League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Jul


Lots of people worked super hard to make this piece happen, but I want to shout out the writer, Twitter.com/thefakeDana, who did an amazing job. This was one of her first projects at Riot and I felt so lucky to get to work w her to tell Yone’s story in this medium!

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Originally posted by Charizardmain

Was he designed for midlane?

edit: cuz he kinda looks like a top laner to me

Mid/top probably a bit stronger mid similar to Yasuo

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Originally posted by GarryTheCarry

Is his main body one that takes damage and his spirit body is untargetable?

His human body can’t be hit or take damage, only his Azakana form u control

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Originally posted by Surrideo

But can he use abilities during his E? :O

Yes, he can use his whole kit


Originally posted by AigisAegis

What stands out to me here is that it seems like Yone was designed in a very "top-down" way. Rather than starting with an idea for a kit and creating a concept, they began with the idea of Yone and designed a kit for him. Both his fleshed-out backstory and his kit evolved from a desire to make Yone a champion.

I don't remember whether that was the case for Senna and Kai'Sa as well, but either way, it's cool to see. Most League champions seem to be designed "bottom-up", so seeing some top-down design like this is really interesting to me. I think it paid off, because his kit seems really effective at reflecting his story and lore.

This whole article is actually a really fascinating look into how narrative and gameplay design intersect in League, with a lot of moments of one influencing the other and vice versa. It's a great read for that reason.

It was for Senna, but I am unsure about Kai'Sa (I wasn't at Riot then). EndlessPillows mentioned that he loves designing champions that are already someone, and using their story as a huge influence. The Yone team is incredible. They put so much passion into him. It was so clearly palpable from the way they talked about him.

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Originally posted by Croc_Chop

Wrong The thing I wanted most about yone was the fact that he should be able to counter yasuo which he can because he has nothing for him to block with wind wall. Still I would have preferred him to have grounding on one of his abilities so yasuo players are even more pissed off.

We intentionally designed him to be both good with and against Yasuo

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Originally posted by mking1999

So, two questions.

1) Does he have mana.

2) Can you reactivate e early? It seems that way from the video.

Yes u can reactivate it early


Originally posted by Stormspirt

Overall magic champs are much easier to itemize against as they are gated by cool downs and usually have the possibility to miss. Adcs however consistently deal heavy ad damage which can be very hard to itemize against since it's constant damage and has 3 ways to amplify that damage.

This is not necessarily true because both Cassiopeia and Karthus apply heavy DPS.

It's because if you have a homogenous damage profile on your composition (ie, >70% magic damage), it becomes easier to buy one type of resistance to mitigate incoming damage and opens you up to having some picks picked against you that are uniquely good at mitigating certain damage profiles (Kassadin/Galio for magic damage, Malphite for physical damage). In the past it used to be an even bigger concern because you needed an ADC to take objectives or towers but that's not necessarily the case anymore.

Magic resistance items, aside from Deaths Dance, actually usually feel pretty bad to buy so it would in general be better to stack magic damage than physical damage - it's way easier for most champions to stack armor than magic resistance - but it's usually wiser to have a mixed damage profile on your team. Also consider that every champion in the game has lower magic resistance s...

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Originally posted by arborcide

When Riot foleyed it, I think they said they used a pig. But yeah, it sounds great.

It's pigs and Riot Sound Bear yelling into his mic!

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Originally posted by InspiringMilk

I still do not understand anything about the event. Where does it take place, who the people are, why the spirits are so weird, why thresh isn't creepy and why lillia doesn't like clothes despite wearing them.

The MC is a Ionian at the spirit blossom festival that suddenly mysteriously wakes up in the spirit world and is trying to find a way back to the mortal realm


Originally posted by RossBoomsocks

Never even considered abusing raptors to help with red clear - that is actually sick nice find

Hey! I watched all your videos long before I joined Riot. Good to see you here. :)


Originally posted by SolarSystemSuperStar

It didn't work :/

Here's the crash log that my Mac generated, if it helps.

Oh you're on a Mac! That config doesn't affect you then :( We're looking into this though - thanks for the report!

23 Jul


Originally posted by FlashnFuse

Sure thing! I compressed those files and put them here: https://gofile.io/d/OGTJsw

EDIT: I saw a different comment of yous about putting "DX11BetaTest=0" into the game config file, that has fixed the issue for me, it seems.

This should be fixed on PBE tomorrow with the new build! Please try removing the DX11BetaTest flag and see if the crash still occurs :)

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Originally posted by Simple_really

did zeronis draw these? that art style looks a lot like his

He did Ahri & riven


Originally posted by hockeydavid97

Guys I lost my watch and phone and can't look in the bottom right of my computer screen can someone please tell me what time it is

Something something Tanner Time?


when they are punished

You can't. We don't make it public when a particular individual gets punished.

You can submit the video to player support, but you won't be told if or when they get banned.


I sincerely hope you all enjoyed the first episode. Thank you to all my guests for joining.

Please share with your friends and ask for feedback, especially those that don't usually watch more than 1 or 2 regions. We want this show to be appearing to everyone and only comments and feedback can help is learn and refine!!

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Do you know what's SteveZAKI's artstation, because I haven't heard of them with that name


What corruptions would you recommend, and would that be different for raiding vs running mythic +? Also what was your rotation?