League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Jan


Originally posted by nikkicocoa7

played it once to try it but you can't make eternals progress so probably won't really play it much unless a friend wants to

All forms of progression were not functional at launch (challenges, etc), should be largely resolved. I think just eternals might not be fixed yet but they should be fixed within the next few days.


Originally posted by Sweprolle

How was the matchmaking for you? Every game so far me and my premades have gone up against people level 10 to 30..

Matchmaking was bugged at launch, should be fixed now. If you played games already you might need to play a few more to get into a more ideal MMR state. Sorry about that.


Originally posted by Jeremithiandiah

What do people think of swift play? I actually quite like it because it feels like a normal summoners rift game but you just get to late game faster. It doesn’t feel like an accelerated normal game but it is.

Very glad to hear that you like it, happy to answer any questions/discuss it with people here, I was one of the devs that helped get it out the door.


Hello! This page should still be there. Please reach out to support!

We will have our QA review though it could be a bug related to specifics so reaching out to support ensures we make your account is all in working order!


Very cool work! The ability has to interact with a ton of abilities so we will keep our eyes open for any issues that slip through.

I see you are using multi-player practice tool which is also very new, let me know if you had issues with it.


Originally posted by Knowka

If you can’t get every champ in the game within a year of reasonable playtime, that’s f**king absurd (and you could argue even that is giving you guys way too much leeway, considering DOTA, Overwatch, Marvel Rivals, etc. give you all characters for free lol). I don’t even see an argument about it from a purely money-making perspective, considering people playing more different champs = more chances for a person to play a character they like, and thus want to buy skins for.

If this is your definition of “pretty thoughtful” you guys must not have many thoughts going on up there.

I don't think its reasonable personally to compare a MOBA to a hero shooter, given that they let you swap characters mid-match as a gameplay mechanic not to mention have a significantly smaller roster (37/42 respectively). Dota 2 is closest as another MOBA, with 124.

I've seen comparisons to the IP system. So some more maths: In 2014, a causal F2P player earned a champion about every 6 weeks based on the rate of IP earned and the average IP cost of champions. This nets out to ~9 per year. For Reference: There were ~120 champions in League at that time. I think this is much faster than that.

I do think our champion acquisition system could use some love, but not strictly on the basis of how fast players can get champs. I think it could be better at helping you identify champions you should love and get them into your hands faster than today.


Originally posted by alaskadotpink

Okay, thanks for clarifying. I misunderstood the original text so I'm happy to be wrong. Sorry!

All good and you're welcome


Originally posted by Barsonik

Not sure if you could answer this, but how does her abilities recolouring skills VFX work? Is it just like a shader or something that replaces the original one?

We use a shader and a special texture for that shader. Base Mel and Arcane Councilor Mel actually have different textures for that shader, that's why base Mel reflects are golden and Arcane Councilor Mel reflects are blue.


Originally posted by LucidReality

Will Urgot's R2 (the pull, which is considered a projectile) execute him if Mel is below the health threshold and she reflects it? Does he need to also be below the threshold? Thank you for your work on the game!

When Mel reflects Urgot's R, the projectile never reaches her.

Only Urgot's health (or whoever it hits) matters for triggering the Urgot R execute.

Since Mel cannot manually reactivate abilities she reflects, only automatic reactivation will occur.

Thank you for playing! All I hope for is players to play and enjoy the game.


Originally posted by alaskadotpink

Unlocking new champions via blue essence wasn't meant to get harder.

This is a joke, how can he even say this? They removed so many many ways to get BE/Champ shards and replaced them with hardly anything to compensate. Like it doesn't take a genius to have some foresight here?

I misunderstood a line.

Changing BE access to champs wasn't a goal we ever discussed internally. Digging in right now to understand whether any increased difficulty there is the result of something being bugged, miscalculation(s) somewhere on BE income or something else along those lines again.


Originally posted by raphelmadeira

u/BarackProbama, as a new player, I don't know, but as someone who has already surpassed level 1550, I find it VERY annoying to still have to buy champions to enable skins. It seems like you guys want to scare players away at any cost!

  • Riot did away with the glorious capsules every 10 levels that gave 10 mythic essence and guaranteed shards of expensive champions; now it's only every 50 levels.
  • Riot changed the 1650 paid pass completely for the worse, instead of following the successful model that was Faker's 1950 pass.
  • Riot removed the mastery chests.
  • And now this change.

I have no idea what Riot's plans are for the future of the game, or what kind of direction this is, but I believe that 2025 will be the year I have to abandon the game before reaching level 1600. I am currently at level 1593 and I see no reason, rewards, or anything that encourages me to play for free. Meanwhile, we have severa...

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I also think you should be able to purchase/acquire skins for champions you don't own (with some obvious warnings in place), but there are technical limitations on that atm. We chose to address other things instead.

Sad to hear you are less motivated than before. Hope we can change your mind this year.

As I said above, no longer part of the team that is running seasons or the around-game, but find them to be a pretty rad crew and have a lot of faith in what they're working on.


