League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

19 Nov


Originally posted by arikiel

Genuine question, since he seems to have almost everything possible in his kit (damage, utility, mana restores...) how do you think about him in terms of balancing? Like I'd be afraid with so many things in his kit, some of his abilities might become "not worth using". Is there a thought process that sure, maybe some will be sub-par and only useful in very specific situations and that's okay, or does that go differently?

Hwei has 4 cooldowns (Q/W/E/R) but each base ability can select from 1 of 3 options, so he has a normal mage kit's shape of cooldowns just with more options.

Each of the basic abilities is themed for art and gameplay, so Q is damage, W is utility and E is control. Each time you cast, you're picking the best tool for the job of that type of output.

Every ability was designed with a niche that it's best at when compared against its two share counterparts. Some games you might find more reliance on some abilities and less on others, and that's okay. Other games it might flip and you're using the reprioritized ones from last game most often.

If we need to balance cadence or sustain, we can touch base cooldowns and mana costs. If we need to address specific problem spells we can do that on the particular spell by buffing or nerfing its outputs without touching the others. But because they all have a niche use case, no single spell should ever become worthless.

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Originally posted by Urbain19

Just wanted to say, his gameplay looks incredible, and whoever did the splash art and ability animations absolutely nailed it as well.

Thanks I'll pass thing along to the team!


Originally posted by Boudynasr

Is his secondary role support??

He's viable as a support, but is best with gold and experience.

If for some reason his support role becomes too strong we'll adjust it to prioritize mid lane but would prefer to keep it viable.


Originally posted by Abyssknight24

Thanks for creating my new main.

I hope you really enjoy playing him! Message back and let me know how your games go.


Originally posted by Psyr1x

Does he start with the full spellbook when he levels an ability? Or does the spellbook open when he levels the subsequent ability?

I.e. is it lvl 1 he only has QQ then lvl 2 gets access to QE when he puts a rank in E? Or at lvl 1, can he cast QE immediately?

1 point in Q unlocks QQ/QW/QE. All 3 abilities mirror Q's rank, so a second point in Q will increase QQ/QW/QE to rank 2 alongside it.

That said, QQ/QW/QE all share Q's base cooldown and mana cost, so you aren't getting 3 abilities worth of cooldowns, just 3 abilities to choose from.

He has 9 base spells and an ultimate, but he has normal cooldowns for a mage allowing him to cast up to 4 spells including his ultimate back to back. No 10 spell chains.


Originally posted by ShopperOfBuckets

very weird to put an invoker clone in a game where heroes don't have nearly as much agency. he won't turn invisible, he won't have mana drain, he won't have summons, he won't have disarm, so basically a lot of his spells just deal damage and have some mild cc attached.

That's because he's not invoker. Hwei is about micro decision making. He has 4 cooldowns like a normal mage in League of Legends, his base Q/W/E/R.

What makes Hwei different than other mages is he has more options at the cost of mobility, durability, and reliability. For that he gains versatility, utility, range and zoning.


Originally posted by vexkov

Great job! It is a long time since I feel so hyped for a release. I love non linear gameplay.

Do you feel like he is a more early, mid or late game champion?

Thank you!

He's more of a mid-late champion since his W spells are utility focused. That means he's at his individual agency peak when Q is maxed and E is about maxed, so 12-14ish.

That said, he scales great with gold and experience, just transitions more into a team fighter that controls the flow of battle in late game rather than hyper scaling like Kass, Veigar, or ASol.


Originally posted by Dummdummgumgum

to be fair that kennen E waste to push the wave is what loses you games as kennen.

Kennen one trick. Can confirm, this is how I lose my team games lol


Originally posted by Ckrest

Do you have an idea of how much of the difficulty will come from mechanics vs how much will come from the decision-making?

He's much more about decision making than mechanical execution. That said, he has no point and click abilities so you'll need to land your skillshots to succeed.


So excited for you all to see our team's hard work on Hwei!

You can blame me for his gameplay, I look forward to your rage.

But for real, I'm really eager to see players get their hands on Hwei and others to learn to turn him into paint stains as an opponent.

17 Nov

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PankoKing


We do not allow the following content (note: this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Jersey announcements

  • House tours

  • Meet and greets

  • League personalities doing things that are not directly related to League of Legends

  • Cosplay of pro players/league personalities is not allowed.

  • Updates about already completed charity streams

  • Content that primarily serves as an advertisement

Please watch the Video it's not a house tour it's a recap of the Semi-Final weekend and one of the most historic plays in league of legends history (with never before seen voice comms) as well as Narrative for Faker ahead of the World finals

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by leagueoflegends-ModTeam

Hi /u/gandalf45435. Thank you for participating in /r/leagueoflegends! However (please read this in entirety),

Your post has been removed because the content is not directly related to League of Legends. Posts must be about League of Legends, LoL eSports, or League culture.

If you are not familiar with the subreddit rules, you can read them here.

Note: Front page removals are never done by a single mod. Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules? Message our modmail and please don't comment reply or direct message.

Could you please review the video further? I think it's definitely directly related to league of legends

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Faker montage at the end was my favorite part

15 Nov


Originally posted by Thatduckgod

Some rioter read the samira aftershock post

Yep, that was me.


Yes, there'll be a new season start cinematic of the same sort of style, approach etc as The Call

14 Nov


They're so good!!!

Thanks for sharing! <3


Well now I'm conflicted.

On the one hand, if WBG win, it proves that NRG is the 2nd best team in the world.

On the other hand, F is for Flash and anything else is heresy.

13 Nov


Originally posted by FriendlyGhostLady

Do u think Hwei will be as hard as Champs like azir or Zoe?

Not sure how to answer this. You'll have to see for yourself.


Originally posted by Zarathielis

Are you only working on Hwei or will you take over another champion after Hwei? And is there any type of champ or ability you personally would like to do in the future?

I'm leading Hwei right now, no spoilers for what I do in the future.

My favorite class archetype is mages so I'm quite excited about Hwei. That said, outside of mages I like long range champions with poke options like Varus, Ashe, Kog'Maw and Miss Fortune or high durability high control champions like Leona, Sejuani and Braum.

My favorite champions though are pretty much all mages or enchanters; Veigar, Lux, Brand, Lulu, and Nami.

11 Nov


The arena is about 80% full