Originally posted by Tormentula
As easy as it might seem to just put in a toggle, character models, rigs and animations get hugely impacted by stuff like this.
Could you elaborate on where this affects kindred's mask? Or White-ahri who's animated to work exactly like ahri during the timeframe of her ult?
It makes sense that you can't add a toggle as easy as a true/false statement, but the main concern is that the resources are there so I don't really get the rig/animation claim when they are rigged/animated already with those features in mind. Kindred I maybe can understand since you can't quickly animate the face to look right especially in the death animation, but ahri's has me very confused when theoretically its no different from thresh beyond not implementing the script.
Even if a toggle can't be done, there wouldn't be harm in implementing ways for more visibility for that feature (maybe when kindred ults it temporary removes the mask, and white-ah...
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Disclaimer, I personally can't speak to either of the skins since I didn't work on either of them, nor am I an animator/modeler/rigger. I worked on the SFX for Yasuo & Riven.
It could be due to a lot of different reasons, including personal artistic decision, design decision, lore related reason, gameplay concerns, work not equating to the value it brings to our players, or technical challenges.
Here's my personal view on it - sometimes, more visibility to a certain feature doesn't always make it more meaningful. There's something unique / novel about something that can't be spammed, or happens under hard to meet conditions. When it does happen, you're that much more excited about it - if that makes sense.
While certainly I don't think that's the approach they were going for by any means, but that's how I like to design my abilities SFX. If it's something that can be spammed often like Yasuo's Q, I like to keep it simple and less 'attention-pulling', a...
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