League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

04 Sep


Originally posted by Zenorxs

Don't worry, we know it's a nightmare. :b

I have a hard question, and i don't know if you can answer this if you have a bit of time of course...

If trying to fix Rengar's code it's more like a spaguetti, how much time you guys (various rioters, not only you bcs it's a lot of work and time) can work to do a "new Rengar code" deleting the current one?

I'm not a code/vfx/sfx/animator designer, and for me it's easy to say this question, but for you and other persons knows it's another thing.

Hope in a future, his code can be totally fixed.

This is the kind of thing that's possible for projects like this actually, decent chance we do this


Originally posted by Veggiematic

Also there’s this “pyke smite” group running rampant. No one really does anything about it because rioters don’t get trolled in their solo queue games in high ELO.

Pyke smite recently played with doublelift and ruined his promos.

People do still troll us unfortunately


This is AMAZING! It's really clean in a place that fits the bow shape super well!

I love tattoos and I have the Neeko flowers on my ankle so I love seeing how other fans design and place their League tattoos. 😊 Do you have other nerdy tatts too?


Originally posted by Tsunams9

Small thing can you fix the bug where rengars cooldowns dont refresh in practice tool since we are spending so much time in practice tool on pbe it would be pretty nice

This is actually a massively complex bug to fix, sorry :(


Mine is Skarner.

That is all.


Omg this is awesome.

03 Sep


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

I'd love to know what was his primary gameplay hook, since he seems like a relatively tame and simplistic release as well as how did you guys come upon the idea for Grit, since it's been a while since a new resource was made


He started as "Grappler" and as a designed Juggernaut (we hadn't done a new Juggernaut since Darius except Illaoi, whose gameplay hits on fairly different hooks and resonates with a bit different audience). That also informed the desire to keep him simple to play, and the contrast with some of the releases around him - he was the champ after Aphelios - made a simple champ especially desirable.

Early explorations focused on ways to have him grab, throw, and chain combos together. When it became clear that that champion was a tank, not even really a hybrid juggernaut, he pivoted towards street-fighting style mixed martial arts (still a bit grappler but a lot more punching). This dovetailed nicely with his c*cky, arrogant personality, which then informed what I'd say is his elevator pitch - "Strong, arrogant fighter who is going to let you hit him first because he's so confident that he can afford to give you the first swing." If Pantheon is all about courage, S...

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Originally posted by ShadedOffline

I agree with you, however I have a theory that Seraphine was a Marketing department idea and they forced you guys to make a champion to sell skins in two weeks, so you had sona's rework laying around and were like "welp, this could work I guess". Then hired an intern to write her story and he was paid in redbull. That would explain the abomination to storytelling and character design that champion is.

rant over.

theory that Seraphine was a Marketing department idea

I realize that nothing I can say is going to convince you here, but Seraphine was an authentic character first. She was most certainly not created as a marketing stunt or a skins vehicle.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Axes, are you able to share some info about Sett's dev, since I recall you owned him before moving to TFT

What do you want to know?


Originally posted by bz6

Riot Axes: Bet


Na but for real, look at this wholesome? Reaction to a champion that isn’t a copy paste to appeal to China aesthetic. Speaks volumes. Anyways, with the new legislation limiting hours for teenagers game time in China can we stop bending the knee? 😅 We know what the artists are capable of and besides the disposable lore, we know how creative the art team is and we want them unshackled.


It was never driven by China the way you're suggesting. These aesthetics resonate with large numbers of players in all regions. We will certainly do more of them. They just shouldn't be all that we make.

Slightly concerning that so many different aesthetics get lumped together as 'anime' as a catch-all, by the way. Akshan, Rell, Samira, and Lillia certainly are not anime visual designs; Gwen has some anime influence but a lot of influences that aren't anime. It sometimes seems like "anime" in this context just means "conventionally attractive" + "it didn't resonate with me personally".


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

Wow that's so interesting, thanks for the insight! I'd love to ask more questions on Gaming VFX, mostly on how/where to get started, what's needed to make a career out of it, etc. But I imagine this may not be your specialty. Is there anybody you know who I could pick the brain of?

I don't, unfortunately. That's far enough from my area of expertise that I wouldn't be comfortable endorsing any of the resources I could find.


Originally posted by MoreBasedGigaChad

Can you do like 6 months of not making generic anime girls/boys? I'm not sure if the people capable of that even work at rito anymore

RemindMe! 6 Months


Originally posted by AFKForReal

Hey lurking Rioters. Really surprised about your choice of Champions for this Event.

With Kayn (and Rhaast) named the Nemesis and Yone - indev name as Dusk/Batman-esque, You really improve the lore of the Skinline ( Instead of popular champ rivalry in the playerbase with Yasuo/Riven and Darius/Garen).

Really excited for more Lore content - either LoR/the upcoming Arcane /Ruinedking/Convergence/ and future stuff (MMOs maybe?)

Btw, Love your stuff as always.

P/s: Is studio west (or the team did the SB teaser ) work on this teaser as well?

Not sure how you knew we'd be lurking but I can answer one question you have.

This was created in partnership with Sun Creature.


Originally posted by rockycrab

Glad to see Ender cast

ill be back again tomorrow :)


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

On the note of VFX Artists, is the job seriously that highly in demand that it's a struggle to Hire one? To clarify I'm not asking in a faux sarcastic tone, I'm genuinely curious. This information could be an avenue for aspiring Gamers that wanna join the Gaming Biz.

Yes, good VFX artists have been in very high demand in every studio I've worked at. Most of the more technical/specialized art roles are.


Originally posted by Darknevoir

All that team would've had to have done was unearth their dusty forum posts from when they were teenagers and then tweet them. No additional work required.

I mean, you're not wrong...

02 Sep

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Yay :) I'm excited. Samira was so long ago now.

KindleJack also did the Mundo VGU

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you able to share if you guys had to change her story, to accommodate her delay, since I recall you mentioning that she was originally supposed to be a beat in the ruined king campaign

Yeah, we tweaked her color story and bio a bit to account for her coming after the Ruination rather then before.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RenegadeExiled

so, are you going to make the skin obtainable again? I passed on it because I couldn't stand how it looked, but now it's an alright skin. pretty shitty if we cant get it without rolling Shards now, just because the original design was bad

yes, it should be in the store to buy in a patch or 2 I believe