League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

04 Oct


Originally posted by wasteofdialga

It looks too purple. One of syndra’s iconic designs it’s her PURE BLACK spheres with the electricish magic around it. It gave a very ethereal feel. This looks nice for a skin but not for base syndra.

Sadly we are not allowed to use pure black for VFXs. :(

I can see if I can tone down the intensity of the purples a bit, though.


Originally posted by OneAndOnlyArtemis

Is it within the scope of a visual update to tie her orbiting spheres with her R availability? Like Ekko's trail and many other more modern kits, Syndra's Ultimate uses those spheres, but she has them at the beginning of the game and while R is on CD too.

As much as I'd personally love that, it sadly isn't within scope. That'd require quite a refactoring. :(


Originally posted by PietroTheCzar

I knew it was you <3



Hello everyone!

Similar to the previous VFX updates we’ve made in the past (Ziggs, Zilean, Malzahar, etc), we're working on updates to the Visual Effects (VFX) of champions whose spell effects are in need of some love. Our aim is to get their VFXs to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. This time, it's Syndra's turn, for 11.21's PBE Patch! I worked on this particular VFX Update with the great Riot Temcampy!

Just like all the previous ones, and since these are smaller updates geared toward sprucing up some of the oldest members of the roster, they aren't in the same prioritization conversation as to how we decide who gets a VGU (where we take model, gameplay, and thematic into account too!): they do not affect any other timeline, and are simply dev passion projects.

Here's a video preview of the changes. As usual, the more recent the skins are, the less changes they are getting. Her...

Read more External link →

oooo this is dope! Love the color scheme!


Oh that’s weird. Let me look into that. Grats on the win btw

03 Oct


Originally posted by Caenen_

What's the primary issue, the detection of Samira W or the line after which the Jhin W should exclude targets?

I don't know the exact specifics but essentially Yasuo W creates and destroys minions very fast when it interacts with Jhin W in order to simulate the projectile. Samira W would have to do that in a circle, while moving dynamically which just... isn't as feasible. We would likely have to come up with a new solution.


Originally posted by FrigidFlames

It's designed to be treated as a projectile in every way, even though it's technically coded as hitscan. Yasuo's wind wall was hardcoded to block it.

And then, uhh, Samira came out and they just forgot to do the same with hers? And never bothered to since? I don't think it was a legitimate design decision, just an oversight or maybe some weird technical issue.

This is a known bug but the fix is extremely difficult. That's no excuse, but this is something that we would like to fix eventually. To put it simply, the way Yasuo's Windwall interacts with Jhin W is easier because it is a straight line, while Samira's is a lot more difficult because it is a circle and moves with her.

02 Oct


"Sorry team, I think we had this one until Vayne decided to open an all-you-can-eat buffet on top lane"

30 Sep


Ok so I actually played around with this in my spare time a little while ago. Monsters turning into frozen thralls was really sick but it needed a ton of work beyond that to be at all shippable

29 Sep

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by StuntinOutFront

Hey Am1t8, since you seem to be the only Rioter that responds. Can you please explain to me why Akali EQ animation was removed??

Riven, Yasuo, Qiyana, even Syndra have EQ animation that are integral part of their kit. I am struggling to understand why the removal of a mechanic was necessary, instead of just reducing the damage. I tried to ping RiotPhlox, but have gotten 0 responses from him.

Thank you for all your hard work in keeping this game running.

Unfortunately, that's out of my scope of work, I am not sure :(

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by WmWzK

It's happening in urf hard to be sure 100% though since it happens most of the time but not always, happens if you edit your rune page before everyone locks in the champions.

I am unable to DM you directly, but are you on low spec mode?

Also, what GPU are you using? In the latest patch notes, we recommend everyone make sure their GPU and OS drivers are updated. It did help with most problems


Usually less mobile champs, especially junglers and mid-laners, end up being incredibly complex because they need to play the map. Old Nunu, Udyr, Singed, ASol, etc. Others have very obscure/unique mechanics, like Taliyah, Singed, ASol, etc. so playing them is unlike other champions with less transferable skills. Typically ADCs have flat mastery cuves, especially old ones, because the skills needed (move + right click) are so universal to the role.

I think all time old Nunu was the most surprising and nowadays it's probably Udyr, Rek'Sai, and Singed.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback :)

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by WmWzK

Everything seems faster except for editing runes before locking in your champ in urf, for some reason client goes on the verge of crashing when I do this, and goes back to normal once everyone locked in their champ, caused me a couple of dodges.

Hey, qq, does this happen in URF only, or SR also? can you DM me?



Singed, Udyr, and Yuumi all have pretty real mastery curves


Originally posted by ProgressiveCannibal

By what terms is the Kraken build worse than Sunderer or Eclipse? And you don't think Eclipse is better than Sunderer generally?

Last I checked the first item win rate is very clearly better for non-Kraken in both roles though I haven’t looked in a bit.


Originally posted by ProEngineer3000

Thank god they pulled back on buffing Senna.

Aren't those Darius and Udyr buffs pretty good? I think Udyr's is a revert of a previous nerf tho, but yeah.

FWIW the Senna buffs were pretty much entirely for alternate builds: AP ratios, Lethality ratios, and so on.

Senna's in a weird spot right now where the most popular build (Kraken AS) is demonstrably worse than Sunderer or Eclipse builds.

I'm not certain if this is because players mistakenly believe the only good way to play Senna is Kraken or if they'd really just rather play an attack speed build even though it's worse.

So ultimately it feels like Riot is trying to push build diversity. Eclipse isn't definitively better than Sunderer, so it's sort of an OK place to buff. The AP ratio changes just make the idea of getting an Ardent Censer and related items to push the healing angle a bigger possibility.

Anyways, yeah, not sure what the solution (or, personally, the problem) is.


Following up on this