League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Oct


Originally posted by 1to0

Is this region locked loot drop?

Players outside of NA, LATAM, and BR who can't make the stream; don't worry! We'll be sharing with you a different way to get these icons soon.

Kinda confuses me. Does it mean everyone tuning in can earn it but for people outside this region they will get an extra chance to earn it due to timezone diff?

Its available to all regions except Garena and China. However since it’ll be pretty late in EU and Asia, we’ll provide other opportunities to get them.


Quality content


Preseason Ranked changes testing on PBEHey all, we've activated some of our Preseason ranked changes on PBE for testing in Ranked Solo/Duo queue which means we'll also be enabling ranked on PBE. Specifically, rolling out the following:

  • Inter-division promos have been removed. On promo, leftover LP will now roll over into your next division. Inter-division demotion shielding at 0 LP has been removed as well.
  • We've also made some matchmaking algorithm adjustments. This won't be super noticeable on PBE due to the small population size and fewer ranked games played per account; we're mainly looking for bugs.
  • For those players at Master and above rank, duo queue will be disabled as part of our Apex duo removal feature.

In order to get more exposure on these changes, we've temporarily disabled normal queues. If you want a refresher on these and other Ranked changes we're working on, head to our most recent Ranked blog: ...

Read more External link →

28 Oct


We'll be adding some ranked and matchmaking changes in soon as well.


Originally posted by 2th

(does Get Jinxed go in a music videos section or a champion section?).

Why not put it in both categories? There is nothing wrong with overlapping content tags sometimes.

That was definitely an option we were looking at. The content management system we use for riot.com is a little funky so we hit a couple barriers in terms of providing a nice, slick UI while still serving videos in a way where you could find what you were looking for quickly. It was either a long boring list of links or endless scrolling (for the longer categories). All solveable stuff but it kept coming back to the YouTube playlist experience being hard to beat.

As we were working on the project it also felt like it was getting further away from its original purpose which had been to celebrate the partners we work with on these. We ultimately just started editing the video descriptions to add credits like we’ve been doing since “Welcome Aboard” (for Odyssey) or shortly after.

I’d still like to revisit this project because we have so much good stuff that it’s easy to forget about some of the hidden gems. Especially as we’ve gone multiproduct I dream of a central h...

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Originally posted by Tealtigertmr

The main client auto switches to PBE when I sign in with my pbe account. I do have the pbe client from before the client was updated but that version hasn’t been updated since September so I assumed that my main client was only being used for both.

What you use to log in with is the Riot Client and not what you're trying to modify. Under Finder > Applications, you should still see two separate applications - "League of Legends" and "League of Legends (PBE)". These get installed after logging in with the account associated with each for the first time. The same occurs on Windows in C:/RiotGames/ - you should see "League of Legends" and "League of Legends (PBE)".


Originally posted by sebnanchaster

I have been testing with this change, it has been fine so far but just after the patch this afternoon to restore preseason to the PBE I noticed that chat was not working (not able to type, no pings, no history, it was as if chat did not exist). As well, kills/aces/shutdowns etc. do not have the normal border and champion icons, only the text. I removed the "MetalBetaTest=true" from the config and they are working again. As well, the PBE crashed ~5 times in 1 match, but that may just be due to client instability rather than Metal.

Thanks for reporting these! They should all be fixed in today's PBE build :)


Originally posted by MoredhelEUW

We do not deserve you.

I hope Riot will do some kind of list on their website at some point ;)

Good job mate

Around two years ago we started building out a section of riot.com as a video hub but killed the project. We were worried it wouldn’t improve on the experience of a YouTube playlist and we also got a little stuck on how to categorize the videos (does Get Jinxed go in a music videos section or a champion section?).

I’m still not sure about the YouTube question, but this definitely shows we were overthinking it with the categories, lol. It’s an awesome list.


Originally posted by Vuducdung28

Holy shit Obama left the white house to work for rito

My fellow Americans. Gaming. Is the future of our economy. And I. Want to be part, of that future.


Going to use this in my work ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Originally posted by googlebeast

Its Graphics engine (API) for iOS (can be compared to DirectX on Win).

This is the simplest answer, think of the transition to Metal on Mac similar to what we did for DX11 on Windows :) Apple has more information here if you'd like to learn more!


Originally posted by Tealtigertmr

On my mac and pc I use the same client for live as I do for PBE. What would I do in that situation?

Hmm, I'm not quite sure I follow, would you mind elaborating? You should still have "League of Legends (PBE)" under Applications regardless of using Riot Client to log in to PBE/Live.

27 Oct



Hey everyone!

Battlecast Zac is blubbery bouncin' in with:

New models and textures! New VFX! New SFX! New Recall! Battlecast Zac is set to be 1350 RP and is available on PBE! Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have so far down below!

Thanks for checking in, hope to hear from you soon!

Riot KiWiKiD

External link →


Hey all!

Battlecast Nasus is coming in hot to PBE with:

New models and textures! New VFX! New SFX! New Recall! Battlecast Nasus is set to be 1350 RP and is available on PBE! Please leave any feedback or questions you have here!


Riot KiWiKiD

External link →

26 Oct


Originally posted by LeotheYordle

What would happen if the winner already has all of the ultimate skins, out of curiosity? Would they just turn into skin shards, or an equivalent RP amount?

I believe in the past we have reverted to skin shards.


Originally posted by fabian3dp

I am a little late in this topic here, but have you considered to lower or eliminate the anti-healing aura ?

  • Grievous wounds will be really cheap and tailored to every class
  • Some people like the healing aspect of enchanters and they would feel better rewarded and not guilty for not building Full AP
  • Some could say that a team without a healer would be at disadvantage, but in fact any poking champ can buil Moonstone Renewer and provide healing, if he decides so, just like some non tanks champs decides to build life and resistances for the benefit of the team

I am sure you can test it, and if the healing is way too much and makes games really long, like Warmog's Armor did before with tanks, then you may adjust it, but i feel some people would like the feel to build support, without loosing soo much.

We won't do it pre-emptively. If it seems like healing champs are weak after preseason ships, we'll look to adjust appropriately.

25 Oct


An upset is never late, nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.


This was certainly a moment.

As always, please find it in your hearts to deliver compliments without delivering insults to other people in the same breath.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Done. Good luck with the project!