/u/Reav3 are you able to share Vex's placeholder name and model
It was "Shadow Yordle", and Lutz started with Little Demon Tristana as her temp model
/u/Reav3 are you able to share Vex's placeholder name and model
It was "Shadow Yordle", and Lutz started with Little Demon Tristana as her temp model
Nah, but nice champ insight. She actually looks really cool!
Thanks! Her team did an amazing job on her. They made my job much easier
Excited to see all the reactions to Vex (teh Yordle of d0oM)!
Hopefully you guys all enjoy how fed up she is with dashes when she hits PBE tomorrow. We spent a lot of time trying to find the sweetspot for her anti-dash gameplay. Compared to other standard mages, she should feel more empowered in-lane against dashy champs, but doesn't automatically smash the matchup. She's a bit disfavored in range v range, but still has the tools to compete and apply Gloom with E.
I wonder if Gloom has a per-champion cooldown, or your low-CD dash champs will have to live with getting marked constantly.
It's the latter, but you do need to get a hit in between each dash.
Keep in mind proccing Gloom is only a CD reduction on Doom (the fear). It seems extremely unlikely for it to be a complete reset, and stands to be that you might need 2 Gloom at least to reset Doom.
Champions refund 25%, minions refund 10% (obviously these are both tuning values so could change)
The mobility creep would be far less obscene if you could have more chances to play / draft around it, Dota style. Grounded & anti shield are both mechanics I've long thought Riot should carefully expand.
Grounded would need some major clarity concerns addressed before I'd be happy to push it any further.
Before we get bummed out by her gloomy vibes, let’s start with her origins. Vex’s gameplay development goal was to create a anti-mobility mage. Someone who fits the “let’s-make-this-Yasuo-playing-fool’s-life-miserable” playstyle. Someone gloomy.
Stop or they'll catch on and you'll put me out of a job.
I love the my chemical romance reference. as a scene kid in high school in the mid to late 2000's I appreciate it lmao.
I gocchu
Edit: each champ insights I write I make a playlist for inspiration. For Vex's a dedicated group of former (also current) emo kids at Riot helped me source songs. The result is 6.5 hours of jams from our middle school years.
Why do you think it resulted in more comebacks? Surely it makes the game more snowbally, as being ahead gives you a larger advantage (hence the faster winning ofc), which to me sounds like it should decrease the number of comebacks. And once you've equalised gold diff so you're the ones getting minion buffs, at that point you've already come back anyway, shouldn't be affected by the enemy team having had better minions, right?
It is a cool feature though
It moves the minion wave towards the losing team's base, which provides more opportunities for the winning team to actually crack the base, but also means the losing team on average doesn't have to move as far out of safety to get gold, and attempting to crack the base means taking a risk.
The idea was pretty good but I think not tweaking it for years made it a bit less optimal over time.
Also a problem that sadly wasn't solved over years is the minion clash timing in side vs mid lane making mid lane just way more important on top of being the most important already. It also makes mid lane roaming way more easily compared to side lane roaming.
The idea was pretty good but I think not tweaking it for years made it a bit less optimal over time.
Agree that it has likely degraded over time.
Amazing. Just forwarded this to the peeps who wrote and produced the original song.
There's no higher honor than to see capable musicians perform one's piece and add their original spin to it. It's also educational. There's always something that has you go "huh, that's amazing, I would have never thought of this".
There's an old Jatt teamfight breakdown where he shows that the losing team is down in gold like 30k to 20k but they have Lissandra + Viktor + some other wombo so when Liss gets a 5 man W + R and Viktor gets a 5 man R it's like multiplying their gold by 5. Kinda rings true here. Nice play from that Rell + Gnar to start the party. I'd be too scared.
Bro you lonely
I miss my kind :-(
Minion pushing changes, where minions get more powerful vs other minions for the team with a lead. Hard to feel or notice, but shaved about 30 seconds off average game time, yet led to an overall increase in the number of games with comebacks - teams either won faster or lost their lead faster.
Aside: Don't know whether to be alarmed or happy about the number of these where I was one of the designers pushing for it.
Here is my two cents for possible bonetooth necklace rework:
Bonetooth Necklace
1 Kill: +25 movement speed out of combat and in bushes.
2 Kills: Adaptive bonus %ad/%ap (10%-15%?)
3 Kills: Incrased leap speed (1450 ---> 1600)
4 Kills: Rengar's first ferocity ability that is used after Thrill of the Hunt will double the movement speed of his passive (it will really helpfull to escape).
5 Kills: Thrill of the Hunt now grants vision on everyone.
Head of Kha'Zix: Rengar is now invisible when ulting (it would be very satisfying).
I hope it will give you idea dear u/RiotPhlox
Definitely some cool stuff in here
Read moreI agree that characters like Akshan and Rell have nothing to do with anime. Honestly, I dislike when people mention anime because it distracts from this point: "conventionally attractive". That's because, bar a few exceptions, characters of recent years were attractive. This was mentioned in the famous blog Of Men and Monsters.
I understand they drive engagement, but... like sure they do, but it does not mean this is how design should operate. Sure, I'll buy a sexy character and play her/him, but does it mean to make things change I have to drop them? Because my engagement for those characters might be, say, 7 out of 10, but when someone else, with more unconventional design comes, it'll be 10 out of 10.
Should the game really be about engaging as many people as possible even if for most it is 7 out of 10 instead of choosing groups (however small) of players where it'd be 10 out of 10 even if for many it'll be just 3 out...
Fair enough. We do have a young/conventionally attractive champion coming up, but I think the next 6 months - and honestly, the whole next year - strike a pretty good balance. I'm happy with each individual piece of content the team has put out, but we're looking to bring a bit more balance to things from a more holistic view.
Hey everyone, I hope I've explained myself in a way that makes this make sense. It's a truly gray decision and I've been waking up thinking about this and going to bed thinking about this non-stop for a while now. I wouldn't make the call if I didn't think it was absolutely necessary and I look forward to seeing y'all again soon cap22Heart
Prioritizing your own health is one of the most important things one can do. The fact that it’s a tough decision shows how much you care about your craft and your fans. Worlds is a moment, your health is your life. Cheers dude.
Wow, that's amazing.
Riot lost some designers in the progression/eternals department and eternals were lower priority than stuff like events, so they are being worked on slowly/on pause.
This is the correct answer.
Hi Phlox, we were already allowed to test out 2 of your (I call them "kits" for now) and I would like to ask if you have any "number of kits" in your mind that you wanna try out for Rengar on the PBE.
I'd like to try a few more at least