League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Sep


Originally posted by ColdBeing

Have you ever thought that maybe Amumu has a high win rate because of Sunfire Aegis? Since amumu has more sticking power now with his 2 Q's, he's able to apply the Sunfire's damage passive consistently.

Just something to think about...

Yeah we look at winrate by item data, Sunfire doesn't seem to be ringing any particular alarm bells as extremely strong on Amumu.


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Genuine sentiment, but what's the go with always using internal data if players can't hold anyone to a specific point, because external sites will always be different to internal ones? I know it's not really the point of the framework it's just odd.

This is a tough one, external websites use our API so they have the same data we do, its just a matter of what filters they are showing it to you through. For example all of OP.GG's data is only for Plat+ in Korea. For us, we splice our data up based on elo brackets (and also we lock holistically of course). Theres technically nothing stopping websites from doing the same thing, they just don't so we end up with seemingly mismatched data. Realistically even the slightest change in how you look at data will change almost everything, so its hard for exact alignment here.


Originally posted by Indercarnive

I don't envy the balance team. The system changes designed around reducing his low elo skew (giving him more early power at the cost of scaling power) are the same system changes that grant more power to support role (strong base power).

Maybe transfer some of his base power from his Q to his E? His E is invaluable for jungling since it's the clear ability while in support it's basically just a bit of burst in your all in.

We don't really have a problem with Amumu support honestly. The main reason we remove a champion from a role is when it is excessively skewed or generally unhealthy in what it does. Amumu doesn't really have those problems, so as long as his winrate isn't excessive (which it currently is) then we have no problem with him existing there.


Originally posted by BulbuhTsar

5 star man could be Aurelian sol. Or When Charlie explains burning trash, "i can put the trash into a landfill for millions of years or I can burn it up, let that smoke go into the sky where it turns into stars"

BulbuhTsar and Nikdoog collab inc?

28 Sep

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SylentSymphonies

Where Seal Sister

The new passive is related to the Seal Sister


Originally posted by hewasgameboy

Irelias winrate in master+ is around 52% in both top and mid, wheres in platinum+ it only hugs 50%, I don't see the purpose of nerfing a skill reliant champion that is performing okay at middling elos and decently at higher elos. Do you guys no agree that skillfull champions that are well executed by the player deserve an above average win rate?

Regardless of winrate her banrate is also very high which is another metric we take into account, though I think internal data suggests she is OP off winrate alone regardless.


Originally posted by bz6


I just love the fact that for once you added skill expression as a change and not dumbed down the game. I love the 2Q change, im f**king Spider-Man 😅

Need more skill expressive changes.

Glad you liked it! All credit goes to the designer AzuBK!


Originally posted by Adarkes01

I wish they’d just admit the 2Q change was a mistake and find something else to do.

The 2Q change was an objective success in the goals or reducing low elo skew on the champion. He’s currently sitting a tad too high in winrate so just looking to tap that down for both jungle and support.


Originally posted by HS_Cogito_Ergo_Sum

I wonder if the Amumu nerfs are jungler-focused or support-focused...

Both, but support is stronger so looking to tone that down more.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Earthliving


small question on our new support, are you able to tell us the Lead Gameplay Designer on this champion?


27 Sep


Originally posted by Adarkes01

I wish they’d just admit the 2Q change was a mistake and find something else to do.

Overall I think it was a huge success, he's getting play at all brackets and the win-rate discrepancy is much smaller. Is he OP? Hell yeah. But that's a simple one to fix now that we've remedied the deeper problem.


Originally posted by Captain_Chogath

51% wr adc and 48.5% support, fun fact multiple members of the playtest team main her and samira.

Hello I main Kayle


Finally, a post that I am uniquely qualified to respond to.

Kled was just, muah, chef's kiss

No Yorick scene where Charlie talks about ghouls?

I feel like there's a lot of potential for the 5 star man scene but I can't figure out who it fits.


Originally posted by Definitively-Weirdo

Will you consider removing the reduced damage from her Q towards minions? That's why Taliyah mid is seen as unviable by most mains/ex-mains.

Could see something in that space, the way her Q interacts with minions generally is imo less than ideal


Originally posted by Miudmon

Taliyah really isn't allowed to be good, huh?

Also darius is getting buffed. I can see so many people ranting against that one in the comments, despite him having... pretty much fallen from grace by quite a bit.

The recent Tali mid changes ended up bumping her up a bit too much in the jungle

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by edealbad

Hey man, I know you probably get a lot of replies on your comments so this might get lost in there, but just in case you might read this, I love the work you and your team have done with VGUs. Volibear is still my favorite champ to this day and this Udyr update looks awesome.


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Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Hi Reav3, are you willing (or not) to tell us what the annual rate goal is for ASUs? Like 4 a year? 6? 2? 12 ;)

I won't comment on that, since the skins team is working on ASUs, and I don't generally like commenting on other teams projects. I will say it is A LOT of work to rebuild a Champion from the ground up (we do it on champs team all the time) since you also have to update most of the Champion skin catalog.

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Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Are all of these champions still in the VGU category that you gave last year or did some get reevaluated into ASU? https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/gx5eu8/its\_a\_shame\_riot\_isnt\_prioritizing\_vgus\_over\_new/ft0s91i?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x

yeah those all still 100% need VGUs

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Originally posted by Protect_the_Weak


Does getting ASU disqualify them from receiving a VGU, or would it instead be a partial VGU targeting only gameplay?

I don't think we would choose Champions for ASUs that needed a VGU. Thier are plenty of Champs that could benefit from a ASU that don't need a VGU. ASUs are meant to target Champs that have solid gameplay but dont need any gameplay changes.

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could you also possibly share Vex's current b/d

I checked this morning and our B/D data is stuck. Our insights team is getting it unstuck now but said we won't likely have that data until tomorrow