There are 2 icon sets. One u buy in the event shop and the blushing ones which are rewards for getting to A rank bond with a champ
There are 2 icon sets. One u buy in the event shop and the blushing ones which are rewards for getting to A rank bond with a champ
This looks heavily inspired by Visual Novels as a medium, is that where the inspiration came from?
Yes, of course
Under the incredibly hypothetical and unlikely scenario that a champion just so happened to be released in the middle of the event and was included, just by chance, would their favor be gained quicker to compensate for them not being at the entire event?
And under said hypothetical, would a petal need to be saved for them if one wished to get their emote as well?
Hypothetically yes to both questions
So can I get the Yasuo Chroma without having to play this dating sim or is all the content locked behind this?
I have zero interest in this.
U get the tokens from the visual novel but u can just skip all the narrative sections if u want and just get the rewards
Just wondering, do I get more favor and Spirit Petal Growth if I have the event pass, or do I just get more event tokens?
Just more tokens
Is S+ giving the petal?
TL;DR: Riot went full weeb
hey sorry for asking this again, I know the hype is building up around the event coming up but are we getting a Lillia Champion Spotlight?
yup, she will still have a spotlight
Not to mention the dating sim seems to be lore related since you get to talk to Ahri and Thresh!
You can talk to all the spirit blossom champs
Slightly off topic, but when they originally showed Riven/Cass/Kindred/Ahris new Summoners Icons, Kindreds had no mask on Lamb, now the icon has a mask. Is there going to be two separate icons? Or did they just change it to her fully having a mask. I'm sad if they did considering she takes the mask off when she recalls
There are 2 icons, one you can get in event shop with event tokens (masked version) and one that is a reward from the spirit bonds system (non-masked version)
"without the anime art style"
Well I mean LoL has a slight anime style anyways, but in canon stuff would be closer to LoL core art style
Hey sorry if this unrelated but do you know if the ‘’blushing’’ icons are going to be released with the patch tomorrow? Like the one with the unmasked kindred?
They will but they are rewards in the spirit bonds system, so you will have to gain favor with Kindred to get that icon
If I buy the pass at a later date, will I still get the same amount of tokens if I bought it at the start of the event?
Does the %tAD on-hit exist to increase/gate her scaling with sources of AD/her scaling with bonus crit damage?
Yes to some degree. It exists to lower her crit synergy and increase her synergy with flat AD purchases. Her attacks essentially have a 1.2 TAD ratio when you're buying dirks and longswords.
Also, it being an on-hit means it applies on her Q to champs but not to minions (meaning her Q is worse at waveclear)
Can you tl;dr for me whether I understood it correctly and you guys were actually really generous even for F2P players this time? Or am I just misreading it and F2P can earn their "usual" 300 tokens?
Seems like with those S and B grades it is possible to earn quite a lot of rewards.
I LOVE generous events, it makes me want to buy the pass even more.
There are the usual 300 tokens, but also the champions shards, icons and emotes you can get, as well as the entire visual novel narrative system which is f2p
Read moreF2P Player:
- Can earn favor for every champion at the same time.
- Can level every champion into S-rank
- Can get every event icon for free
- Can only get 3 spirit petals
- Can only gift Spirit Petals to 3 champion(unbreakable bond)
- Can only get 3 unique emotes
- Can only unlock 3 exclusive bonus scenes in the Epilogue(for each Champion you gave a petal to )
Event pass buyer:
- Can earn favor for every champion at the same time.
- Can level every champion into S-rank
- Can get every event icon for free(without buying the pass)
- Can only get 5 spirit petals
- Can only gift Spirit Petals to 5 champion(unbreakable bond)
- Can only get 5 unique emotes
- Can only unlock 5 exclusive bonus scenes in the Epilogue(for each Champion you gave a petal to )
Thanks u/Reav3 for the correcti...
This is correct. The only difference is that there aren't 3 or 5 epilogues. There is 1 epilogue that will appear when the event ends. That epilogue will have exclusive bonus scenes for each Champion you gave a petal to. Pass buyers get a lot more Event tokens for each bond rank as well
One of the promo pictures has dialog options. Will the endings of the various paths change based on what you choose? Will there be "good" and "bad" endings in true VN fashion?
The dialog choices don't change the story. They are there because the narrative is self-insert and you are talking to the Champions so it's important you can talk back with them and have a conversation. They will replay differently based on what you say, but it doesn't alter the main story. We wanted players to have multiple options of what to say to the spirits so they can infuse there own personality into the MC since, like I said it's self-insert. The only thing that alters the ending is which champions you give Spirit Petals to.
can i kiss yasuo though
You will have to play it to find out
So you’re telling me I can date Teemo, right? Because what I’m gathering from this is a Teemo dating sim.
You can forge a unbreakable bond with Teemo, yes