The real winner of the LCS? Jatt, cause he got to make more league content around Golf.
The real winner of the LCS? Jatt, cause he got to make more league content around Golf.
I just wanna know what Jatt did with his 100T hoodie. He's wearing it at the start, but then it just kind of disappears. He doesn't even seem to have it when they're putting the clubs away into their product placement Kia at the end.
I think it was an LCS fresh hoodie from 2023? It was cold for the first 2 holes then I took it off and put it in my golf bag lol
And basically no one played it
Everyone played it. It was played a ton. They just didn't KEEP playing it...
Will the next dev update come this upcoming week or in early April since after filming it it still needs edits etc
Dev updates tend to take a week and a half to two weeks post filming until they're ready for release on average. That covers editing, addition of gameplay footage, localization to other languages etc.
It's frustrating because Galio was finally seeing some play again with AP builds, and now he is dead again and that playstyle you have described is probably going to keep him at like 48% win rate 1% pick rate
Idk we already have enough AP champions who are hehe xD one shot machines. Don't feel particularly enthused by galio being another one of those, given his theme, etc.
My suspicion is the yuumi account didn't play any normal games, so they did not have any seeding info on the account for when they entered ranked.
The other account seems to be placed a lot more honestly, though probably still too high overall.
I'm also suspicious of some shenaniganry going on, given the first player played 100 games of yuumi and 50 games of veigar in normals, then suddenly plays 9 games of Warwick in ranked.
This isn't ideal and we're working on ways to better account for these cases. (from accounts being botted and sold to inappropriate seeding, etc.)
Galio is just weak right now. I don't think he lacks identity, he has a pretty clear one, he is meant to be as close to being a " defender/enabler from midlane" with an ability to shrug off some AP damage as is reasonably supportable by gameplay.
Preventing your team from getting run over on the entire map is obviously pretty broken, so his tools to prevent that need some clear weaknesses, eg. He doesn't turbo stomp lane to trade off for his ~semi global presence. He has a lot of CC capabilities, which also need to be compensated somewhere.
When you have galio on your team, you are meant to feel more supported/comfortable, because he could come save you/support you if you need it.
When galio was unconditionally strong (eg. think back to faker galio), it was because he could get prio in every lane and was not movable in any matchup, while having high pressure/uptime on sides.
This state wasn't particularly sustainable, so we had to give him a laning...
Read moreI cannot believe anyone on earth allows League players to become responsible for other folk's careers. (Myself included)
That jawn corny as hell lmao
Appreciate the Philly slang as a guy from Philly myself.
Read morei have always wondered why riot didnt seem like they'd invested a full team of resources into rewriting an engine for league from scratch based on more modern programming frameworks + knowledge and understanding of the current mechanics /depth of league. it feels odd that league doesn't have an "in-gameworld" client(heck even valorant has one. maybe the nostalgia factor?), lol is one of those games that could do some really neat stuff with it. frankly it's an absolutely massive undertaking, but i do genuinely believe riot is one of the few companies with access to enough capital and (potential)talent that it would be a feasable option for them to consider.
but if the engineers have managed to patch relevant parts of the engine up to date in such a way that the team is able to actually continue innovating, honestly that is kind of shockingly impressive. especially considering the potential amount of teams affected. this feels like the exact type of thing that can kill a prod...
We are always updating the engine that League runs on.
But let’s for the sake of argument say we thought that it would be easier and better to switch to a new off the shelf engine:
First, you need to update the networking. The Hextech engine’s networking I am told is like extremely overpowered relative to the market. Valorant and other games expend significant effort to get theirs into a similar state.
Now you need to port all of the content from our current stack to a new stack, including all champions, game systems, cosmetics, etc.
You can use some automation to get the bulk of the data across, but you would need to have humans hand-tune the rest. (Imagine making sure that Riven’s combos felt “just so” to her mains and ensuring that translates) In order to hit our quality bar this could actually take several years with many devs involved. Those are people are years that are not spent making League better.
You probably also need s...
Read moreWe typically just allow Sylas to be OP with new spells and don’t stop designing because of him. It would be really lame for 1 designer to ship a champ that restricts every designer after them.
As for the Samira Sylas thing, my understanding is that Sylas does not get Samira passive, which prevents him from casting R. This is definitely not ideal from the player perspective, but would require us to either move passive logic into R (which means Viego can’t stack it) or special case Sylas, which may be more cost than value.
I’ll make a note for next week to see how difficult it is to just let him ult without condition with Samira R, and whether that’s something we’d want.
