League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Jul


Akshan's indicator is there for a couple reasons (that are mostly consistent with the other champs you mentioned):

  • This is an ultimate level execute ability, so it having more consistency (through an indicator) makes it more exciting rather than frustrating for the user.
  • Akshan R has variable charge time and you can easily be punished for charging too long (the opponent can access the counterplay by ducking behind cover). Having the indicator gives the Akshan a clear indication of how long to charge without having to have X games on the character to feel out all the breakpoints.
  • Akshan R indicator does not turn on before you start casting. Akshan is already commiting to a cast before he even gets it.
  • Other champs (like Kalista) have very low penalty to "missing" the execute threshold, in both cooldown and damage lost.

There were changes to the way omnivamp is calculated and granted in the engine that meant we needed to rewrite the functionality of the tracking. I believe it's on the backlog, but lower priority than shipping balance changes or working on other unreleased content that has deadlines to hit.


Originally posted by PhobosMarx

We all know, Bob Mortimer is the real reason to watch WILTY

Snipers dream they used to call him


Originally posted by Raynar7

Ender is truly like that friend you live with who says he is moving out, first he was staying around your house anyway (LEC) and when people started having questions he moved to different house that belong to another friend (LPL).

We just need him in LCS and LCK to complete the circle.

im down


Originally posted by redditjunglist101

For non UK residents, this has taken inspiration from That Mitchell and Webb Look, a sketch show from BBC, Watch the Football

^ If anyone likes this check out Would I Lie To You. It's amazing.

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Originally posted by P3n4t

Playing the game mode is fine. It's loading the client to see that stats is where the problem happens


End Of Game, to be honest, is not optimal right now, and we are seeing a spike in some of the metrics we are tracking. This has been the case for a while now, and we are going to continue investigating.

We have multiple folks, from both league client team and others actively working on resolving these issues, and we are going to continue to get EOG in better shape over the next couple months.


16 Jul


Originally posted by Mrryn91

Agreed honestly. As someone who started watching pro League in the age of Primetime League, I miss this style of content. I don't mind the serious, ESPN-style approach here and there for game days, but stuff like this sprinkled in gives it some flavor I enjoy and helps keeps the product lively and less stale. And I think, with the change to the Countdown before game days to different shows, LCS production is catching on and stepping up in that regard (being in the studio again helps with that, I'm sure lol)

PTL and that ghost pepper challenge... W t f was I thinking. To Ben the producer behind it, I miss ya buddy!


Originally posted by Fatal_RK

smells like bullshit, i know lol codes are old as f**k and need a refont or a newly made game like Dota2 so u can struggle less on doing minimal changes like that because its just embarassing at this point

Lol, caught me. Donezo tbh


Originally posted by kerd0z

fnatic playing the piano while astralis playing the bongos

upset is that you?!


I see a fair few commets saying the cast was disrespectful and I'd like to challenge that. I made a conscious choice to turn to humour and not focus on all the small mistakes and slightly messy plays. I feel confident that Andy and I represented both teams fairly, but funny instead of stone cold serious and crtical. I had fun, I laughed and I celebrated the SK win! I'm hopeful and confident more people enjoyed the cast and just wanted to share some reasoning for those that didn't.


Originally posted by UndeadCakeMix

Dude remember the f**king fiddle bot from back in the day with Twisted Treeline, f**ker knew how to 1v3 OHKO. The damn thing was a nightmare. And the Karthus that always knew when he could ult you and you had no chance of living.

That's the kind of scripts I'm talking about! It really goes to show the value in "knowing your lines" like when a better player kills you and lives with 10HP, it's not luck, it's that they knew they'd live.


This is super cool! Keep at it!


I played a match earlier today and it was just fine!


I'm not sure how it is now but the bots had very precise scripts way back when. E.g. Veigar bot would only walk towards you if he could combo you and he would with precise E W Q R. If he ran away he could not OTK you. EDIT: Banshee's Veil would confuse him and he'd try to OTK you and not succeed leading to free kills. This was very useful in the doom bots of doom to win at level 100. TL;DR the bots have scripts to layer CC and time things like...well robots.

15 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Brooliest

But why week 2 has 2k points to get when week 3 has 7,5k and week 4 only 6k? It doesn't make any sense. Even now as I am ARAM player I don't get any points from a couple of characters so I usually get 20 points per game. It means that I have to play 90 games this week to complete only week 2

When u get more sentinels u will also get more points from them, so it should keep going up as u progress


Originally posted by Excalidorito

Last I checked, u/RiotKingCobra said it wasn’t a possibility, though I don’t remember if it was on the discord or the subreddit. Also worth mentioning is that AFAIK Cobra doesn’t work on the balancing team, and as many suggestions as he got on the “poll” post a few months back about ASol’s identity nothing has really come to fruition from it yet since it’s something he’s been doing in his limited free time.

Swapping E and R would solve many issues, and until a Rioter that works full-time in the balancing team (no offense to Cobra here) confirms that it won’t be a possibility I’ll keep my hopes up that it can happen one day.

I would not say that it is off the table entirely - anything is possible - but it is pretty unlikely given the amount of work it'd take, not including time spent validating if it's even a good idea in the first place.

And to clarify, I work full time on the balance team! I'm just not a designer. I'm a quality engineer though I do collaborate super closely with designers every day. While I do not directly design and implement changes on a patch-to-patch basis, I'm usually a participant in the conversations and meetings where we discuss them!

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Originally posted by Lanaluse

Hi! Do you know why the Sentinel Points Objectives were changed? The current ones on the live server are different to those on the support page of the event. For example, Swift Irelia (A) is now about getting kill streaks, but on the support page is about winning within a certain number of minutes.

I would like to know because I am choosing each region based on the information that you provided, but it turned out to be unreliable and now I am worried about the other selections.

Update. The Support FAQ is correct and the in client text is wrong. We are updating the in client text now

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Originally posted by Xeven18

I somewhat wish they would reveal the canonical order so that we can (if we so choose) do it in chronological order. On the other hand, it would be another thing to consider in addition to how we earn points (so perhaps better it isn't revealed early)

The canon order is Demacia > Freljord > Noxus > Ionia > Targon > P/Z > Ixtal > Bilge > Shurima > Shadow Isles

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Lanaluse

Hi! Do you know why the Sentinel Points Objectives were changed? The current ones on the live server are different to those on the support page of the event. For example, Swift Irelia (A) is now about getting kill streaks, but on the support page is about winning within a certain number of minutes.

I would like to know because I am choosing each region based on the information that you provided, but it turned out to be unreliable and now I am worried about the other selections.

We are investigating that right now