Originally posted by Vandirilol

Congratulations on creating Mel and thanks for the comment! Good to know what's up with Urgot - can't wait to see it fixed.

edit: just read the comment on Vayne below - that's great!

Thank you!

Vayne and Urgot fixes should both come in the next PBE deploy. They were fixed for our development environments and missed when migrating everything to PBE.

We appreciate your work to showcase bugs and features, it helps players and devs alike!


Originally posted by Tryinginthe80s

so she can execute him the same way she did in the spotlight video?

Yeah, there were many many bug fixes and a couple didn't make it through the PBE migration. Looks like Vayne Condemn was missed too, that should also come in in the next PBE patch.


This is so cool to see! Mel was a lot of hard work and the team did a great job. Thanks for taking the time to check it out.

Looks like the Urgot R bug fix missed the PBE deploy yesterday, should be fixed today.


Originally posted by IWillStudyTomorrow

Are you for real? 4 champions per year is terrible, you could buy more champions in the old IP system + runes. In fact I started playing in season 4 and I bought atleast 4 6300 champions (Yasuo, Jinx, Lucian, Kha'Zix) + at least 12 other champions since you needed 16 to start playing ranked (some of which were 3150 and 4800) + a full AD and AP rune page.

Most champions are not 6300. Average BE cost of a champion is 3000, so this represents ~6 you get to choose (if you don't disenchant permanents) and 24 you do not, which is 30 per year.


Originally posted by Nykai

28,500 BE amounts to round about 4 6300BE Champions. That awfully low for one year of playing.

Interested in how long you think it should take for a new player to earn champions. About how many games per champ do you expect?


Originally posted by pikachu_300iq

Still there. Btw are there any plans to rebuild or remake the client? The game itself runs so well but the client has been so buggy since the switch from the old to new one back in the day. Why not make full screen client, League is like the only game that has small windowed client and not that its an issue in general but it would be so cool to for example browse skin splash arts in full screen, or look at your collection or stats or literally anything. (I think it would be favorable for champ select as well)

If there were, do you think I would announce it here?


I am not part of the team that builds the metagame systems of League anymore, but I just did some quick maths since this post alarmed me.

There are 4 champion capsules on the pass
There is 4750 BE on the pass excluding repeating rewards
(Both of these are frontloaded on the pass and thus require less engagement than cosmetics in general)

There are 6 passes per year

That is 24 champion capsules × year
That is 28,500 BE × year

Not including new player missions and rewards

It doesn't feel to me like someone who is new to the game is going to have trouble acquiring both a set of randomized champions OR champions they have a particular affinity for and want to acquire for free.

Would also state that the folks who worked on the pass content design are pretty thoughtful, and if we saw challenges with new player earn rates there would be an adjustment.

But super appreciate the concern I am seeing here for the new player...

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Originally posted by p250AWP

  • Server: NA
  • Type of Bug: In-Game
  • Description: Some missions not tracking
  • Expected result: Missions to accurately track/update/complete
  • Observed result: Not all missions are tracking properly (Weekly)
  • Reproduction rate: Always
  • System Specs: N/A

Missions were in the old pop-up view initially, I did some and none of them counted. Now they're in the new WELCOEME TO NOXUS Objectives tab, but the only Weekly mission that seems to be tracking is the Earn 175 point sby playing games one. My Get 5 ward Takedowns, Deal 7500 dmg to champs with items, and play 1 game with Inspiration Keystone are not updating after I've tried both Swiftplay and Bot games to finish them. Note that I believe different accounts have different weekly missions and I don't think multiple accounts saw progress in this area.

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We're tracking down a issue with certain missions not working on Swiftplay queues (which includes bots) - these missions are on that list. Hopefully will have a fix in ASAP. Thanks for the info!

EDIT 1/10/2025 5:10PM PST A micropatch was deployed in the last hour that fixes the bug with Swiftplay queues not granting progress towards certain missions. All missions possible in Swiftplay queues should now be functional.

There is a separate issue with a single specific mission - Takedown 30 enemies in a single game of ARAM - that a fix is still ongoing for. Thank you everyone for your reports, they helped me track down the core issue very well.


Originally posted by cathartis

Server: EUW

Type of Bug: Client Bug

Description: I have a quest to do 10,000 DoT damage to champions. I have just played a game as Brand, where I brought Blackfire Torch and Liandry's Torment. However, despite doing 22,092 damage to champions in total, no progress on the quest was recorded.

Steps to reproduce: Play Brand. Buy Blackfire Torch, Liandry's Torment. Do damage to champions

Expected result: I expected to see substantial progress on the DoT quest. It's almost impossible not to do DoT damage with Brand due to his passive.

Observed result: No quest progress made.

Edit: Looking at my quests I am also seeing 0/10 in "Build legendary items" - which is odd because I was full build in my Brand game.

Hi there - was this in a Swiftplay match? There is a known issue where certain missions aren't tracking in Swiftplay queues (bots is included in that), those two missions are on the list.