League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Apr


Originally posted by darkacesp

Yep, the replies under you got what I mean, I was referring to the fact the beam doesn't seem to reach the line. I realize elevation etc. is a part of League, but if the line is a part of the beam, why not just extend the beam to meet the line?

Currently working on extending the beam to match her other skins. :)


Originally posted by Caenen_

Wait something is weird in that clip. While the ground indicator is the same as classic Lux and checks out alright (the spell is also modern rectangle with edge range so this Malphite was still well inside the hitbox), the laser (the part that doesn't render at Lux' ground height) is missing a little bit of length?

Classic Lux' laser particle doesn't have this issue, it even has a bright spot at the end to emphasize the total length.

This bright spot appears to be missing here?

Edit: Seems to be that the laser particle from Elementalist Lux's forms is this slight bit too short. Not a terrible discrepancy but I hope you could make it stretch the final 50 units aswell, like the others do!

Ty Caenen for the context! I'll see if I can get it to match the other skins, and I'll add the light at the end of the beam as well.

06 Apr


Originally posted by darkacesp

That’s actually very nice, thanks Sirhaian. But wait, wouldn’t it be better to extend the Lux Ult then? Or does that cause more issues with like the lollipop of the hit box?

Not sure I understand what you mean. :o

The ground hitbox visuals should be accurate.


Originally posted by DragonOfDuality

The ult isn't stupid but that hitbox has always been horrible.

10 years of horrible Lux ult hitbox yay

I specifically added a line at the end of Lux's ult to mark its end, and Malphite here was clearly on that line still when it hit. :c

EDIT: After looking closer at the issue, it looks like Elementalist Lux's R beam was indeed shorter than the other skins. I've corrected that and it should be fixed on PBE tomorrow.

Here's a before/after of the change: https://imgur.com/dxfnl3X


Originally posted by egirldestroyer69

Imo as someone who plays cassio those buffs doesnt do much. In lane most of the time you have no mana to all in before first back (even with the buffs) and after first back tear you have no mana issues.

The main difference between her and karthus is karthus q is spammable while in cassio you are reliant on hitting Q or W so it doesnt have nearly as much impact nor is as spammable.

I think a small buff that could increase her winrate by a small margin is giving her 5 more base armor. Assassin lanes have become extremely hard after seekers nerf and the fact cassio has one of the lowest base armor in the game. Another option would be to increase her e healing since she got hit pretty hard after ravenous hunter nerfs.

Just for reference, +5 base armor is probably 2-3% winrate


Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

You can isolate winrate deltas for specific changes? That's very cool. Can you share a little more about that? Is it a matter of referencing similar changes in the past, theorycrafter-style math, etc.?

2% is surprising if it is coming from the cost changes alone. I would expect huge differences like that to come from some sort of first clear breakpoint, but Karthus would have just -1 mana per Q once he levels it again at rank 3. I think he has remained pretty hard-bound to PoM secondary and Liandry's; am I missing an important factor here?

Tends to be using similar or the same changes in the past to ballpark. Like we had previously done this exact Karthus Q ap ratio the other way so we have a decent sense of that change. We also have good senses of base stats and stuff like simple damage changes.

Karthus was on the high end here. I looked into it and he had a total of like a 5-6% delta that patch. A lot of it for Karthus was he was actually under the bar for being able to clear the jungle midgame so he's absolutely on the high end, it moved him from like running out of mana to being ok with mana itemization


Originally posted by Rexsaur

Maybe give some of that AH to ardent? The item has been underwhelming as a whole since it lost move speed and cdr, and now if you want to go moonstone you're kind of forced to go staff or you'll be walking around with 0 cdr which is terrible for an enchanter.

Make ardent build from a codex instead of the tomes and give it 10 ah.

Yeah I don't want to pretend that everything is perfect after this list, just the goal of these changes was to make Shurelias more competitive with moonstone for enchanters specifically. We just can't change every item in a system at once or else we have a hard time evaluating the effects of changes.


So this is awkward (or maybe a good time). I think we actually submitted a fix for this bug for 11.8. It should be on PBE right now. Obviously there's a lot going on within Wolf's AI, so we could have fixed one aspect and this one may have slipped through.


Originally posted by PlasticForkRubberDuc

I feel like seraphine belongs more in the second group. For example, in the G2 S04 game 5, where G2 played the disgusting seraphine comp, rekless was building full support/healing items (moonstone, redemption, staff etc.) even though he was playing farming seraphine. So it's kind of concerning to me that this change aims to shift power towards that playstyle for her, when it was already proved to be insanely strong.