Was there ever an abillity you thought "It's perfect on the champion we want to make but would be too broken (as in wouldn't function properly or would be way to powerfull) on Sylas". Did releasing him or any other champions made you ever go back on something just because it would be too good/bad on them.
Also Ps. Please explain why is Samira ult still disfunctional on Sylas. He can't gain an S rank to use it, nor it has any passive effect on him. If he ever steals Samira ult he is forced to wait untill it expires (thankfully it does). It caught me off guard once in Aram where i thought imma steal 'Inferno Trigger', go in and deal some AoE dmg but ended up Inting and having to wait like 3 fights just to be able to ult again.
At least it was broken like 2 patches ago when i played it, didn't check since
We typically just allow Sylas to be OP with new spells and don’t stop designing because of him. It would be really lame for 1 designer to ship a champ that restricts every designer after them.
As for the Samira Sylas thing, my understanding is that Sylas does not get Samira passive, which prevents him from casting R. This is definitely not ideal from the player perspective, but would require us to either move passive logic into R (which means Viego can’t stack it) or special case Sylas, which may be more cost than value.
i am SO curious to know what the hell caused that viego-zyra bug lol, I'm sure everything was very funny until someone had to fix it
just as a question, when testing new champions is it still expected to test them with viego, sylas, renata etc. or is it just expected to work out of the box?
This was all a bit before I started learning to read/write champion code myself, but my understanding of the cause was:
Most champions had spells/passives/etc that only had to check for “themselves” to trigger logic. So when it was Viego running their logic instead, it would not know what to do.
So in Zyras case, it would spawn a plant, then check “Zyras” passive cooldown before sending another one. Because there was no “Zyra” passive to check, it would just fire off another plant, and repeat until Viego left her body or until some other bug stopped it.
As for the final question, Viego/Sylas/Renata etc all caused us to have new “standards” for how to properly script to not run into the common bugs with them. So new champs should follow these standards and just work, but regardless, our QA teams would test to make sure it works anyway.
You are correct in that Viego and Sylas were both nightmares. Once we “locked” the general mechanics of the ult/kit stealing, we had to play test with the (very slowly growing) list of champions that wouldn’t break the game when interacting. This meant a LOT of playing simple stuff like Jinx until we slowly bug fixed every single interaction.
Did mean some funny moments when a champ labeled “functional but probably bugged somehow” in our champion tracker was played and would break the game somehow. For example, Viego possessing Zyra spawned about 6 thousand plants all around the map in around 5 seconds due to a bug with her passive.
Seeing how that development went, it’s a miracle we untangled all the spaghetti to where they function reasonably as expected on live now.
The engine from 2008 is dragging LoL down
They really need to make a new one, that's way too much tech debt
Things could always be improved for sure, but the Engineers have done some amazing improvements over the past few years. As far as Gameplay goes, there's not too much that we (Designers) are not able to do as far as prototyping and implementing goes.
eg. Consider the Season Start changes we just did. Just a few years ago, would not be remotely possible. In this Season we changed basically every map geo, many many items, all the objective flows, spawning rules, dynamic map terrain changing through the game, etc.
ITT Redditors learn of corporate bureaucracy.
I guess no matter how you slice it, having hundreds of people work together seamlessly is pretty difficult. It's hard to get 2 people to agree on something, let alone hundreds.
Other operating models are having one person call all the shots (which can make things extremely fast, but lose that diversity of thought).
On Gameplay, we like to give the teams as much autonomy as possible to do the things they want to do/believe are good for the game, while trying to strike a balance of removing roadblocks, providing vision and making sure we're ambitious enough for the future, overseeing quality to make sure changes to the game are going to move it forward.
Fun challenge that makes everyday exciting.
rofl i'm so happy that worked out. excellent!
Can we please just get a minimum number of draft games required for ranked? It’s far too easy for account sellers to level up accounts in bot games and have them ready to go ruin ranked games.
Even a 10-20 draft win requirement will go so far towards fixing this smurfing issue. And accounts should be required to play draft before ranked so they can at least guarantee some experience with playing around the pick/ban phase before jumping into ranked
It's something we've talked about and think is generally valuable. It's a lot more complex than it seems on paper to implement though...
It's on our list of things to fix, yeah. But this type of case is not ideal :( We don't get seeding information from bot or ARAM games
I think our art lead said yesterday that she gets hungry looking at Skarner claws and the team really liked the idea of going to a crab boil place to celebrate his release.....
Are you spying on us?