League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Jul


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

Thanks for the consideration and for your engagement, I know we can tend to be a cranky bunch sometimes (a lot of the time). 2nd Question if you're down, do you have any Stats for AP Bruiser Shyvana Builds? I feel like a lot of AD Shyvana players would be more on board with that direction than the 1-Shot with E Playstyle that we're used to seeing.

I'll look into it, I'm not sure there are enough games for good data but iirc she definitely has some build flexibility like that which hasn't really been solved out yet.


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

Hey I know it's super late, but I work a late schedule. Just wanted to say Thanks for talking about Shyvana literally at all, feels like no Rioters outside of Phreak pay attention to our Champion sometimes (a lot of the time). My question, is if you guys considered anything along the lines of Movement Speed Buffs? +5MS, +10MS, 10% extra MS on W at Early Ranks? I feel like Mobility Buffs would be much more impactful if you were truly trying to Buff both AP + AD.

I definitely think MS is doable for her, I can pitch that if she's still in need of buffs but no promises


Originally posted by PrivateVasili

How does it compare to Sunderer? On paper she is one of the best champs in the game for the hybrid pen mythic passive alongside champs like Warwick and a strong user of sheen. Obviously stickiness has always been important for Shyvana, but with things like Chilling Smite, Randuins and Bork there are other options for that and Stride's slow just received significant nerfs.

Also, if you happen to have stats, are there still a significant number of players running Exhaust over Flash in the jungle? It was common way back in S2 and it should still be strong for her. If so I wonder how their success is relative to Flash users.

Same winrate as sunderer and botrk, about 1% better than any AP item.

Technically trinity is her best item but it's close enough to other items I wouldn't rely on that data.

13 Jul


Originally posted by Chewie_i

To think it was once 100%

it started at 150% :3


Originally posted by hisrantsk

I wish I asked you instead of contacting support for my 5000th ARAM game. I was straight up told no.

Feel free to send me a friend request! I've been playing a lot of aram and ultbook recently.


Originally posted by anatawaurusai2

Strategic soft inting to shackle a rioter to the soloq experience.

Quorum reviews are back. Inting punishments increased. Bans increased. Client fixes scheduled for next sprint. Honor rewards increased. Next new champion has no dash, no immunity to attack, and no Katarina ult. Healing nerfed. ............


Originally posted by Metridium_Fields

It’s a thought. Is that what the best performing AD build is going with?

One of the best, yeah


Originally posted by RedshiftOnPandy

Before the mini rework, you could proc TF on her dragon Q and make it AOE. Why was that interaction removed on her rework? There was a time when PBE had a huge base AD increase, why didn't it happened?

I played her a lot before Devourer and it just seems like she isn't good at anything anymore. Her clear speed was nerfed, her AD builds all nerfed, passive was nerfed, and in return she gets AP ratios out of nowhere. She used to be a simple attack speed bruiser you could focus on map control. She has no real identity anymore.

I appreciate your comments in this thread very much despite my whining.

Fwiw this is a pretty big clearspeed buff which imo should be a value of hers


Originally posted by Metridium_Fields

I trust you and your data. I’m not happy about it, though. I feel like no amount of buffs will make her worth playing because the game has essentially left her behind. Is there any discussion of small changes to help make up for the loss of Frozen Mallet? Not having mobility or reliable CC is just not gonna work in 2021.

Have you tried Stridebreaker?


Originally posted by Metridium_Fields

I really don’t like that the AP build exists at all. It makes no sense with her kit whatsoever and only muddies the identity of the champ with builds that make her look, frankly, kind of stupid. It’s really frustrating for me personally to see a champ I adore be played in this way.

Thank you so much for replying, though, and I’m looking forward to the eventual rework. Which I have no doubts will be awesome. Just gotta let some frustration be known.

Frankly the majority of Shyvana players prefer the AP build. I get that for AD players it feels like they're being ignored but rather we tend to want both builds to be powerful.

The AD build tends to be a lot better than AP also. (right now her builds are a lot closer than avg) but we still think the AD can afford a pretty sizeable buff because we actually do want to support it. If we were just buffing the AP build ignoring all else we could've just given E CD or AP ratio on it or whayever.


Originally posted by Hevvy

what area do you guys have in mind for the rell buffs?

Iirc 2 seconds off of W CD at all ranks


Originally posted by LightXB

Is there a possibility of Mords passive nerfs being reverted if this buff does not make him good enough?

Definitely possible. I personally think that'd be a good spot to buff up Morde if he's still struggling after these W buffs (which I think are quite nice tbf) but obviously I can't guarantee that change would happen if he needed more buffs.


Originally posted by Metridium_Fields

They are buffing Shyavan’s asinine AP build again and I’m here to nut the f**k up about it. Stop with this! Buff her real build! Playing her as an AP burst mage or whatever the f**k doesn’t make any goddamn sense. It needs to removed not enhanced.

You’re taking an already suboptimal champion holding her head under water.

Aaaaaaggghhjhhdkdndndndndnd I’m the saltiest man ever.

So for context, a Q CD buff is unsurprisingly massively more valuable for the AD build in isolation. Both builds aren't great though so we're also adding some more AP ratios in there.

This is in no way not a big buff to the AD builds though.


Originally posted by SheepHerdr

I found this successful attempt (from 2 years ago) to play with a Rioter:


Hey, that's me!


Originally posted by XPrzeemeekX

thx! i'll try my best to get my 999th win today. Can I contact You in dm?



No promises on actually winning, but I'd be down for a game tomorrow.


Originally posted by AddictedToCatz

One of my mains is getting nerfed and the other one is getting buffed, but at least it is rightfully to do so. Thank you Riot for this amazing patch.


12 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ilyak1986

Yeah, well...Vayne needs to get that bigotry knocked out of her. I do wonder who'll be the one to do that though...Riven? Irelia? Gwen? Someone needs to have some harsh words for her regarding her utter lack of empathy for anyone and anything.

Joining the Sentinels is a pretty good first step for her to grow :)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by tafaha_means_apple

I was always under the impression that the celestial Aspects themselves (not the hosts) are soulless, nearly unfathomable entities embodying ideals from another realm on a completely foreign level to Runeterra. How is it that an inherently Runeterran based thing like the mist that spiritually corrupts souls really even know what to do with something like an Aspect?

I feel like several of these skin bios have been very misleading on what is actually happening (with some even needing to be changed). Is that by design to keep things un-spoiler-y or is it just a function of like word limits or something giving off the wrong impressions?

A Little of both. They are short word length so they don't provide a lot of room for context, but also we didn't want to give to much of the story away in the skin bios

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ilyak1986

Shyvana is most certainly NOT a monster. Shyvana deserves love and acceptance so dearly, maybe more than any other champ in Demacia, right up there with Poppy? God knows how much crap she's had to endure over the course of her life, and then to just get ruined, thrown into the dungeon, and justify all the hatred that's been piled on her forever and ever? Poor Shyvana. I really hope once this is all over that she can get the heck out of Demacia, have her region swapped over to Runeterra proper, and just go somewhere that she'd be appreciated. Ionia seems to like dragons. There seems to be an appreciation for elemental drakes in Ixtal. Just...Shyvana needs a break >_>...

Beyond that...do Riven/Draven have any history besides her whooping him in Awaken? And Riven seems so precious as well. She's another character that I really, really hope can change regions after this event, at least to Runeterra, if not formally ...

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For sure. I was speaking from Vayne perspective. She views Shyv as a monster. Not everyone in Demacia does. The skin bios are really short paragraphs that don't really go into a lot of detail. I think once u play through the later chapters of the visual novel it will go into a lot more depth into what happened then the skin bios do.