League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 May


Originally posted by Resident_Wing

Is it?

If someone says "I am mid I don't give a f**k" and you report, what will it do? As far as I can tell the only stuff that gets punished right now is whatever is on Riot's "no no words" list.

We do penalize for a range of behaviors, not just use of language other players find offensive in chat. Can understand the skepticism on that. Hopefully the changes to report notifications we're just rolling out at present will help give better visibility and understanding of what's actually being dealt with how.


Originally posted by Mytias14

Quick mention: Chat restriction as a form of punishment is extremely counter productive.

Chat restrictions aren't something we're looking at as a response to inting/afking. Removing chat when the problem is chat behavior makes sense. When the issue is in game actions though other approaches are needed.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Meddler do you have an ETA patch on when champ select reporting is going live

As per the post late Q2's our best estimate at present, so sometime in June if I had to try and guess a more specific period.


Originally posted by SlurpTurnsMeGreen

Will there be extra measures taken to not false flag Janna players as afks?

So I know there's some trolling/joking about Janna play here. At the same time though it's true that detection needs to take context into account. Power farming jungle and not ganking? Sometimes appropriate for certain junglers, almost always inappropriate from a laner stealing everything from their jungler and not contributing. Being significantly behind everyone else on levels and spending a lot of time not farming? Can be perfectly normal for support play, warning flag for some solo laners though not all etc etc.


Originally posted by MasteaM8

I just hope this lasts longer than 1 week and that they dont give up

Can understand the skepticism, given this has been a long running issue. The commitment to talking monthly is meant to help both give you folks ongoing visibility into what we're doing and give you an avenue to hold us accountable if progress isn't happening.


Originally posted by S0fourworlds-readyt

Abused how? Shouldn’t it only punish people that announce they‘ll troll ( and seriously, there are a lot of them ) in Champ select instead of those that pick unusual champs?

That's our intent certainly. The risk of incorrectly flagging people who aren't trolling is why we're starting with a data gathering phase and then, once we've got a large enough sample size and confidence we're distinguishing trolling from unusual behavior, turning on penalties a bit later.


Originally posted by ReganDryke

Honestly, I think the improved report feedback is probably the most important change. Finally getting visibility on the impact of your reports is huge for the perception that the system actually do its job.

We think it'll be impactful yeah, though not enough by itself. The way I'm currently thinking about this issue is there are three elements that all need to be working well:

  1. Detection of players ruining games
  2. Appropriate penalties (ideally applied quickly) for those actions
  3. Visibility into that process for others so it's understood action is being taken and that that sort of behavior has consequences

The improved notifications should help a lot with #3 there. As per the original post our next focus is on better detection.


Originally posted by zdravkopvp

Cloud soul is underrated. People don't understand how valuable movement speed is... Riot nerfed Karthus by lowering his movespeed and now people are already not playing him. His winrate went down 3% from 5 movespeed.

You're the first I've seen even note that cloud soul has movement speed. The damage reduction on a skillshot you dodge (or enemy team collapse you escape) is 100%.


Originally posted by IIHURRlCANEII

I think one thing that could help is more "medium length" bans.

Why does the punishment system go from warning/chat restriction to 14 day ban? There should be medium length bans like 3 or 7 days that are used liberally. If you accidentally ban someone for 3 days then atleast it's of shorter length.

People don't care about chat restrictions and 14 day bans are actually super hard to get usually (for a good reason). Players not being able to play league because of their behavior is sometimes the best deterannt.

Edit: /u/purpleadlib pointed out a ranked ban would be a less severe type of medium ban, and I like that idea as well.

There needs to be at least something between chat restriction and 14 day ban that is used heavily.

That's a fair call out, will make sure it's one of the things we discuss again.


Originally posted by penguin-cat

It would feel so incredibly shitty to be banned for 14 days because you started off having a bad game which snowballed into you dying 12 times because you were dove under tower every minute.

Be careful please!

Yep, that's the sort of thing that makes this tricky. It means we can't simply penalize off KDA in a single game for example, just doesn't give enough context. Incorporating a lot more sources of information (multiple games, when in the games deaths occurred, odd behavior like avoiding all teamfights/objectives, etc) should give better accuracy. Still leaves the question of what rate of incorrect penalties is appropriate though hence the interest in hearing people's thoughts on that. It's probably one of those things that also varies meaningfully by MMR, region and other contexts too.


