Pride cosmetics in all games. You love to see it.
Hi! I work on the LGBTQIA+ team at Riot. Just wanted to pop in and say that I'm glad you enjoy the content :D
Pride cosmetics in all games. You love to see it.
Hi! I work on the LGBTQIA+ team at Riot. Just wanted to pop in and say that I'm glad you enjoy the content :D
Biscuit nerfs serpent's fang buffs are a god send
Serpents fang pog
Thank god Hail of Blades is getting nerfed I've been saying the rune is broken for so long. All the meta bot laners take it its so aids.
I've been the "HoB Doomsayer" at Riot for the past few months, seems we are at the boiling point, it'll be nice to see it lose some dominance.
I appreciate this response so much! even just having the opertunity to meet others and learn from one another means so much. I'm also really happy to see that this not only helps me but others. thank you so much for this. :)
Mhmm of course! I feel like your in the exact spot I was in a few years ago. Just focus on something and make sure to set goals for yourself. You got this!
Yeah I live outside of US, like 1000 miles away haha. Atm I'm finishing my branding degree and watching every youtube video like a crazy for years, hopefully I get decent enough portfolio to send to them one day.
You got this. Just keep staying focused!
Amazing story, thanks for sharing. My dream is same, but since I live very far from Riot HQ I don't think that I'll ever have a shot even I will have skills to be part of the team. I love video games and I love digital art, I work for some indie game atm, someday maybe I get there!
If you live further than 50 miles away, Riot will help pay for some moving costs if you are hired. (I live like 55 miles away so I got lucky haha)
I've even known people who lived outside of the US who work there. So there is always possibilities! Never give up!
Thank you for taking your time to respond. I'm currently learning from online courses on Udemy and I have learned a lot on shaders, materials, meshes, the importance of timing, colors, and creating textures.
I apologize for asking another question, but is it possible to get an internship if I have already graduated? If not, it all depends on the portfolio and job application process? Thanks again.
I'm not sure about the internship part. You would have to read up on the individual company's wording. For example some places might only take people in school or some might only take specifically a senior? Or possibly reach out to a recruiter.
If not getting an internship was the only outcome, I would still apply at other jobs and try to get hired as a VFX artist so you can get some industry knowledge under your belt. Alot of indie studios need effects artists so it could be a good starting point. I just feel lucky like I was at the right spot at the right time with Riot.
There is always room for improvement so if you have any old effects you can polish up to give it that extra spicy flavor, I would do that to save time.
If I could award you, I would. I can't say thanks more than that.
Of course!
LOL! Honestly I wouldn't mind being in that position!
Oh man, you would care. Support is the nightmare position in almost every company, especially user facing support
I only wouldn't mind because when I was in the military and before that I worked in customer service. Its like it wouldn't be hard for me to adjust to that. Also I just love the company lol
Loved every moment of it and didn't witness any of what is said in the news.
About what exactly? Your story is really informative, but by adding this you are trying to sound authoritative on any number of subjects you can't possibly be privy to since you worked from home and weren't actually an employee.
About any of the claims made against Riot. The most recent claim against Riot turned out to not have any evidence against it.
I was an employee, and I would ask my co workers at the time about the news and everything. None of them had experienced it and were really supportive of Riot.
Not trying to sound like I'm any form of authority. Just saying what I experienced, and what I've heard.
Read moreHello there! First off, thank you for sharing this. I am an inspired artist who is currently learning how to create VFX and all of the sparkles.
I'm 27 years old and I graduated from college back in 2015, for a BS Degree in Game Art & Design. Unfortunately, a lot of life situations happened, including a rare blood disease diagnosis, and delayed my job search in order to recover. I have an urge to get into the game industry because it is my dream, but I always have that thought in the back of my head saying, "I'm running out of time" due to not being well experienced enough and the lack of tools since I'm just using Photoshop and Unity at the moment.
I know it is not required, but do you recommended going back into college in order to receive the knowledge you need and land an internship? Or is it entirely portfolio based that shows how much work and effort it contains?
I'm honestly at lost where I'm saying to myself, "What should I do? What's the best cou...
Hello fellow sparkle maker! Sorry to hear that happened to you! Honestly photoshop and Unity was all I used for my portfolio for the internship. I think you should go back to college if you prefer face to face with a teacher. At the moment with covid and everything, alot of what I made can be found on youtube.(fire, explosion, projectile)
I know some places you have to be a student in order to get an internship or a senior.
But of you go to school for a VFX class make sure its going to cover something similar to what's in this video.
I know people make...
Read moreWow you made elderwood rakan? Those VFX were amazing, that's my favorite skin from him wow
Ah thanks! He was an awesome champ to work on that is flashy and beautiful♡ i had the help of the skins team to guide me so it was not all just me! I made sure to take all of the feedback seriously!
I just worded my comment as if I was currently working at Riot when I start in June! The mods were just being safe making sure no one was impersonating a Rioter so its all good now!
Hey awesome reply! I am 24 and already thought i was late haha however i do have one question: i always wanted to work in 2D art (especially digital art) but i have strong colorblindness, difficulty with greens/browns/red and blues/pinks/purples. As someone who has made it to riot, do you think theres even a place for someone like me in the 2D artworld? Would love to hear your opinion!
I hope the reply inspired and helped a few people!
As for the color blindness part I can't really give any advice on that for art because I don't know enough about it. If it were me, I would submit a portfolio and ask for feedback on it. Or I would get into some sort of UI or effects that would specialize in the filters that different game companys make to help people with colorblindness? I always see a colorblind option in games but always wonder how they make it or what settings they tweak to make it fair/balanced.
Sorry I'm not much help here :(
You're so right about swallowing the bullet and specializing in one thing. I find it extremely difficult to decide on one thing and stick with it. I love so many different things about so many different streams. I love so many different styles, and my profile is just a jumbled mess. As a result, I've not become really good at one thing.
I've been contemplating locking onto a focused goal, and you've given me that push! I just need to figure out what that is though haha
Hey awesome to hear! I didnt choose VFX until after about the 4th week of doing it. When I first started I had no intention of making it a career. The learning curve actually almost made me quit! Then all of a sudden it was like a head explosion of awesomeness once everything meshed together so well! It was fun and it didn't feel like work to me. It was like having an "Aha!" Moment.
So find your explosive mind moment that makes you have fun and go "Aha!"
No no no! It was the way I worded it was all! I start in June and how I commented, made it sound like I was currently working! Its just the mods making sure things were clear so that I was not impersonating a Rioter! Its all good I swear!
Context: Me and my friend was playing Duo Q, when we encountered this Yuumi. She rushed Mejais and went full ap, as she could not be killed, because she would go invis when her hosts died.