League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Apr


Originally posted by Slotherz

Total number of nerfs isn't as relevant as the effectiveness of them. I think the point you've indirectly made here is that the nerfs haven't been good enough and some responbility here lies on the balance team.

I've seen champs get f**king nuked when Riot wants the champ out of pro play. It's clear with the repeated love taps to both Udyr and Hec that Riot was at least complicit with or enjoyed having then around and didn't want to blast them out of pro play (or blast their soloq win rates).

No jungle meta has ever been amazing tbh, but this Udyr Hec meta needs a stronger hand from the balance team to force it out, and it's not like it isn't clear why they're so good, as you can see from the comments in this thread.

To be clear, there are two distinct things going on:

An Udyr nerf, with a follow up that seems to be giving a real decline to Udyr pick/banrate, to the point where I expect with no further changes, he'd be sub-80, which tends to be the cutoff point. Still, he had another small nerf in 11.7. The round 2 nerf probably could have come in sooner, though.

And Hecarim, who did not cross pro play thresholds until the 11.6 nerf, which was a pretty substantial 0-20 damage off of Q. That is generally not what you'd consider a love tap on a low cooldown primary damage ability.


Originally posted by manbearbeaver

I think my biggest problem, is finding champions that punish Udyr/Hec. There aren’t a lot of good scaling answers to them, Karthus can work but has a much higher risk factor. You can beat them early with Nid, but then risk falling off. I feel like we’re in a limbo where carry junglers don’t get the necessary resources and traditional utility junglers can’t keep up.

Champions that appear to do well against Hecarim: Ivern, Skarner, Dr. Mundo, Nunu, Volibear, Rek'Sai, Trundle, Jarvan. So, mostly champions who fill the role of beefy frontliners while likely being able to out-duel him.

Good against Udyr: Ivern, Lillia, Zac, Sejuani, Taliyah, Kindred, Mundo. So, champions who make it difficult for Udyr to get past them (CC from Ivern/Taliyah) or just kite exceptionally well (Lillia, Taliyah, Kindred).


Originally posted by FlameOfDark

i love you so much man <3



Originally posted by Best_Lingonberry_608

I mean Seraphine is much more popular in mid and bot though, TK has never been the same since those nerfs in season 9 he is a corpse of what he was (and for good reason too because he was pretty busted in pro-play). Honestly thinking of it more closely this season has better than season 9 or 10 in terms of support diversity.

My problem with the balance in support in the last 3 seasons I cannot really remember a time where Mages and Enchanters were clearly the meta over tank supports like Thresh, Ali, Nautilus, Leona, Rakan, etc. in botlane. Like when was the last time Zyra, Karma, or Lulu have been the top of the meta as supports in pro-play? Sorry for the digression this is just a pet peeve of mine about support balance.

In terms of mid I mean I don't blame Riot as much for that. The game is played almost entirely around Dragon Soul right now so you need to have good late-game teamfighting to win those fights and control mages are great at that.

1-2 years ago Karma was perma pick/ban. This was after the Ardent Censer meta.

I agree I'd like a much healthier mix of tanks and enchanters. For whatever reasons, pros seem to just go 100-0 on one side of it. Even in the Ardent Censer year, we went up until Worlds with whatever champion just building Redemption with Censer just sitting there unpicked for the whole season.


Originally posted by Djinn_in_Tonic

Apologies! Meant it more as a reminder in case it was an unintentional slip-up than a "got you!" sort of thing. Cheers, and thanks for engaging in these discussions!

No apologies needed. I worded my post poorly and you caught it. Thanks! :)


Originally posted by Djinn_in_Tonic

Hecarim's most recent nerf was 11.6

You guys actually took 10% off his maximum Devastating Charge speed in 11.7! Easy one to miss, given how much he's been in the patch notes lately.

Right, yeah, pro-facing nerf. I'll fix the post.


Originally posted by Best_Lingonberry_608

You raise some fair points, but I think this Spring has been really boring meta-wise in jungle especially but also in support and mid-lane. I know people used to complain about Riot making too many forced changes to meta, but honestly I would like to see some forced changes and a different meta after MSI. Maybe Viego and Gwen being available in Summer will shake up the meta?

