League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

23 Mar


Originally posted by bz6

are we ever going to get new keystones, runes, stat shards? I feel that system in the game could be so much more as it stands.

I'd imagine we'll continue to change these around

Originally posted by Blasterus

Damn those yorick buffs. Good, he deserves em

the turret aggro priority changes are unlikely to happen within the time frame of this patch


Originally posted by baylithe

LEC Observers need to have a damn seminar for all other regions on how to observe. You guys are the best.

Aah haha thank you <3


Originally posted by Darkendevil

Those Amumu early game buffs are pretty good looking tbh. He may be a solid ganker again. The Kaisa nerf functionally does nothing honestly. Also Yasuo AD buff seems pretty significant when compared to Varus'.

Ranged champs tend to get a lot more value out of the same amount of AD than melees on average


Originally posted by baylithe

When you need to add programs to a game to add a zoom in and zoom out to replays, which is something that let's say Halo 3 had in it's Theater Mode, which came out in 2007, shows how far behind Riot is. I get it, it's cool there's a way to do it now, but it should be something that is already apart of the replays instead of a 3rd party application.

Extended zoom exists in the game client itself and has never needed external programs to work :/


Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Hey Phlox, sorry to bother with this, I finished mapping out a big thread of Ability damage inconsistency across the whole game, very similar cases to pre-fix Kassadin W. Can you log these? The only thing I couldn't test was Force of Nature interactions with these.

Here is my excel sheet of the problems.

Tyvm man, I'll pass this to our QA


Originally posted by pluutia

Does anyone know if the upcoming prestige Lulu skin will be the last event to feature Prestige Points? I'm sitting on like 75PP and don't really want them to go to waste

No, it won't be the last event with Prestige Points. We published another small update about Prestige; relevant bit here is we ran into some blockers and had to push our timeline out. At minimum, Sylas and Pantheon will be receiving Event Prestige skins and Zed will be receiving a Prestige Point skin before the update. We still don't have a hard date to share so that list may expand further by the time all's said and done.


Originally posted by Masterfulidea

Not sure if you’re the right person to ask, but any word on the rammus/TK reworks? Been losing hope recently

Have faith in the frog and the armadillo


Originally posted by mublacksmith



22 Mar


Originally posted by MemeOverlordKai

Kassadin currently procs Electrocute from any single ability + W this patch. His W apparently counts the passive and active as separate abilities. Was this intended when the QoL change to Kassadin's W stacking Tear shipped?

Think we're fixing this


Originally posted by mtheelen

I will test this on my new mac once it arrives! Is this in preparation for native Apple Silicon support? :D

Thanks for your help! We're updating our API to be able to make improvements to performance and rendering :)


Originally posted by mercias1

Will something be done about kaisa build diversity or will she stuck with full crit + lethality build.

I suspect Kai'sa builds aren't as solved as players think they are (we've seen her builds take quite a while to adapt) but I don't know for sure. Could be something we look into


Originally posted by drashy_

Kassadin dodged nerf?

Actually i am happy for yorick, finally he gets a buff

Kass got Fleet hit last patch and Everfrost this patch


Originally posted by Xplosion101

Sorry for hijacking this thread (and a month later no less) but since you're a Rioter I've been meaning to ask you this: Sometimes, if I Alt-Tab at the very beginning of the loading screen to go to my Desktop, the game appears really warped, as if everything has been squished together. The only fix is to rejoin the game, which kind of makes you lose a lot of time. Happens both on the PBE as well as in the live servers since quite some patches. Is that something that can be fixed?

Hi! Can you DM me with your game logs, dxdiag and any media please? I appreciate you reaching out but let's keep your issue separate from the intended purpose of this thread.


Originally posted by Silma87

Is this a Fudge over performance or a Ssumday underperformance, or a mix of both ?

Fudge has played better than Ssumday for the majority of Spring. This is the new normal for now.


Originally posted by MasterRed92

Probably imported some WeetBix for the big fella, he smashed a bowl of 7 with some Strawbs, Nanas and Honey like Fast Bowler Brett Lee and was raring to go.

This comment speaks to me.


Originally posted by vileb123

Hey phreak did you end up doing the math for the zeal deviation for senna's build?

Not yet. I was busy winning Clash.

21 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]

If anyone was watching the split they’d know how below average ssumday was performing

Below average you say?

Like, say... 6th place?


Originally posted by Potkrokin

This inevitable loss is made all the worse by Phreak creaming his pants whenever something good happens for C9

I assure you as an FBI fan I'd be just as excited for any good plays 100 Thieves made.

They just had so few.