To be fair, that game was played on 11.6 which was before the Seraphine nerfs with moonstone (making her less frequently proc it) that released on 11.7. The thinking is the 11.7 bugfix should move her more into the first group I outlined above.


Originally posted by KatyaBelli

The hits to AH are huge though. Saying this flexes heal shield power completely negates that it removes the ability of the same kit reliant supports to flex their kit to the tune of 15-20 AH

It's definitely true that some AH is missing. The reality for a lot of enchanters though is that you spend a smaller % of the game accessing 2-3 stacks of mythic passive, so as far as power budget goes it's a small % of moonstone's (and other enchanter mythics) allotted power budget.


Originally posted by Sir_lordtwiggles

I know this is a bit off topic, but I have concerns with staff of flowing water give ability haste.

Not only is haste a powerful invisible stat to opponents, but I feel that the item's power will vary widely by rank and communication level. Saving your abilities until you can get prebuffed is way stronger with communication, but making tracking ability cooldowns way harder on the other side. Moreover, it makes optimal play way harder when you don't have quick and easy communication methods available.

IIRC in league's early days shurelia's gave AOE CDR (5%) and it was removed for bringing invisible power to an invisible stat.

Finally I am a bit worried about it augmenting champion's play patterns too much. It feels like a general design principle in league is: legendary items shouldn't change ability sequences too much. You might pop a cooldown to stop steraks from procing, but for the most part (other than zhonya's) you play the same way before or after an i...

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I think that's a reasonable concern, I dont think it'll end up changing sequencing a ton because its not toooo much real time off of a spell. That being said it is important and is a riskier thing to give conditionally


Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

I believe that the Karthus Q AP ratio was also increased from 30 -> 35% in that patch, so I don't know how much of the increase can be attributed to the cost changes.

Regardless, as long as you guys know these types of buffs can be impactful, then that's reassuring. It's just very hard to see it when I'm trying to map out where the extra mana would be useful (especially considering that Cassio, Ryze, etc. are building enough mana with Tear + Mythic that they stop being gated by it fairly quickly).

The overall Karthus delta was over 4% that patch iirc, and we had a decent idea of what the AP ratio did.

Sometimes these changes can partially unbind from the mana system. Maybe opening up minor runes or whatever, not sure about this one since I don't have specific context here though


Originally posted by Rexsaur

Not sure why enchanter items are getting nerfed again lol, staff and moonstone changes are almost full on nerfs for them.

They really want to keep that 4 year of tank/engage support dominance dont they? Look at that slap on the wrist for thresh.

The intention is that moonstone is a nerf for it's individual healing contribution to a fight, but in exchange a buff to a champion's innate supportive outputs. This should make it worse for champions that aren't already indexing into maxing their supportive outputs (karma, lux, seraphine) but neutral (or potentially a buff) to champions that can really flex that heal/shield power (sona, soraka, lulu, janna).


Originally posted by homer12346

is there any world where you want to take lethality over attack speed secondary now?

Tbh I'm not sure. This buff brings the lethality-per-point to equal the attackspeed-per-point as far as goldvalue-per-point is concerned. Whether that means that lethality is actually valued comparatively to attack speed for aphelios is up in the air, but at least now you won't be taking the "less gold efficient" option by picking lethality.


Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

What is the point of Cassio's mana cost reduction? It's even less meaningful than the 11.1 Ryze Q cost reduction because Cassio has a refund mechanic. I don't understand why this type of buff is used at all, let alone re-used.

These buffs tend to wildly overperform expectations (but also sometimes do very little)

The -0/1/2/3/4 mana off of Karthus Q a bit ago was like a ~2% buff approx, for example. Highly spammable spells with mana cost going down (even with refunds) can be massive and also can sometimes reshape builds and the like


So hyped!


Originally posted by Virtuoso229

Damn, I hope he's still viable. I've been playing a lot of jungle Mundo, but damn is he overpowered in low elo.

We aren't looking to remove his jungle viability, so I would expect him to stay viable at the worst, and likely still be a competitive pick.


Originally posted by HorrowLP

Can't say I'd be happy to see this.

Mundo top is a joke. But ever played against one that managed to get ahead? Its miserable. Q lets him run you down and always kill when he's ahead.

Ironically I feel like this is the problem with his jungle, he powerfarms to get ahead and just runs you down, with little opportunity to stop him from scaling.


Originally posted by Maloonyy

"Dr. Mundo (Jungle > Top)" How do you read this? Do they want to nerf jungle ´Mundo and buff top Mundo?

Edit: Seems like it means they want to move him from Jungle to Top, a shame considering jungle Mundo is a nice pick for people to learn jungle.

Correct, the change is meant to nerf jungle and buff top lane.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Woo moon man