League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

25 Mar


BADASS!!! <3 <3 <3


Originally posted by Nandrith

Gotta be honest, I'm not a huge fan on the editing (autotuning?) of your voice.
Really makes me miss the personal touch that you could hear in RwmH.

Apart from that it's a really nice song, I hope you guys keep this up (and maybe even work with Pentakill on a Song or two? Would be awesome!).

Hey mate that's fair enough. I actually expected people to like Reckless with my heart more so your comment doesn't surprise me too much.

Would love to work with bands like Pentakill but I'm not sure how realistic that is haha. We'll see!


Originally posted by Junkraj1802

Honestly it's super commendable to work both as hard as all of you guys do just by casting and all of your analysis content, and then put effort into improving your singing, a skill that, in a more traditional sense, nobody really expects casters to work on. It really shows how much fun you guys have both in the studio and out of it, keep up the good work my man

Also holy shit Vedi replied to me starstruck moment

Cheers man! The singing is also a personal project. One day I hope to write my own songs from start to finish, so I'd like to get good enough to be able to do that while also elevating future LEC bangers :)


Originally posted by Denworath

Didn't mean any offense. I think it would have been a lot better without those effects though. FWIW I really liked your voice in Reckless with my heart.

No offence taken mate you're all good!


Originally posted by Junkraj1802

Imo, the effects added more of a throwback feel to the kind of nu metal style that linkin Park and other bands went for; the whole zero-effects rap with drakos and the harmonic bits with you and ender really sold it for me, esp because I was super into melodic metal. You did a killer job man, regardless of what some people might say, hope you don't overwork yourself with all this amazing content

Aha I don't take offence to it. I'm not a pro singer. I am learning and hope to get better but I think comments around my lack of singing skills are fair enough. I agree that the effects they added really hit the tone we wanted so I'm very happy with how it came out.


Incredible work by an incredibly talented member of our team. She also has a great creative eye and promotes the art of other talented folks on her Twitter: @YBourykina


Originally posted by Denworath

It is very obvious. But he's a caster and not a singer so it doesnt really matter.

A little hurtful :( For what it's worth, they added a lot of effects to my voice, but not really much auto tune. I can sing the whole thing in key.


Originally posted by [deleted]



Hope you guys enjoyed our newest song for playoffs! A lot of people already said it but it was definitely inspired by linkin park. We wanted to get some Drakos rapping in there and they were a great balance between that edgy emo tone while also rapping and he smurfed it. Hyped for playoffs!

24 Mar


Originally posted by patmax17

Link is broken! :(


Originally posted by Getjukedm9

I thought it would be blood moon Diana :( That splash is so f*cking fine

Darn! But yea it is Blood Moon Diana :) let me get a working link.


Originally posted by Lonzofanboy

Taric w does the same. After linking, whenever one of you are in combat, the moonstone will keep applying.

Taric's is the same root cause bug as Seraphine. We caught the Taric one before Preseason, but not the Seraphine one. Someone is looking at it, so thanks for all the updoots and awareness.

Taric's was even more abusive, because he didn't need to cast any spells, just have a W link active and it would permanently go off.

23 Mar


Thank you! I think we've collected enough for now, super appreciate everyone who sent me one!

Originally posted by ViraLCyclopes

What are the Teemo changes?

One whole damage :)

Also the passive ASPD duration is up from 3s >>> 5s


Originally posted by Caenen_

You're doing a lot of cleanup on the new tooltip system, right?

Not intentionally but I run into those bugs all the time and fix em


Originally posted by Caenen_

I did some digging and apparently it had a bug on PBE that caused the stun duration to be inconsistent (update cycle bug; could stay for up-to 0.25 seconds longer than it's supposed to). Her tooltip does not mention the intended duration, so the editor who did her page must have been confused by that bug when measuring it. Afaik it's consistently 0.75s now.

Side note; Because I didn't do my work on Rell's page yet, all her aoe ranges are still missing from the page, too. Oops.

Yeah the lack of a tooltip number makes it awkward, it's on us IMO. Love all the wiki work y'all do.

I'm gonna try to get the tooltip value in for 11.8 or something


Originally posted by Neblinio

Can some rioter please clarify the Rell nerf? current stun duration is 1 sec, not 0.75. So the nerf will be 0.5 sec or 0.25? cutting it in half is very significant

Wiki numbers aren't the same as our internal ones always


Originally posted by Darkendevil

Those Amumu early game buffs are pretty good looking tbh. He may be a solid ganker again. The Kaisa nerf functionally does nothing honestly. Also Yasuo AD buff seems pretty significant when compared to Varus'.

The thinking with Amumu is that the mana cost reductions on Q and E cooldown enable him to move around the jungle farming at a decent speed without either intentionally falling behind or running OOM and failing to impact the map. Curious to see how it shakes out! Hard to perfectly calculate how much mana this saves him on average per game.


Originally posted by bz6

are we ever going to get new keystones, runes, stat shards? I feel that system in the game could be so much more as it stands.

I'd imagine we'll continue to change these around