League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Jan


Originally posted by FireDevil11

If possible please checkout Bel'Veth passive reducing Void Grubs true damage to turret. And a much less important bug if you have empowered true form and use R on a champion in the middle of a wave that wave does not transform into Remora

The first bug is kinda a fundamental part of how our game works I'm afraid. Very complex to fix and requires a big overhaul. Unlikely to happen anytime soon.


Originally posted by Mathemuse

I guess if we're voicing bugs here, any chance y'all can look at notification pips again? I keep getting told I have a new banner when I definitely don't.

Don't work on that unfortunately, I can ask around but no promises


Originally posted by osmothegod

Briar W doesn't give vision anymore is also a bug I hope.

It is, should be fixed in 15.2 along with other vision bugs.


Originally posted by bunnyhwei

not sure if the team is already aware but the tier 3 lucidity boots grant way less summoner spell haste than they’re supposed to

Yep yep, looking to fix in 15.2


Originally posted by SkeletonJakk

I hate to ask, but is there any likelyhood of kled seeing any bug fixes soon? he's collecting bugs like a draven main collects permabans.

If you have a list of any prominent ones I can ask around but no current plans right now.


Originally posted by gazow

will we ever see advanced practice tool? id really like to know how build work against targets with actual items, its frustrating trying to test something and you cant make the bots buy defensive items in any meaningfull way

I added a cheat some time ago that copies your items to whoever you are targetting, including bots and other players. Its called "Copy Inventory to Target", check it out


Originally posted by gazow

thanks for the response, ive updated the thread. its still an incredibly gold poor item compared to cleaver, is that fair? it doesnt seem so but maybe theres reasoning. Its really uppesetting to go years with just buying inferior items to AD champs because you want to play a certain champ

Haven't run the numbers myself so can't comment on that. We will keep a close eye on it and look to change things if its landing underwhelming. No changes planned in 15.2


Originally posted by Efficient-Law-7678

Hey Galaxy, do you know what the internal opinion is of how Bloodletter has landed? It feels like it's pretty decent but missing some of the movement speed that Cleaver has. Granted, I understand that cleavers users tend to be melee.

Is there something else it could have in exchange to bring it's value up?

It feels like it takes forever to stack on Rumble too.

Landed decently well, not targeting any changes in the next patch


Originally posted by vixiara

Probably already on your radar, but Zeri’s Wall W doesn’t grant vision after 15.1

I think thats fixed in 15.2 along with the other abilities.


Originally posted by Kledniversary

Dear mister riot man, if you see this, please fix the t3 void boots losing their baron recall once you get the actual baron recall and it expires.

Also, the practice tool summon dragon command is broken and does not summon the correct dragon most of the time.

T3 voids will be fixed in 15.2 gamer. Also looking into the dragon issue, thats the first ive heard of it. Appreciate the report


Originally posted by HarpEgirl

Why is it that Dummies and Champions interact differently? Was doing some (potentially Neeko) Testing in Ptool and it's a bit awkward double checking every dummy interaction on a Champion Bot just to ensure it's the same.

Just as a mild heads up. The fix for Bloodletters on Dummies should also be forwarded to the Modes team should One For All return.

I think because all dummies are dupes of the same "champion" so interactions that should work on multiple unique champions fail. it goes "ah yes I am damaging Champion A, Champion A, and Champion A" so it only works on one. Something like that.


Originally posted by MrWedge18

Not sure where you got your information

Seems like the wiki got this wrong, possibly because of the target dummy bug.

Could be yeah. Wiki isn't directly made by Riot so sometimes it can be slightly off (but usually they are fantastic over there, we appreciate them)


The AOE'ing not working on multiple targets things is just wrong, it only occurs with practice tool dummies and not in a real game. Not sure where you got your information but if you try it out against multiple actual champions the AOE applies to all enemies. The interaction with PT dummies is fixed in 15.2

12 Jan


Originally posted by arcanition

Doesn't your "quick maths" therefore assume every League player, including every single person that starts playing, will purchase every battle pass, every 2 months?

Do you really think that's true?

None of this requires a purchase of any kind


- Where the missions actually work/count (which gamemode)

All game modes are included.

- The precise progress score you have just isn't enymore (as the global purcentage was already shown by the little blue bar)

You get the progress score if it's fewer than 3 digits (eg: 45/99 becomes 50% when it's deal 999 damage).

- You don't know anymore which mission you just finished with the little pop up! You just have the ugly and generic icone of a shining light (what's the link with the bloodiest thematic based region lol ?) as a reward which is nothing more than XP for the pass (which was way more clear when it was presented like this)

Yeah you're right on this one. We'll work on this for a future Act. It was a shame when we realized you can't use the title of the mission if the mission doesn't have a title.

- You don't know how much time you have for the majority of the missions. "Da...

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11 Jan


There's more BE per hour from the Battlepass than from leveling up and getting champion capsules post "new player experience". The post everyone's referencing was talking about 'post-level-50' on the Battlepass, while completely ignoring the 1-50 of the Battlepass being BETTER for new players than any previous source of BE.


Originally posted by yumishy

update: it now shows for me the journey tab again! thank you

Great! We did a few fixes we think might have resulted in this so I'm glad it fixed the issue!

Thank you again for posting so we could get eyes on it asap as it was not a very common bug 🫡


Originally posted by somewhatlikeawhisper

I'm going to try and engage in good faith and do the math for you for BOTH sides rather than just what we're getting now.

Old Battle Passes (Free track)

300 tokens per completed free pass.

1 Champion Shard costs 50 tokens. 300/50=6 

Champion shards 960 minimum BE. 


6 passes a year, 4,800x6=28,800 BE lost.

First Win Of The Day

For this calculation we'll be doing that you play a single coop vs AI game per day for it and ONLY it. We're ignoring the potential exp you would have gained from said game.

400 Exp and 50 BE per 24 hours.

50BEx365days=18250 BE


Average level is 3171exp. 

146000/3171=46.0422 levels. We'll keep it at 46 to be simple.

1 level = 1 capsule 

46 capsules

For simplicity sake we'll say 4 of those capsules are Glorious ones due to getting 1 every 10 levels and say you start at 1 every time we calculate this.

New Free ...

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Appreciate you doing the math!

Some considerations: - many players do not play every day, which means that max values are different from median or average values - the expected value of FWOTD is less, since it required a win, so you generally need to halve it (if you mix in a guaranteed Co-Op win game you can multiply this vs the rate at which people play those versus standard matchmade), contrast this with the daily mission that only asks to play a game at all (you can get the expected value of that by looking at average BE value of a pass level and then multiplying it by 150/500 for the win bonus. If you rate a champ capsule as being worth 3000 BE, which is the average cost of a champion you get a pretty large number) — will do below - the first 50 levels still grant capsules iirc, so you need to add more of that into the calc

It’s lower max BE for a hyper engager but much more BE on average based on standard play patterns

BE Capsule avg value = 3000 x 4...

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Originally posted by MuggyTheMugMan

Hello! Thank you for your work! I wanted to ask on your thoughts on removing(/reducing) the 1 minute 30 second window of dead time at the start of the game with this mode, feels kinda weird when you go right into loading screen and its supposed to be faster

Not something we are actively considering at the moment but definitely not out of the question.