League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 Jul

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Pretty sure the item works as written and the wiki is incorrect. Did anybody here test it in-game?

I tested quickly in our Release branch, which will match the game unless it's a bug that was fixed this patch cycle and not yet pushed to live, and it works fine.


Originally posted by RustyJusty7

As a DH and a Yasuo main I am conflicted...

As a Disc Priest and Support main, I'm not. :D


Originally posted by Porosite

Assuming we don't hit hurdles with it being activated. The NB specific activation time in the article in 11:59pm as a buffer.


Originally posted by NinjaBoom

Any ETA on when its going to be up on NA?


Originally posted by Cao_Bynes

Hey not to be a bother but its not live on NA but apparently live on EUW, is that supposed to happen or just on my end?

Nope not enabled on NA yet. We're staggering turning on NB worldwide to keep from spiking server load with its enable.


Originally posted by DarkKnight9731

Its in the description of the youtube vid.

Oh sweet, I'm dumb and watched the video in Reddit 🤦‍♂️

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Aleriic

I hope I can just spam answers, I am not interested in the novel or lore aspect, only tokens.

There is a button to just skip the entire narrative sequences in one click if you want


Originally posted by Imhotep0

On PBE they had custom games for Nexus Blits available, any reason they aren't out on live yet? Was looking forward to that :(

Heyo! We have them enabled on PBE to verify stability. If we do enable customs on Live, it won't be when Nexus Blitz gets enabled. It'll be days or even a week later, assuming the call is made that it's stable enough at all for 10.15.


Originally posted by Tormentula

As easy as it might seem to just put in a toggle, character models, rigs and animations get hugely impacted by stuff like this.

Could you elaborate on where this affects kindred's mask? Or White-ahri who's animated to work exactly like ahri during the timeframe of her ult?

It makes sense that you can't add a toggle as easy as a true/false statement, but the main concern is that the resources are there so I don't really get the rig/animation claim when they are rigged/animated already with those features in mind. Kindred I maybe can understand since you can't quickly animate the face to look right especially in the death animation, but ahri's has me very confused when theoretically its no different from thresh beyond not implementing the script.

Even if a toggle can't be done, there wouldn't be harm in implementing ways for more visibility for that feature (maybe when kindred ults it temporary removes the mask, and white-ah...

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Disclaimer, I personally can't speak to either of the skins since I didn't work on either of them, nor am I an animator/modeler/rigger. I worked on the SFX for Yasuo & Riven.
It could be due to a lot of different reasons, including personal artistic decision, design decision, lore related reason, gameplay concerns, work not equating to the value it brings to our players, or technical challenges.
Here's my personal view on it - sometimes, more visibility to a certain feature doesn't always make it more meaningful. There's something unique / novel about something that can't be spammed, or happens under hard to meet conditions. When it does happen, you're that much more excited about it - if that makes sense.

While certainly I don't think that's the approach they were going for by any means, but that's how I like to design my abilities SFX. If it's something that can be spammed often like Yasuo's Q, I like to keep it simple and less 'attention-pulling', a...

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This is incredible! Is there somewhere I can get the final version? I’d love to add this to my Wallpaper engine.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Spirit Blossom is an in-lore event with non-lore skins.


Yes, changes are out in 10.15


Originally posted by SNSDave

Right, they also mentioned that they kinda regret that since much like how it was with traditional skins, people fallback to "wElL yOu dId iT fOr tHeM"

Yep. Sorry, as much as I think it'd be cool to see Kindred's face in-game, scope creep is real. We're pushing the quality of our skins more and more each year, trying to give every champion skins & give them cooler effects. So when we listen to every single request like masks or hood toggles, it stretches our bandwidth for overall skins production and we leave less room to focus on creating more awesome stuff.

As easy as it might seem to just put in a toggle, character models, rigs and animations get hugely impacted by stuff like this. QA has to get involved and make sure it doesn't break anything either. Multiple people are pulled out of their regular schedule of working on the next thematic & sets of skins to work on these features.

I was a player for 7 years first and wondered the same thing. Once I stepped in to the production I realized just how challenging it is to actually coordinate people to do extra features, and also sustain it for the future.

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    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ozaiko

Have you considered other reward for bonding with a champ ? Emotes and icons are nice but kinda lame (especially the fact you can wear 1 icon ans 5 emotes at a time)

You also get event tokens

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PR3D8OR

Quick question, do we earn petal growth progress after we reach 100 favor with a champ or can we earn them simultaneously?

Petal growth system unlocks after reaching 100 favor with any champ

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by themoomooking

League Waifu Simulator

Hey now, there are Husbandos as well

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Crazyninjagod

can you get the icons for every champion?

Well you can get all 10 of the spirit bonds icons, yes

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LifeSiren

You get tokens for winning/loosing games if you have the pass

For the bonds you can start a bond and earn tokens that way buy you can’t finish the last two levels of a bond and earn their emotes and stuff if you don’t have the pass.

U can get 3 champs to S+ and get the emote without buying the pass, 5 if u buy the pass