League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

25 Aug


Originally posted by bz6

Why does the extended tooltip NOT show the total damage after scaling calculations. That makes zero sense? It is an advanced tooltip it should the math for us. I don't want to see the scaling in brackets, I want to see the contribution the scaling has had to my spell in damage.

/u/Reinboom /u/BarackProbama /u/RiotMaxw3ll

You get the total damage from the base tooltip, and between "ratios" and "amount contributed per scaling", the former is more useful to players whle in-game to determine what item purchases would most benefit them.


Originally posted by ItsCrossBoy

I love absolutely everything about this but I have had one thing that is slightly bothersome since I saw it first.

I personally prefer having the extended tooltips on. It makes it super easy to see exactly what's going on. I have one minor quip about it because of this. It's hard to see exactly what the final number will be when it's just ratios. Could you include after all the ratios and such the total number of damage, healing, etc that will be done at the end? For example:

50 (+1.5 AP) (+.01 AD) [96] Physical Damage

That way it's easy to see both the source of the number AND what it will actually do in the end.

One other very minor thing that I haven't really decided if I would prefer or not: percents. Would it possibly be less confusing to see the percentage of AP rather than a decimal? For ex from before:

50 (+150% AP) (+10% AD) [96] Physical Damage

Not totally sure which I prefer, but I think the second one makes it more clear...

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So, I'd just like to say that I love that idea and representation of it. We've played around with other things similar to it, but hadn't gotten a display that made sense.

We wouldn't be able to get something in for 10.18 (it's too late in the patch cycle, especially since we'd need to localize the display), but I think something like what you wrote here is certainly worth exploring in the future. :)


Well, there's only one champion who doesn't need a team for a teamfight.


Some of the team associations/owners are interesting. For instance, Flyquest is owned by one of the owners of the Milwaukee Bucks. GG is associated with with the Golden State Warriors. Bjergesen owns part of TSM, and Faker owns part of SKT.T1, Nadeshot and 100t, etc. It's definitely worth looking into the history of some of these orgs.

Go Red Wings by the way :)

24 Aug


Hey friends, Barack here with some upcoming changes to tooltips that will be in your hot little hands on PBE sometime tomorrow. Special thanks to /u/Reinboom for helping (see: doing most of it)

The First Change: all champions will now have a level-up grid on their expanded tooltip. This should help everyone understand what each character's power progression looks like as the game continues. Feedback that would be useful here is on the format the data is presented in: Do

Expanded Tooltip

Another One: Next, we're updating the colors in our tooltips. The goal here is to help you...

Read more External link β†’

Originally posted by SatanWolf

can you update the other voidborn like Kha'zix too?

Older champs are still definitely on our radar!


Heya- by chance had you had the client open for a long time without closing? I know this can happen if the client has had a long session and multiple games have been played. Or was this after a fresh startup?


You could be forgiven for thinking OP was talking about the first lux shield that hit 0 people.

23 Aug


Originally posted by Pavlo100

Ender with the 3-0 prediction!

just as planned

    /u/unso on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Electroyeti

Holy moly, that cam on Selfmade as he picked off Hans from the observers was super cool

Thank you πŸ˜‡πŸ‘Œ used some new ideas that came up durring the game

    /u/unso on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ghisteslohm

The evelynn cam was well done by the production team


Thanks ✌️ Was a random quick idea I had. glad Effiez Vision toggled at the same time was not planned but it worked so good πŸ˜‡


Originally posted by Ghisteslohm

The evelynn cam was well done by the production team


Worked out better than expected ☺️


Originally posted by barazamber

caedrel with his own segment already pog

hes smurfing


Originally posted by Turtle-Express

I love these LEC Breaking News openings. Ender is absolutely killing it.

LEC production is just so good.

thank you :)

22 Aug


Originally posted by Nandonut

Honestly, the 'this is what peak league of legends looks like and it comes from europe' will definitely remain one of my most memorable lines of all time

Thanks! Definitely a well-deserved moment from G2, the LEC, and their fans.


Originally posted by lplshill

i cannot stand quickshot. dude tires way too hard with the screams and fake laughter



Some anxiety that maybe you should let go

All that stress just preppin' for a big throw

Playoffs are a bit harder, you know?

Still the king, want no debatin'

Don't need no fans deliberatin'

Cut the bullsh*t, you're just hatin'

Playoffs now, we'll be dominatin'