1420 weedmo patch inbound
You know what, let's buff Maokai for old times' sake
1420 weedmo patch inbound
You know what, let's buff Maokai for old times' sake
With the Skarner update making the brackern unrelated to Hextech, will Camille and Seraphine's bios get updated? I know Riot isn't focused on universe and written lore so much anymore, but I feel like at least their biographies shouldn't be non canon... Maybe after Arcane s2 at least?
They'll get updated, not certain on exact timing
Can a rioter confirm why Arena keeps being a temporary game mode?
For a mode to become permanent it needs to show sustained player engagement. Arena's first two runs had a lot of play early, then fell off a lot. Making it permanent with that diminishing engagement profile would lead to increasingly poor matchmaking (both time to get a match and skill discrepancies), which pushes players away and further exacerbates the issue. While some players would stick with it regardless you end up with a pretty small population making it hard to justify meaningful ongoing development for the mode, which makes things worse again.
We do think Arena's got a lot of potential though, hence the ongoing updates to it. Our goal is to try and give it the variety and appeal that it needs to be a long lasting mode. IF we can demonstrate that, we can then look at having it be permanent.
delete this before an employee sees
some of these devs are distractingly expressive with their hands.
also I didn't know there was once a whole ass Star Guardian game mode and I am devastated to have missed it.
If I had the faintest idea what else to do with my hands I'd do it. My on camera options however seem to be "wooden", "flailing arms wildly" or "wooden and flailing arms wildly", so I'm working with what I've got
Oof, hopefully I am not late this time. 🙏
In case any of you kind Riot people read me, I would like to ask if there are any plans to update the champion classes in the game's client, to provide more accurate information.
The class system has remained in its outdated state to this day, even though Riot has moved into the newer and more accurate class system proposed in 2017 (the one that has subclasses like Enchanter, Juggernaut, etc.) Having the new class system in the game's Collection and Store tabs would help a lot to reduce ambiguity.
Currently, we still have the old one with the more generic classes (Fighter, Support, Assassin, etc.) that very often confuse people (e.g. "why does a tank do so much damage?" when referring to juggernauts like Darius.)
No plans to do so. It's something we talked about a lot when initially mapping out the sub classes then deciding whether or not to make them public or just use them internally. Our conclusion was that for the more engaged players who want to dig into the details a lot it made sense to talk about the sub classes. For the more casual player though we felt the clarity of "Fighter, Mage, Assassin etc" was more useful than more detailed breakdown would be when it came to helping set initial expectations for a character. There are definitely some cases, juggernauts especially, where that doesn't hold up so well, it was a deliberate trade off though for what it's worth
I'm just built different I guess
u/RiotMeddler Can you comment on the state of Vanguard as of right now, it seems to be sleeping and not being released anywhere?
Preparation's still underway for its rollout. We didn't have anything new to say this video, so didn't want to just rehash old news. Timeline has slipped from what we'd originally predicted, we're very much in the headspace of doing it well is much more important than doing it fast though for this
<3 <3
this is my real problem
I see. Could you grab your Vanguard logs (C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs) and send me a direct message with them?
I remember there was a huge conversation around Cait's VU when it happened around the modernizing of her code resulting in the removal of mechanics that players used and got used to for A WHILE.
Lee Sin has a ton of skill expression. Is the team aware this time around not to mess about with the muscle memory and remove the seemingly everlasting skill expression of Lee?
That's being worked on at the moment actually. Recent discussion with Rioters who play Lee Sin has included things like Flash and E interactions, which spells can be cast/started during others etc. Our starting point is that we want to make sure that anything that has become expected and currently supported gameplay gets preserved, even if not intended when Lee was first designed. There'll be a bit of bug fixing too though of course on some weird and definitely not intended interactions. Hopefully we'll get the distinction between the two right in each case, do give us feedback as soon as he hits PBE though on what feels correct and what feels off
is it this season that we have 3 splits? if yes when does the first one end?
It is. If you go to the Profile area in game and click Ranked you can see the remaining time in the split there too (currently says 36d, 14h, 36m for me for example)
u/RiotMeddler In the last dev update, it was mentioned by Phroxzon that you guys were going to talk a bit more about the MMR system. Why didn't you guys talk about it in this video? Were you guys working on matchmaking changes but ended up not going forward with it? I'm pretty sure it was teased in the beginning of the season that we were getting a new matchmaking system callled "True Skill 2" What happened to that?
Nothing currently ready to share to the best of my knowledge, will check with the team for potential inclusion in the next one though
I figured there’s definitely a reason for it - I just love that skin so any changes to it hurt haha.
Totally understand, hope a bit of context helps a little at least!
Could I also ask a more a League Studios related question, do you think we can expect greater alignment between art and narrative now that LoR, WR and PC League are under LS or are you guys still ramping up that pipeline, like would Shyvana's card arts in LoR and WR model be updated now that she's confirmed for a VGU and other things
Org structure shouldn't have much, if any, impact on how aligned art and narrative are across the games. Alignment like that's discussed regardless of where a game happens to live in our internal processes. The call that we discussed late last year to have everything be part of one shared Runeterra going forwards is the sort of thing that results in greater alignment on upcoming content, won't always mean we go back and retroactively change existing things necessarily though
Will the mode be lore-centric or will it just be tied to whatever skinline comes out at the time?
It won't be themed around base Runeterra lore
Arena back with 8 teams of 2 (16 players total) to address team/fight variety
Prismatic items are supposed to be build-defining items
Items can be "gambled" for through anvils
PvE is
"bullet hell"bullet heaven survival esque. Both for individuals and friends. Will be released during the mid-year this year!Mastery is now based on individual performance instead of team performance, changing on 14.10.
Master titles are not split-specific
Lee Sin model is now different to be more consistent across skins alongside some tweaked visual/sound effects. Will be out on 14.9
Teemo is aimed for 14.20
Kog'Maw will be Split 1's Victorious skin. Sona will be for Split 2
Victorious border will be given to your skins at the end of the year if you get a...
Thank you for the kind words! I am feeling very sentimental/emotional about this being my last dev update but I am very excited to take a nice vacation :)
Oh, sorry, that was meant to be Seraphine, Brightmoon and I just got them confused
(I kid, I kid...)
As a new Lee Sin player, the visual updates look really good but I personally really liked the ‘noisy’ aspect of the Storm dragon skin…
I feel like that’s kind of a nerf to the skin to bring it in line with the other skins rather than bringing the rest up to Storm Dragon’s level.
Maybe that’s just me though 🤔
"Noisy" visuals usually tend to look and feel better for a particular skin or champion in isolation if they're high quality. If everything gets pushed to be noisy like that though you unfortunately just end up with a game where nothing's readable/everything's drowned out and you can't pick out key info well enough
nah f**k that SD Leesin ponytail just whyy. his og haircut looks so good idk what's with the obsession with giving every male champ long hair.
The pony tail's a meaningful part of base Lee Sin's silhouette. We want to make sure we're reflecting it in his skins more, especially those that have had clarity issues where it hasn't been immediately clear which champ you're looking at (Storm Dragon being the prime example of that)