League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Mar


Originally posted by Sod411

u/Ken_Adams_NSA please listen to this feedback. Add the mythical stuff back to the reroll :(


Originally posted by NenBE4ST

Yasuo is balanced and fair

Yasuo is actually tuned far below almost every other champion in the game. It's just that the average Yasuo player has like 130 games on him and makes up for that tuning in actual champion mastery.

Originally posted by LeX1488

No mention of alex_ich really rubbed me the wrong way. He was part of the holy trinity of eu mids not f**king ocelote.

Also to add on here - we did include them on D2 in our FNC vs G2 history monologue, when we talked about top EU teams at the start of the league, where we had Moscow 5 and Alex Ich


One of the most complex segments I've ever been involved in and interesting for cameras too. We originally planned to do this prerecorded but ended up doing it live, omg it was intense.


Originally posted by LeX1488

No mention of alex_ich really rubbed me the wrong way. He was part of the holy trinity of eu mids not f**king ocelote.

100% accidental slip. It was in prompter, in my script, in the prep and the videos and as I was changing which prompter to read in the studio (I used 6 different screens fyi) I just missed it. I explained it on twitter immediately after and feel gutted I missed it for the live version.


Originally posted by Baked_Butters

Want a TSM fan to troll at finals? I’ll be there!

I’ll be counting on you to start the TSM chants.


Originally posted by FearMyFPS

Winrate gained compared to average of every other supp combo with the champs?

If I am remembering correctly its just "winrate gained (or lost) when paired with X champion" compared to their average winrate otherwise.

28 Mar


Originally posted by Profoundsoup

I met LS way back in the day. He’s just as you would expect.

I also met Trick2g, he’s also as you’d expect. Cool dude but he was more soft spoken and humble than he comes off on stream.

All the casters are all dope. Phreak is awesome. He’s been around forever.

Yo, thanks! You're also awesome and have been around forever.


For both of you: What has changed the most about the Bjerg/Santorin since you were on TSM together?


Originally posted by SocialistScissors

In terms of 2 individual champs, Kalista + Yuumi is really bad.

In terms of overall, It would probably be a team of 5 champions who function really well when given a condition, but nobody on the team can force that condition. Creating a team that has a very clear win condition but a complete inability to get that win condition would probably suck.

Maybe something like Samira + Yasuo + Sona + Low CC jungle + Low CC squishy top would do the trick. You would be almost entirely reliant of yasuo to land a tornado in order to actually win a fight, but otherwise you literally cannot engage. The sona pick would also stagnate Samira's ability to snowball due to a weak laning phase, basically leaving her even more useless than she already would be. maybe Yasuo can 1v9 that game, but I don't think it would be a good comp.

Edit: Another example would be a full Magic DPS comp. Ryze top, Karthus Jungle, Azir Mid, Cassiopeia botlane, and probably a support like lulu who l...

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For just bot lanes specifically, the best combination is Kalista + Taric in terms of winrate gained. I think the worst is either Jhin + Lulu or Kalista + Yuumi

27 Mar


Series 2 should be releasing later this year.

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by tomorrow_queen

Also love it. They've been doing a good job with the graphics to break down the path to playoffs and the MVP mountain graphic is such a meme.

Appreciate the kind words! (from an LEC flair no less) We're doing our best to mix memes/fun with analysis so I'm glad people are liking it :)

26 Mar


Originally posted by Tormentula

Elise Mains owner here, its the Self cast rappel bug.

If you Alt-E (self casting even with your cursor on the map and nothing else), while standing too close inside a target model, you will drop back down and it will be treated like a targetted rappel. This applies to all units, not just champions.

Here's a demonstration;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t78PhtVyaYA, note my cursor's location, literally no where near the target, and I get the targetted rappel buff (spider queen amp) when that's exclusive to E1 targetted rappel.

and when I said all units, I meant literally all of them, we even started practicing this new mechanic with plants to escape over the walls and the bug as been ignored for so long some of us have gotten good at it: https://streamable.com/raq4eo

This bug has been in the game for years actually. Its extremely f...

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Interesting. Thank you for making it so clear and obvious, the video helps a ton. I'll see what I can do.


Originally posted by dracdliwasiAN

What an opening segment, LEC production man



Originally posted by Javonetor

btw, i know Drakos is currently in covid quarantine, but why Medic isn't rotating with Quickshot?

i thought, as he casted yesterday, today would be an old man cast

Old man cast tomorrow! For G2and FNC I haven't casted as often this spring and Medic is in better form than I am! So he for sure deserves this cast alongside what I think is the best colour duo on the planet. This is a banger tricast and I'm hyped to watch from home.


Originally posted by DimlightHero

Talking about FNC vs G2 and not mentioning SK. SMH

There was a brief mention about how FNC> gambit SK origen etc.

Originally posted by Raynar7

Any guesses on the result?

No spoilers! :P

Originally posted by HansSoloQ

This game is still so hype to watch

One of the craziest game I've ever watched

25 Mar


I mean hey I put my rank on resume to Riot, this is basically the same thing right


Came to the comment section to see what people thought. Pleased to see it’s all just about Ablolive