the observers are smurfing this msi.
Thank you <3
the observers are smurfing this msi.
Thank you <3
I think observers get a heads up on where to focus because the game is on delay.
If 3 seconds counts as a delay haha :D
I agree with this, personally, just didn't know how it applied to pro.
When I first started playing league I remember always being so happy playing blue side because it felt like I could see way more of the map all of the time regardless of screen management.
I actually wonder what Rumble's win rate was on each side vs Udyr who should be largely unaffected.
I assume it's because playing on the red side you have less space to click when moving to the enemy, because the UI gets in the way.
It's harder to aim long range skill shots though we don't know why: could be UI, could just be how people like their camera (we know the effect was more pronounced for locked camera).
I honestly think map asymmetry is a huge component.
Blue side gets superior access to 2 heralds and baron.
Red side gets superior access to dragon but early dragons aren't really useful unless you keep stacking and stacking.
Back when I looked at it when I worked on League, so a few years ago, and for non-pro players, it's often camera angle. There isn't much assymetry for Singed or Rammus but Rumble, Xerath, Nidalee, etc all suffer a ton on red side. Rumble specifically was head and shoulders above the rest. No difference was observed on Dominion or TT (again old analysis)
So good
bye ender Sadge
I will miss Ender man
I will miss u too
RIP Ender <3
The casting is weird. "Despite being down in gold at the start, they manage to come back!" ... they were like 1.5k gold down at one point.
"Despite getting two solo kills!" Khan inted hard, Jayce only flashed.. And botlane also inted..
I mean, I don't get the casting this game.
My tone was intended to be like, it doesnt even matter that mad got solokills/gold lead. Damwon are just better + drafted better
Could be, another player mentioned similar.. can't remember now if they also mentioned transfers, did you maybe transfer?
Nope, NA the entire time.
Sivir, Jarvan IV, Morgana, Ryze in 2011 and then Janna and Elise in 2012. I don't think this goes back far enough though because I've been playing since 2009 and joined Riot in 2012 when I got all the champs unlocked.
Edit: I also distinctly remember asking my parents for money in like 2009/2010 for my first ever RP purchase to get a bundle with like MF and Xin Zhao in it and a bunch of skins.
And every Leona spell has ap ratios lol. Phreak ranting over that was disguisting.
The AP ratios on Leona are trash. I'm aware she literally has them but they're bad ratios. I said as much on the cast.
There are better tank items than Zhonya's. Cool, he bought it because he normally buys it. Still makes the item trash.
IIRC they haven't directly worked on champ team for like 2/3 years now (still doing writing stories and stuff) but I believe it's mostly JohnODyin, SkiptomyLuo, and griddlebones working on new champ/VGU lore these days with Carnival Knights occasionally pitching in. Maybe /u/Reav3 can confirm
Yes those are the 4 writers currently that work on champs team, Carnival Knights' tends to do a bit more then just pitching in though,
Because "Legends never die"
-Chrissy Costanza 2017
That was a lot of fun! Managed to get 71%, I definitely knew exactly how some of the voice lines sounded, but just couldn't put them to a champion...
You're not accounting for a fundamental bias in that line of thinking.
The players who deviate from the status quo are already more critical-thinking oriented, and therefore are better players on average than those not thinking critically game-to-game. Therefore these players, even if making an item choice that would lower their winrate by deviating from the normal build, may actually win more due to being better players.
A Sylas building Ludens thinking to kill the enemy ADC faster because the Jhin was 2/0/0 in the first 5 minutes is already better in his critical thinking and more likely to win regardless of item choice, even if that Luden's purchase is incorrect over Everfrost, for example.
Did you account for this bias?
That's an interesting thought, with that said it's very hard to measure that or estimate it. There is definitely some non-0 bias there, but I wouldn't have the expertise to really estimate how much that matters. My gut tells me that over a large enough sample size (which we tend to have) it mostly washed out to less than 1% of a total winrate increase. But my guess there is likely as good as yours.
One thing that's important to note about these stats outlined in this post is that pick rate =/= viability. Mythic diversity manifests mostly in what items are viable on a champion, and the items are different enough that certain gamestates call for certain items.
Using your own examples, Sylas (in the last 30 days) purchases everfrost in 88% of games. However, there are 3 other mythics with higher win % than it, one of which is Ludens with a 3% higher winrate. If players were more adaptable, they'd identify the situations where other mythics were more optimal than Everfrost and opt into those alternatives depending on gamestate.
The unfortunate problem with mythic diversity is that it's really tough for us to beat player psychology, which is to play what's comfortable or popular rather than critically think game-to-game. I don't blame players though, as up until this season there weren't meaningful decisions to be made so that skill hasn't been trained.
This post is... odd. I'm seeing very clear alternate options for all example champions, with some even higher WR than the most commonly picked item. The problem is that no one is changing what they buy.
I see this is more of an issue with how Riot "weights" what defines our recommendations in the shop than anything else (we currently heavily value what's bought more often than what's the most effective WR increase).
I believe you're misreading OP's post. I think he's saying it does 900 damage out of a total of 1250 HP that Daisy has.
Thank you, that was confusing me