I think theres obviously a balance. Trash talk makes it fun, and since the tweets are pretty intrusive I feel like there should be more effort into making them more diverse. I think at least a decent number of people would agree with this. Otherwise it might as well be a bot sending messages with words from a random pool. Having positive messages isn't a bad thing, but if every message is positive it doesn't add anything to the broadcast, and kinda distracts from the whole thing.
An example is the tweet about the dude not wanting tsm to lose cuz it was his birthday. That had a bunch of actual emotion in it that people could feel, and it clearly was a popular tweet. Maybe if you don't want trash talk, show some of the more desperate tweets or anything other than the 'I'm so happy, good luck to both teams, can't wait to support both teams' sort of stuff.
All my opinion obviously with no stats to back it up. I just think it has so much potential to boost team rivalri...