League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

23 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TotallyBrandNewName

Funfact: The write of this event is the same that did fiddle bio IIRC.

I have seen comments like this a couple places and wanted to clear this up a bit. CarninvalKnight was the LEAD writer on spirit bonds, and he personally wrote Riven and Ahris stories. There was a huge team of writers on spirit bonds though and many different writers wrote different champions stories. Interlocutioner wrote Lillia's, for example and JohnODyin wrote Teemos. Jared (CarnivalKnight) went through and did a pass on all the stories to make sure it all had one cohesive voice at the end, but he didn't write the entire thing, as it's a pretty huge story.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Severe_Star

Is there any romance in the main story arcs?

You will have to play them to find out :)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TyTyWifi107

reav3 will oddessy ever happen again now that events are getting better? the oddessy gamemode was hype af and the missions were actually hard which made it fun to grind

Can't say anything for certain but likely not. The reason we pivoted away from PvE modes is we saw really strong engagement for the first couple days then a huge dropoff after people played it once. People just really want to play SR mostly, and it's really hard to create something that competes with SR. This is why we tried something different with this event, we created a meta-system meant to be enjoyed in between SR games, and that could be completed by just playing SR (or whatever game mode people want to play) Since that is what people just want to do anyway.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JumpyPermit3

Zeronis drew all the sprites for the in-game event spirit blossom event but the splash arts were done by someone else. Oscar Vega did the concept art for Spirit Blossom Ahri and Thresh.

This is incorrect. Zeronis did the 2d Art for Ahri, Riven and a Mysterious unannounced champion, NewMilky did Thresh, Teemo, Lillia, and Vayne, SteveZAKI did Kindred, Cass & Yasuo. LoneWingy was the art director and created the overall style guide, worked on everything to make sure it had a cohesive art style, and she also did the 2D art for Ahri's Fox form

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by L_Rayquaza

Can you get the emotes for all of them or is that what the petals are for?

You can only get up 3 or 5 (5 if you bought the pass) spirit petals which you use to get the emotes

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by NotSoSuperHero2

u/Reav3 Could you help me understand something?

There are 4 ways of earning favor.

1: You play Aram or SR games, win is 2 points, loss is 1 point.

2: You participate in nexus blitz events.

3: You get points for playing the champions or even more if you use their SB Skins.

4: You complete champion specific tasks.

I want to understand the 4th one. Do I have to complete the tasks AS THE CHAMPION? Or can I do it with any champion? For example Lilia. Do I have to get 15 takedowns as a Lilia or can I do it with any champion?

Its really unclear because the task just says "get takedowns", and then says BONUS play as lillia or SB lillia. This confuses me. Do I have to play lillia to Get takedowns?

If the answer is no then my game is bugged, because I have been playing a lot of non SB champions but I do not get any bonus favor from the missions, just the wins and losses.

We just discovered a bug where some of the champion specific tasks were requiring you to play as the Champion, this is not intended and we are working on a fix now

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by shadowkiller230

I dont really understand what Im supposed to be doing. I tried clicking on the spirit bonds thing in the client and it just froze and nothing happened. Gave up trying.

Try relogging and clicking the fox icon again


Originally posted by La_Murge

Ok so I just want to thanks producer to put the Cats timestamp on YouTube. So when you've heard the podcast on SoundCloud you can directly grab the cute image you have lacked on the episode.

Cats!!!! Our editor, Phil, provides the time stamp list and I was so happy when I saw these timestamps.

Phil is the true MVP. (Next to Cheeto and Nacho, of course.)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by nero530

Can someone tell me if there is a negative for starting all champion stories at the same time instead of doing them one by one.

There isn’t


Originally posted by Heaven-Earth-Hell

Listen up Rioter, may my words pass thoroughly to all the people responsible or relevant to the SB Kindred skin and ART and ICONS. Next time, you guys shouldn't hype the community with the delusion that won't be real okay? First in first, you ruined the supposed to be COSMIC LiSS with the f**king icon and again, you teased the whole community with the unmasked Kindred icons much f**king time before you decide to add the masked icon and replace it on the EVENT novel game? WTF is wrong with your marketing move? Any help with the promoting skin strategy because I am pretty sure you guys really need help with that.

While I understand your frustration, and I don't mean to spoil the story, but you're going to have to play through Kindred's Spirit Bond story to find out why she takes off her mask.

A lot of thought has gone through and I trust my leaders & marketing team for this event and they put a lot of work and effort into it. Sorry you didn't get your wish, but I hope you can enjoy the event with us.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kleptocoin

Zeronis. He's the guy who drew arts for lunar godess lux, kda and star guardian ahri as well as the concept designer for ahri, vi and jayce cannon/hammer.

It was a team of concept artist. Zeronis did Ahri, Riven and polished Cass after another artist started her. He also did the 2D art for a mysterious champ not added yet...

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Bentok

Oh yes, Thresh and Riven f.e.

....aaah, or so I've heard....from friends

Keep in mind, the special epilogue scenes u get for giving a champion a petal won’t go into the client until the event ends, so they aren’t dataminable yet

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Severe_Star

Is there any romance in the main story arcs?


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by KasumiGotoTriss

I want to experience these myself so I'm pinning this to check the routes I haven't taken after the event.

U can replay any episode you have unlocked on the champions profile page by clicking them on the map

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Extra_Wave

I was wondering if someone was going to record every interaction so I can see the routes I won't pick before the event goes away forever

Well you can also replay any episode you have unlocked to try different Routes in the client. Just got to the episode log after clicking a champions portrait on the map

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by zer0-_

Yo Reav3 who came up with the part where Lilia tells you get rid of your clothes and why is there not a visual novel for the other subreddit regarding that

That would be Interlocutioner the narrative writer on Lillia the Champion

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by hehehuehue

the art style is SCREAMING ZERONIS

He did the art for Riven and Ahri and also polished the Cass art. He also did all the art for a currently unannounced spirit bond...