League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Mar


Originally posted by Hyoudou

What I forgot to ask, I am curious from an artistic perspective:

Where or how did you take your inspiration from while updating Shaco's VFX?

How hard was it, thinking of new effects for Shaco? I mean he was the OG roster from 2009 without a proper VFX or (still no) lore, so I assume it must have been hard to come up with anything.

His new effects remind me of Vex or Lulu for some "unknown" reason :^)

It was definitely a bit challenging. I took inspiration from his splash art, and from the idea of "illusion" magic.


Originally posted by Hyoudou

But what about clarity and stuff like that? How are people going to know if its on or off CD?

What about adding some kind of small aura/fog around his daggers just as his Crime City/Arcane skin have?

I mean it would be like Master Yi's E. If you dont see it, you know its on CD and if its blue/yellow its active or casteable.

Maybe use something different, that doesnt look like a DoT? See Master Yi's E. You've got the magic hands, Sirhaian! If there's someone that can do it, its you.

Oh my bad, I missed that part! No promises, but I'll have a look.

EDIT: I've added it in. Should hit PBE tomorrow if I'm not mistaken! Here it is: https://imgur.com/96wP9Rk


Originally posted by moobeat

hi /u/RiotSirhaian! thanks for the update!

Hiiii! Hope you enjoy it! :D

And hope you're doing great!!


Originally posted by Hyoudou


Finally, after all these years... I will never ever bother you again regarding the Shaco VFX, you are free from me. Thank you.

But here is some feedback I could give:

Is it possible to give Shaco's weapons some kind of poison fluid, aura or something like that, which shows that his Two-Shiv Poison (E) ability is either off or on cooldown?

You can also see it on his Classic Splashart, there is some kind of pink/purple fluid on his weapon that indicates that it is "poisoned".

His E slows if its not on CD and if its on cooldown in won't slow

His newer skin have some kind of aura around them, but its always there, not bound to the E cooldown.

I really want to thank you again, for doing this. In the name of all Shaco players:


So I did try having some poison feel to the dagger, but it ended up looking like it would apply a DoT. We decided against it then!


Originally posted by hexforce

Loving most of the updates! I only have one initial concern about the way her passive is displayed on enemy units :

Just some quick screenshots for example - New passive vs Current passive

I worry it's not obvious/clear enough especially for anyone with eye strain or visual impairments.

We deliberately reduced its intensity because of its low gameplay impact.


Originally posted by GaT0M

From the video is her texture getting an update on base skin or is it just me who forgot how she looks after only playing her with skins?

Nope, no texture update! Only VFX. :)


Hi sorry I’m super late but just wanted to say I really appreciate all the game theory discussion in this thread and these are risk areas we actively think about frequently.


Originally posted by Sittinginchairs

I admit I just bought them because they were cool, and had no idea about the outreach.

I mean that's not what I'm going to tell my wife when she notices the new skins, but that's my business.

Illusion: 100


Hello everyone! :D

Similar to the previous VFX updates we’ve made in the past (Vel'Koz, Zilean, Syndra, etc), we're working on updates to the Visual Effects (VFX) of champions whose spell effects are in need of some love. Our aim is to get their VFXs to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. This time, it's Leona's turn, for 12.7's PBE Patch!

This VFX Update is a smaller one, aimed at simply cleaning up some of Base Leona's older VFXs, while bringing them a bit closer to how they looked in the cinematic "The Call".

Just like all the previous ones, and since these are smaller updates geared toward sprucing up some of the oldest members of the roster, they aren't in the same prioritization conversation as to how we decide who gets a VGU (where we take model, gameplay, and thematic into account too!): they do not affect any other timeline, and are simply dev passion projects.


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Hello everyone! :D

Similar to the previous VFX updates we’ve made in the past (Vel'Koz, Zilean, Syndra, etc), we're working on updates to the Visual Effects (VFX) of champions whose spell effects are in need of some love. Our aim is to get their VFXs to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. This time, it's Shaco's turn, for 12.7's PBE Patch!

This VFX Update was mainly focused on giving Shaco's spells a more unique and modern identity, while also making them a bit easier to see.

Just like all the previous ones, and since these are smaller updates geared toward sprucing up some of the oldest members of the roster, they aren't in the same prioritization conversation as to how we decide who gets a VGU (where we take model, gameplay, and thematic into account too!): they do not affect any other timeline, and are simply dev passion projects.

Here's a video preview of the changes for his n...

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Originally posted by untamedlazyeye

They deserve a raise

He left Riot. :( I'll never forgive him for such a monumental betrayal.


Originally posted by PartyMagus

Everyone seems super focused on Taliyah (which I can understand, she has been weak for too long) and for her it seems like there are too many possible directions that it becomes hard to imagine what happens.

AoE Q makes sense, changing the passive so her roamcapability is weaker at the same time I could see as well, how she interacts with worked ground has changed before and I could see it change again, maybe her ult empowers her abilities in some way so she is gated by ult CD a bit, which could also allow them to unlock her from mid via AoE Q, since she doesn't always have her full power like she currently has, W could apply grounded instead of (or in addition to?) interacting with dashes by damaging them.

So many ways she could get changes, but Olaf? What are they going to change? His ult has to remain pretty much the same, I guess they could move the passive resistances/AD depending on if it is active or not atm around? I also can't see how they would change his ...

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Idk, I am honestly more interested in what they do with Olaf because it seems harder to add depth into his kit without fundamentally changing it.

It was an interesting challenge for sure.


Knowing how to productively give feedback to others so you can all level up your performance collectively is just as important as your own ability to reflect on games and identify areas for your own focused improvement.

I struggled with this during my earlier years of ranked and playing with friends. I was fortunate to have people who could highlight the impact I was having on them and trusted me enough to give me feedback. It was tough to swallow but it made me a better player and person long term. I wish Forg1ven the best.

29 Mar


Originally posted by wr3ck_1t

Yeah I'm finally saving my gemstones for a change... looking at that Spirit Blossom Teemo prestige that'll come in with the first wave. Oooh yeah.

The sound designer who worked on that one said he wanted to make "the most annoying sounding Teemo skin ever" and piss off people by making his "flute shredding" back spammable and I'll honestly never forgive him for it.


Originally posted by RiotAugust

Does Jinx getting cat ears count as a buff?

+1 damage to twitch and pugmaw


Originally posted by Omnilatent

Isn't that very restricting? I could not believe sitting pants would look bad on you standing!

Haha it's more about standing pants making my cough booty cough look guuuuud

Lol jokes aside it's just how things are tailored and my preferences. If I didn't pick up the covid kilos I wouldn't have ripped my pants sitting down.


Originally posted by Omnilatent

At which exact point in time did your pants rip? 😂

Scroll back on my twitter a fan made a meme that's a few seconds before the moment. I was reading the FNC caps 2018 story sitting down just before Kevin pulled me back.

Super behind the scenes share btw, I have sit down pants and standing pants in my show wardrobe. I was wearing standing pants and sat down... Problems ensued


Originally posted by Boomslang_Yo

All I'm hearing is that I'm a Yasuo God who's being held down by the man. Please buff him tomorrow so I can justify instalocking him this weekend in Clash. Thank you Phreak.

I got you.


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Not surprised to hear this

Do have to wonder how much of that is a consequence of player frustration though

If people complain about him incessantly even when he's intentionally tuned down is it indicative of a more frustrating kit then average?

Eh, player frustration matters I’m sure. But also you just balance champions as they’re played. Imagine nerfing Senna prematurely just because you expect Locket to catch on one day.


Does Jinx getting cat ears count as a buff?