, and Pyke's at 50.36.

Mid Dia+: https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?lane=middle&tier=diamond_plus

Qiyana's at 53.32, Talon at 52.58, Zed at 51.03, and Pyke at 50.99.

Jng Plat+: https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?lane=jungle

Rengar's at 52.78, Kha'zix at 52.09, Qiyana at 50.90, Talon at 50.51, and Zed at 48.45.

Jng Dia+: https://lolal...

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Assassins have higher win-rates at higher ranks yup. That's a much smaller portion of the player base, but it's still valid.

It's not really realistic for us to ignore the vast majority of the playerbase when balancing however, so while it's definitely useful to look at plat+ (and elite) to figure out if some champs are too powerful in those brackets, ignoring everything below that is disingenuous as well.


Originally posted by alexnedea

Hmm I see the point but buffing assasin items and nerfing bruiser (maw, dd) items wont create the opposute effect? Fighters picking assasin items? Just wondering but i would REALLY hate to see Irelias become invisible or have an extra dash on their target.

Fighters in particular are pretty bound to their items. Deaths dance, maw, steraks, etc are all designed to give fighters the ability to teamfight, which is what they need. Assassin items (on average) don't do this, so it's unlikely they swap over in the majority of cases.


Originally posted by TealandCyan

Can you just undo the Zed R nerf to 0.65% ratio that happened couple months ago?

If we take a swing at buffing Zed, it would likely be in a higher counterplay area than R (non-amp) damage.

03 Jun


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

Their pick rates are very high though still - implying they are still being picked into games they should not be as a strategic choice.

If left for a few months people might stop blinding ad assassins every game and only pick them when a team comp supports it, increasing their win rates.

There is nothing that currently proves pickrate and win-rate are correlated/negatively correlated outside of immediately following reworks/reshapes. By this same logic, Zed (8% pickrate and 48% winrate) is MUCH MUCH worse than Veigar (8% pickrate and 53% winrate) in the same meta.


You have to use the data somewhat responsibly at least:

Mid: https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?lane=middle&tier=all

The very first AD assassin (if you count him) is pyke at 49 flat. All the rest of them are below.

Jungle: https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?lane=jungle&tier=all

The very first AD assassin is Nocturne at 50.7 (if you count him), Kayn (if you count him) at 50.4, with everyone else below 50.

This doesn't mean they are TRAGIC by any means, but does not imply they are powerful. And ...

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Originally posted by swan-sie

Just seeing a lot of buffs to damage numbers immediately after the durability update worries me a bit. Do you know if there will be another quick gameplay thoughts discussing how the patch landed, and where RIOT is aiming to direct the game next?

there will be, yes


We're specifically trying not to do this.

I'd love to hear things from players around what things specifically you're worried about going back to the old state? (And what things in the new state feel weak/strong?)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ithrowstacksonegirls

Is there any chance for a female darkin in the future or atleast A DARKIN?!

Their is always a chance


Originally posted by stonerbobo

I get that "ggez" is not exactly clever but it is funny to me. Most often I type that when we lose hard, which makes it even funnier (to me at least).

funny is subjective and you might think it's a dumb lame joke but it's certainly not a personal attack. Riot shouldn't be policing what's funny, only what's toxic.

Hey that’s the great thing about reports. It’s not Riot policing it. It’s actual players reporting people who are assholes and riot goes “ah they get reported frequently, let’s see what they’ve been up to.”

So… you’re still wrong! Nice!


Originally posted by Xhalo

Inb4 they are hired and we see the same post in 5 years



Originally posted by OBLIVIATER

They're likely asleep, hopefully they'll wake up soon and get back to you. Always glad to see a company actually take interest in heartfelt feedback. Very encouraging

This was literally me back in the Everquest days - writing up big posts


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Buddy you might wanna see this, other Tryn you could DM them lol

I did DM them - haven’t heard back!