Outside of Alistar and Rell, I'd argue that there's a lot of space in support when looking at the whole year. It's heavily engage tanks because of the first two and the next few who trail them, but Senna, TK, Seraphine, and Gragas occasionally built full AP make for some decent variety.

Mid is really just dominated by Orianna Azir Syndra Viktor Zoe TF, mostly the first three. I think Riot did a good job of getting Sylas into a playable spot and we saw some Lucian/Trist, which was also cool, but yeah I think the Orianna changes came too late.


Originally posted by Avelden

Except that the balance team deigned to not do a third nerf, which is something that pro-play numbers supports, despite Hecarims presence in soloQ as well.

Not doing a third nerf when looking at pro-play could be argued, but not when he also has as much presence in SoloQ as he does

To be clear about something, Riot cannot react to pro play the immediate patch before. Not only is there a minimum 8 day lag between a patch hitting live and pros playing on it, the number is greater than that because, let's be clear, a single bo3 between T1 and NS is not a good source of data.

So Riot is necessarily one full skipped patch behind pro play. There just isn't another way to do it. 11.7 can look at 11.5 pro play and 11.8 can look at 11.6 pro play... just not all of it, since those are playoff patches, but you at least get enough of a look.

Hecarim's most recent pro-facing nerf was 11.6, yes, meaning 11.8 could have had more pro-reactive nerfs. However, it's reasonable to conclude a large reason for his prevalence is from Chemtank, which also got nerfed in 11.7. For further reference, his win rates on non-Chemtank are pretty reasonable, leading to a fair conclusion that a Chemtank-focused nerf would be fair, combined with a lighter nerf on his E.


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Originally posted by Adaptabletochange

Tbf the balancing team has a really weird way of actually trying to "balance" something. They never directly address the issue, they always try to nerf something in 500 different ways first. In master+ elo on EUW heca and udyr is ban or dodge. That's so fun. I don't watch LCS but LEC games are so stale, like having Corki/Azir meta. Every game goes down by book, really boring knowing what happens before it does. Lee sin at least does flashy plays, heca just presses e and chemtank and runs you down. That doesn't even look good and engaging.

How exactly do you find nerfs to Phoenix Udyr's clear speed and Chemtank's movement speed "indirect"?


Originally posted by Avelden

Except this completely disregards SoloQ data input.

And those champions got nerfs every time they set off the solo queue flags. It's not like Riot was like, "Nah, let's just ignore the oracle data this time."


Originally posted by Shorgar

Isn't the problem having to clear the entire jungle pre 3:15 for crab or you are doomed? Pretty much the only things we see are champs with a super fast clear.

You don't really have to, though. Whether or not you're level 4, the team with lane priority is the one who's getting the crab. It's not unreasonable to do 5 camps and just take the other one instead.


Originally posted by anoleo201194

I just think people are so bored of seeing Heca and Udyr they want both of them to be Olaf'd to oblivion. Fwiw, even though I'm not a fan of this meta I think it's a good thing to take it slow if the champ is not Samira levels of busted, but I can see where the frustration is coming from.

And I can understand that, but let's be really specific about what happened:

Riot nerfed Udyr in the 11.5/6 playoff patch and Hecarim was only at 61% presence the last time Riot had a chance to react to pro play metrics for 11.6.

I really don't think Riot should get in the habit of roller coaster champion balance. It'll feel sh*tty for players and it'll feel sh*tty for pros just playing whack-a-mole with champion select.


Originally posted by mazrrim

While I see most of your points here, Hecarim is still smashing every benchmark for nerfs and has been for literal months


"elite" tier, ranked number 1 jungler and 53.5% win rate close to 70% ban rate. This is for 11.7, "fine now"

And ill cut off any discussion now about "noooo this other stat site says he is 52.5% not 53.5%", because rather than obsess over the number in a vacuum look at his rank 1 overall in the jungler position.

"I think a third hit on Hecarim in 11.8 is warranted, but it's not like Riot didn't continually tap them down."

Literally in the post, bro.


FWIW, Hecarim and Udyr each received several nerfs in addition to Chemtank being nerfed.

I know Reddit likes to complain about "triple nerfing" something, but sometimes that doesn't do enough.

Hecarim's nerfs weren't in for the LCS playoffs, though he was still #1 pick/ban in the 11.6 playoffs regions.