Originally posted by PankoKing

It’s not about people who are genuinely trying and having a bad game or series of games even. Sometimes someone gets absolutely crushed in lane and dies over and over again. That’s very different to a player deciding the game’s over and then spending their time trolling others instead of trying to win.

A lot of people tend to have trouble with this. Most people are quick to jump the gun for anyone going 0/1/0 that they're trolling (I've seen it on stream a lot too)

Streamers often get targeted for this sort of trolling due to their higher profile. It’s not an issue unique to streamers, though.

Though this honestly seems like they're trying to move past the conversation about how streamers have a part in this issue.

Short Term - Champ Select Reporting and Muting

Well finally this should hopefully help out people stuck in champ select. Though I worry it'll be super...

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Streamers wise - definitely not trying to move conversation away from both how streamers get affected by trolling and trolling can be influenced by streamers. Did want to be clear though that we're interested in the wider impact, in addition to how high profile players get affected.

07 May


Appreciate Riv for chiming in on this. The folks on the dev team all saw Voy's video and, frankly, we think the issue he's raising here is important enough to merit a longer conversation—not just "we hear you" and then silence. Meddler is gonna kick off that conversation with his Friday "Quick LoL Thoughts" post and then we'll take it from there.

06 May

    /u/b4r0k on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Amy_Sery

Not OP, but:

  • Mac
  • No, I do not use any 3rd party apps whatsoever
  • Both. Champion Select I mentioned elsewhere in the thread, but the same goes for Collection->Runes: clicking a rune page does not result in an actual page in which the editing of the rune page is possible.

Do you hear the rune sound when clicking the rune page card?

    /u/b4r0k on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Have you tried opening them via Collections > Runes ?


WOW This is incredible!!! I work at Riot in the Esports Dept and LOVE your design! I have spent over 500 hours playing AC, and have seen a LOT of designs but not an esports arena yet!! COOOOL!!! It's so unique and fun and really well made. I bet a lot of the Esports teams/LCS teams would love to share their designs with you so you could make banners to hang. There's also the HHA Trophies you could add somewhere for what they're playing for.

My additions to the setup would include a PC bang area, where people can play on computers or watch the match, and a cafe to eat at where they can also watch the matches. OH AND A merch area! So many of the teams have AC Maker Codes and Patterns, you could fill that up with hats and shirts and cool gear. People can check thru there before the games.

You could totally set this up as a stream theater for Esports Classics. Like on Saturdays invite people to your island to "watch" on the big screen that Las Vegas Finals (I was the...

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Originally posted by Ozaiko

I don't understand why you're the only rioter responding on reddit recently.

You're commenting alot but it's not like you are really working on the game...

I can't speak for why other people aren't responding but I love engaging with the playerbase and do so consistently. I had some time off the past few days so I had some more opportunities to engage with players.

As I mentioned in my post, engaging can be really stressful/mentally taxing for some people. With the current global situation, I don't blame others for wanting to relax instead of engaging.

In addition, aside from meme posts, you generally only want to engage when you're a subject matter expert in something. With the exception of this thread, most of the things I've posted in have been something I am an SME in (mostly to do with MFA or Vanguard).


Originally posted by Oopsifartedsorry

It would be cool if you guys had an official forum. When a rioter responds in the comments there will be an icon next to the post so everyone knows... oh wait nvm. You guys had one and DELETED it.

I mean, part of the reason I'm glad the boards are gone is because they had the same problems, at least on EU (The region I am from)

05 May


Originally posted by [deleted]


For what it's worth, as one of the Rioters who was working on this maintenance I don't view it as entitlement at all. I know it sucks to have your servers down. Believe me, we don't want to do it unless we have to, and especially not during peak. This particular set of maintenances have been months in the planning with a lot of complex foundational work being setup in advance to make the actual maintenance windows as tight as possible.

As was mentioned in the short post that's been linked here in this thread, this specific maintenance is being done on a section of datacenter that happens to house some critical services for NA and OCE, that's why both were down at the same time.

This particular window was timed for the lowest point of impact for NA. Two weeks ago we did the same for OCE.


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you just did. Hello!

Though, in future, player support is a great avenue for these things.


it's very common for some players in some regions to play at 4:3 because they are used to it from PC bangs, but you will lose some horizontal FOV by doing so as /u/123456KR says, which might be a competitive disadvantage.