League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Apr


Originally posted by JumboFister

Hmm hot fix buffing a champ literally a day after release when people haven’t figured how to play her? Getting Volibear and Yummi and Akali flashbacks

The way we determine wether or not to hot fix comes down to our estimated win rate growth and where we expect them to be for players with zero experience in the champ. In Gwen’s case, we estimated that she’d grow a little under 10 percent given her fragility and high mechanical burden. Her win rate on launch plus our estimate still put her under 50%, so we did a cautious buff in order to try and get her more in line.

Yuumi was actually a learning experience for us, that we should be factoring larger growth estimates for weirder champs. That’s why these buffs are so minor. We could buff her to be 50% right now, but the goal is to buff her to be long term balanced. Like everything we do, the live environment is much different from our testing one, so we monitor the champ closely as the players grow to learn the new one.


Originally posted by bz6

There sure is a lot of pressure to get this appointment right no? If the plan is to keep League kicking for another decade.

I fear that all these new games will start cannibalising LoL, especially the MMO. Don’t you think?


It's an important role certainly, but at the same time LoL doesn't succeed or fail because of a single person IMO. Like other leadership at Riot this role isn't about dictating exactly what to do to the teams and people on them, but instead about building a strategy for the teams, helping people grow their skills, reviewing work etc.


Congratulations Mark, it was a blast working together!


Originally posted by fl4shyyy

reddits time to shine

I have such faith!

On a somewhat related note - if anyone's got serious questions do feel free to DM me here! I don't have DMs open on Twitter but happy to chat here though

16 Apr


Originally posted by RayliOtter

Who will be in his place in the future?

What i always loved about him is that i could follow him on twitter for the balance changes and nothing else. No breakfast pictures or shit like that.

good luck for the future!

Small Edit: I hope its not because People meme you so much, more than any other person on the League Team

Don't worry its not from the memes, for every meme or angry response there are helpful and kind ones too.

I'm ready to be memed to death on the MMO, been building meme resist for years.


Originally posted by RiotScruffy

It's normal course for a long lived game like League. People come on and off the project over time. It's healthy for the team to have fresh talent, ideas, and to let the old guard move on after many years.

Specifically I can say that the league team isn't shrinking for sure (they're growing in 2021 with lots of big plans).

Our messiah

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FaeTaleDream

I feel that, but her mobility also feels fantastic. Probably just needs her passive buffed and maybe her Q.

We just hotfixed a small buff to her Q and base armor


Originally posted by bz6

Man idk, from the outside looking in it just feels League is getting it's resourced siphoned without adequate replacement. I am happy for him of course, but he set the standard for transparent communication while he was at the helm. Is that a fair assumption to make /u/RiotScruffy ? Is the League team just getting smaller?

Best of luck.

It's normal course for a long lived game like League. People come on and off the project over time. It's healthy for the team to have fresh talent, ideas, and to let the old guard move on after many years.

Specifically I can say that the league team isn't shrinking for sure (they're growing in 2021 with lots of big plans).


Originally posted by RiotJag

just speakin the truth

Can't believe Paul let you get away with this.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We are aware, and plan on changing the entire verbiage around this, to reflect a more accurate representation of this option


Originally posted by RiotJag

I think it's definitely possible but far too risky.

For one, her pro presence is high enough that adding flex potential would always be dangerous; in her case it would probably be disastrous, as most of her draft responses are oriented around her lane being vulnerable.

And two, most jungle solutions would buff a pro-facing strength (Epic Monster speed).

It was really fun that she could jungle on release, and I wish we could give that back, but it's probably not great for her or the game. :(

Yone jungle when


Originally posted by asiantuttle

Give us a sign if Jankos is holding you hostage

LF sejuani flair


Originally posted by xSeeii

In the meantime, expect more systemic jungle changes in 11.10, aimed at raising the jungle floor, and not the ceiling.

Can anyone explain this in more detail? by raising the "jungle floor" isn't this suggesting raising the barrier to entry? i.e making jungle more difficult to learn/play overall?

In this case it means raising the minimum output of a jungler. Or in other words, making the worst jungler players less bad at it.


Originally posted by homer12346

Yetter jungle wins

just speakin the truth


Originally posted by GameBoy09


f**k it.

Braum jungle.

Make his passive not go on cooldown on Jungle Camps and deal 200% against monsters.

Make it happen.



Originally posted by ThisIsSnake


Do you think there is a way to make Kai'sa jungle viable? Would be cool to see another hyperscale marksmen in the JG.

Edit: Yeah I know Kai'sa is right a now an over picked champ that people are upset with. I get seeing her more right now might be scary, but I'd just like to remind you that JG Kai'sa was kind of one of her off roles for her first couple of patches but was never very good and dropped off.

I think it's definitely possible but far too risky.

For one, her pro presence is high enough that adding flex potential would always be dangerous; in her case it would probably be disastrous, as most of her draft responses are oriented around her lane being vulnerable.

And two, most jungle solutions would buff a pro-facing strength (Epic Monster speed).

It was really fun that she could jungle on release, and I wish we could give that back, but it's probably not great for her or the game. :(

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

It's not coming this week, looking like the last week of this month right now


Early ranked data is important for evaluating the balance of a champion. If a champion releases and on day 0 or day 1 they are 46%+ that usually means they are OP and could use a micropatch. Also we use "launch win-rate growth" as a metric to evaluate accessibility and mastery curve. Overall invaluable information as balancing using draft/blind pick is not reliable.


Originally posted by EROTIC_RAID_BOSS

Morgana is popular and isn't a pro play flex. The point of these changes is to give newer players more familiar picks they can use in the jungle role. Since her jungling will never be popular in pro it's not really a balance problem the way pyke is

I think it should've been zyra jg though, for thematic reasons

Pretty spot on take, When talking about popularity and new players in the jungle role, I couldn’t have said it better myself. I don’t think she will never be a pro flex but she is much less so, I think frustration and intuitiveness factor in here as well. Pyke mid doesn’t actually play the game like a mid laner normally does, he mostly ignores farm and roams, and when he doesn’t ignore farm he tends to just shrug off poke and never really engage in trading. Such an unintuitive play pattern tends to lead to much higher frustration levels. Pyke mid was also a bonkers winrate despite all its nerfs for a long, long time. These morgana changes arent nearly a drastic swing in winrate, and like mentioned before she hasn’t shown up in pro much so the concern there is minor, but likely will be monitored.

15 Apr

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

Do you and the team feel that all the new champions added to the game are adding UNIQUE gameplay?

It's cool if some abilities are reused but are they truly adding something new to learn to play & play against?


I mean that's the goal, and any champion we ship we feel is going to do so