Hecarim's second nerf, Udyr's third nerf, and Chemtank's nerf were all in 11.7, which were all put in after Riot reacted to the 11.5 second round of Udyr nerfs not lowering his priority enough.

I think a third hit on Hecarim in 11.8 is warranted, but it's not like Riot didn't continually tap them down.

Plus, let's not act like pros are good at reacting to changes on time. You say "months ago" as though people whose literal job it is to pick the strongest champions didn't fail to identify them.

11.2 had Chemtank's big buffs where it got much cheaper. Hecarim's presence: 28%. Udyr's was 74%

11.3, where Udyr was specifically nerfe...

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Originally posted by iStayGreek

I think I can speak for the sane members of the community when I say that the comment isn't directed at the developers, rather management and leadership. Speaking as someone with experience in the industry, I know game developers tend to be incredibly passionate and hard working, but there is a legitimate critique to be made in the chosen design direction of the heads.

Personally I love you guys and think you do amazing work, certain things like killing Wintermint / the lack of client features are grating, but I don't blame the average dev for that.

-League player for 12 years



Originally posted by Seiphert

By being the industry leader you can afford being lazy.

If there's one comment that makes me flinch every time I see it, it's this one. I can promise you that the League devs I interact with on a daily basis are some of the hardest working and dedicated devs I've ever had the pleasure to work with.

Sure, throw 100 years, spaghetti code, bugs etc at us, but our drive to make the game the best it can be for every player (we're players too) is always strong. Sometimes we just can't do all the things we'd love to do.


This should be fixed this patch. We caught the bug just slightly too late for last patch and I suppose it didn’t warrant a micro patch, so had to wait til this one.

This ones on me though, if I had pointed out the bug when I first noticed it (I work on gameplay not tech so I’m still improving at this), we could have avoided having it in last patch. I’ll be sure to keep a closer eye out on weird sh*t in our builds for future.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Pur1tas

I work in software developement / IT consulting and 90% of the time its the consumers fault. Be it some bloat or maleware on their machine, be it firewalls not being configured correctly and so on.

Now obviously I don't work with Riot and don't know the details of how the client and/or the game runs AT ALL. I can only tell you that the fact that some people have more issues than others CLEARLY hints to the source of the problem being the Local machine and NOT the client itself.

I KNOW the client has some issues and encounter SOME of those myself at times (Shop not loading or skip waiting for stats) but I encounter them very rarely.

And considering what type of stuff people have running on their Machines without even knowing, its likely many issues lie on the consumer side.

And yes Riot is still the ones who probably SHOULD troubleshoot if possible, yet they physically can't fix all bugs. The environment is changing too quickly, which is btw the r...

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well said, but we acknowledge EOG is the most common complaint from players and we still want to see what we can do to make it better for as many players across the board

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback!

We did do a number of things for EOG (End Of Game) second half of last year, and also some fixes early this year (see previous dev posts). Although it did fix some key issues, it is still not enough since EOG is still the most common complaint we see from players.

EOG involves multiple services and interacts with things outside the client (game engine, services, client foundation), and we have also heard from players weird bugs being reported when using discord (also on chromium) with the client. All these random things, plus a player's hardware, can result in strange behavior for some in EOG.

We are launching our next comms post next Friday, but a little preview is that we are going to initiate another investigation in EOG, map everything out, and figure out where we can continue to make improvements, and this will likely require other teams outside of client to make changes too.



I think item diversity is very good.

Sure the Chemtank junglers are running over everything. That’s obviously an issue. But I just saw Renekton build three different first item builds in a single bo5 this weekend and then the next day he swapped his mythic midgame as the game state evolved.

Lillia and Nidalee regularly build three different mythics. Supportive tops have 2-3. And that’s not counting the 2nd and 3rd options. Marksmen have a ton of choices across ER, Collector, Hurricane, PD, Rageknife, and LDR third. There are further edge cases and that’s not counting the 5-6 different first items that get chosen.

Mages are a little lean except that they choose among 4-5 of the 6 mythics every game. Seraphs is a sometimes 2nd. Void is OP though.

People think their fighter options are limited. They are not. Gangplank regularly uses like four different builds though.