League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 May


Lethality's gold value tends to be highly undervalued. Its also a stat where the more you get the happier you are (until you're dealing true damage and it doesn't matter)

26 May


Yeah, I largely agree with this post. I hit DII recently and it is my belief that the increase was mostly off refining micro. Macro is very visible in broadcast, but the reality is that effective macro comes from tactical excellence on the micro level. Broad trends result from many small actions, improving those actions is the key to leveling up your game.

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Originally posted by Aeliandil

With Neeko its mostly her accent(The same actress does both the Brazilian and English Voice Lines for her)

How does that translate in other languages, that might not have a stereotype about Brazilian (hence, wouldn't recognize an accent)?

This is exactly why i say in the article its difficult to do representation well without making full humans

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Originally posted by GGABueno

TIL Neeko was based on Brazilian culture. She doesn't really feel like she has any culture at all.

But then again, I'm Brazilian and she's my Champion with the second highest Mastery lol.

Yeah that why i said champs are more "inspired by" since they need to primarily read as Runeterran. With human champs its easier to get the reference since we can do skintones and facial features better. With Neeko its mostly her accent(The same actress does both the Brazilian and English Voice Lines for her)


Originally posted by Naabi

Also could you look into guardian's horn stat tracking in Aram ? Would love to see that. Thanks a lot for your work !

Solid idea. I'll think about this, thanks for the suggestion.


Originally posted by PM_ME_DEAD_KEBAB

This isn't entirely a request, but do you think that Predator's stat-track should remain as DMG done, or should it be changed to something like max movement speed or something more oriented to the rune itself?

It's not really clear what should track on these. My general philosophy is that we should track things that inform your future decisions. I'll chew on this for a bit.


Originally posted by eluoyy2

what about ravenous hunter missing healing now and legend runes showing percent to next instead of actual amounts? I think the old info was a lot clearer and showed more relevant info

Healing is weird because it's a philosophical question of whether vamp/lifesteal should track. Typically we want to do only PvP interactions. Will chew on these ones a bit.


Originally posted by Stewbodies

Another one I'd love to see is damage mitigated by Aftershock, but idk how mitigation is calculated so it might not be as feasible as other stats

Good idea, added to my personal list of opportunities.


Originally posted by ramzdin

Wonder if its possible to show the extra damage lord doms does as well?

Definitely. I started working on this one already, I've been learning how to make these as they seem like nice player value adds.

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Originally posted by EROTIC_RAID_BOSS

Ekko my dude

Also Rell

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Originally posted by EROTIC_RAID_BOSS

Honestly 1 champ every 3 years is not very good even if you are going to do more. You know, we have like 4 black characters (no I'm not going to count stuff like azir) and that's still pretty low. But you have an entire empty region and one character who's Latina lol.

And like, it can't hurt with your player bases in Brazil etc.

It would be cool if you did a few in a row as an ixtal story similar to the current shadow isles story. I get why you would lean on the stories people already care about first, but even 2 in a row and fleshing out the region would be great for us lore nerds and your own representation goals

Well technically Neeko was inspired by Brazilian culture, though since she is half lizard vastayan it doesn't come though as well as doing a pure human

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Originally posted by ahambagaplease

Pls, as a Latino myself we absolutely HATE Latinxs. We generally don't care if you simply write Latinos to talk about both womans and mans.

Apologize, and thanks for calling me out. Edited it

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Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

For future reference don't refer to a race without using the appropriate wording.

For reference of my own race;

Native American not American Indian.

First Nations =/= Native Americans.


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Originally posted by collegethrowaway2938

Pls don’t use Latinx lol

Sorry for the poor wording, and thanks for calling me out on it. Edited

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Originally posted by F0RGERY

With the modern emphasis on Humans inspired from other cultures like Samira/Viego, is there any plan to return to Ixtal in the near future?

The region has a lot of Meso-American inspiration and offers a pretty unique blend of various cultures that I feel isn't fully explored through just the existence of Qiyana, and I was hoping to see more given how long it has been since the region took the spotlight or even had an associated champion released.

Yes of course. The main reason we created a new faction in Ixtal was we didn’t feel we had a region that we could do Latin representation from. It’s something we for sure want to develop more on the future. Edited, apologize for the poor wording, and thanks for calling me out on it

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Originally posted by Megalodontus

If we can't get more creature champions...can we get more 'monstrous humanoids' then? Rito pls.

Yes, going forward our plan is more monstrous humans

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Originally posted by Bloodrazor

I thought it was pretty clear but looking at the comments it seems as though you might need to write jot notes instead of rationale to get the point across more easily.

I have a question though, how do you measure engagement and how do you decouple it from strength within meta/between patches/regions and regional metas.

We look at it over a long period of time before we draw major conclusions so we can see the general engagement at different power levels and over multiple patches

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Originally posted by keiv777

I hope we can get at least 1 monstrous champ each year (from either humanoid or creature). I guess the thing about humans representing humans seems obvious to people but in fact it happens in others IPs. Makes me wonder, are we going to see an Aztec inspired champ that could fit in Ixtal?

Next year we are planning to do a lot more non humans then we have been doing

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Originally posted by Spring_Night

And while Runeterra isn’t Earth—so our goal isn’t to make champs that perfectly reflect real world locations—we have made a stronger effort to make champions inspired by regions everywhere. We want all players to be able to see themselves in the games they play, and League champs are no exception. This is something we’ve become really passionate about on the Champions Team, which you’ll see reflected in some of our recent (and upcoming) champions. For example, Samira was inspired by Persian culture, Viego by conquistador-era Spanish culture, and so on. To do good cultural representation though, you almost certainly need to make humans, or at least champions that are close enough to humans that people can relate to and identify with them. So this is another reason we’ve been doing more humans recently.

Not sure if any Rioter will read or answer this comment, but there have been a vocal minority that are bitching about Irelia looking Asian outside t...

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She is meant to have Asian facial features, yes. We probably just didn’t convey it as well as we should have in the splash

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Originally posted by immongrel

Yea, I'm not buying that at all. Everything is about revenue.

Well people having higher engagement with LoL likely leads to higher revenue, my point is we don’t judge or make champions based on the money they make. The main reason we make new champions is to keep LoL a engaging game