If you queue as 8, is it random who is on who's team? Our group is happy with this no matter what method it uses, but was curious.
Our team made a new lobby design to allow you to choose who is on who's team
If you queue as 8, is it random who is on who's team? Our group is happy with this no matter what method it uses, but was curious.
Our team made a new lobby design to allow you to choose who is on who's team
They need to revert it. Feels like they did this to lower amount of lethality Varus'
Good news, this is bugged and will be corrected in tomorrow's patch
Hey all, Riot Draggles here from the team 12 hours too late to get any visibility in this thread. I want to just say that we hear you about the change, and we're looking at our data right now to better inform our future decisions.
That said, I want to provide some context on the change as it has many reasons beyond the Reddit audience. We look at surveys and information from A, B, and C when making changes like these. It's important to get a full picture of what the 99% of global players at Challenger are saying before ignoring most of that and just doing what Reddit puts on the front page.
We know four of you have enjoyed the change, though, so thank you for your time and energy as we work to get it right for more players. We're aiming to have more updates on the change rolled out in a mystery number of months.
We want to reiterate that we don't make changes like these lightly. It takes a team of hundreds of Rioters to argue about them all the way up to the...
Read morei hope they finally fix the augment reroll.. rerolling bad augments just to see them again, even twice in the same round was so dumb
You should not be rerolling into augments you've seen in the same round. It will be possible to see them in future rounds.
Who’s ready for the flood of “they ruined arena”, “arena sucks now”, “I loved the first arena but now...”, etc comments?
Let's go.
The article is misleading in this regard. The only line about how many you can queue with says "Groups of 2 and 4 people can now queue together".
In fact, the number 3 doesn't even show up in the entire article besides as part of your name and when writing out a patch number that has "3" in it. Could that be updated to clarify? 🙂
I sent a request, but it'll take time before it happens if it's possible.
You don't think the random when you queue as 3 is going to get griefed?
Possibly, but the alternative is to not let you queue 3 at all. If some players want to risk it to play with three, we didn't see the need to prevent them from doing so.
Too late dog on book champ inc.
I think you should make a Book on a Dog. Gotta subvert those expectations
All good... only thing that makes me a little sad (even tho it doesnt affect me directly) is still making you gain/lose rating even in 'custom games' per say - premade lobbies of 8. This just completely invalidates people going for high ratings cuz they can all be cheesed by party of 8 people basically boosting 1 pairs elo by matchfixing every game asap. It's not a massive problem but still feels odd.
That was a typo. You wont gain/lose rating in 8 player games
/u/Reav3 I recall you mentioning that Cameos were only supposed to be for the SF event, did they land well enough for you guys to keep them or is it only to provide additional variance
We still want to make a better objective system then Cameos at some point, but we weren't able to make one in the time between this and the last version
Have devs said anything about how successful Nexus Blitz has been? I'm glad Arena is coming back as well as RGMs in general, but I've been enjoying NB more than I enjoyed Arena. I hope NB will be back at some point (with adjustments to the current pain points).
Its performing ok, better then some past NB runs, but even that is about 1/4-1/3 amount of games as Arena had. Games are also falling off much faster then Arena
The subreddit hive mind is patiently awaiting your magnum opus champ Hwei
He better be more absurd than KSante, god knows we have been ranting about KSante for too long, we could use another new high skill ceiling champ to make rant posts about
You got it.
riot maxwell, i f**king love you man, you have made some questionable champs like yuumi
but arena was just so f**king good that idc if you would make a yuumi 2.0
ok pls no yuumi 2.0 im jk, i am all in for arena 2.0 tho
Too late dog on book champ inc.
Can you actually queue as 3? Our friend group is a trio and we wanted to play this mode together ever since it came out, but the article mentions only groups of 2/4/8.
Groups of 2 and 4 people can now queue together and choose who is on what team. We also allow a full group of 8 people to queue together, allowing them their own private match.
Yes you can. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 are all allowed. One of you will get paired with a random, although you can choose who that is.
Idk why they can't disable rating gain/lose when queueing as 8. Going to have some ridiculous wintraders at the top of the leaderboard, or maybe im misunderstanding
Yeah, that sentence is a little unclear. Groups of 8 will NOT get rating changes. Queuing as 1, 2, 3, or 4 will get rating changes.
I think there's some nuance necessary in this conversation:
Social media posts and reddit feedback ARE an important data point... among a number of data points.
Regarding your statement "It baffles me that Riot considers our Feedback on these Platforms "not representative" of the Playerbase's Opinions, when these are the only Platforms availble for the Playerbase to provide Feedback on." -- we don't ignore your input. But it is part of our job to VALIDATE it.
No, reddit posts aren't representative of our entire player base. But that doesn't mean that they are irrelevant. Reddit is really helpful when it comes to raising awareness, and the discussion can often raise possible solutions that have us go "Oh, that might be a good idea. Let's take a look at this."
I've found that Neil Gaiman's statement regarding creative work is applicable in most complex work situations: "When people tell you something's wrong or doesn't work for them, they are almost al...
Read morePlease do not remove more pings, especially useful ones like MiA.
I'm not implying that, more like there's opportunities to do some smarter stuff - for example it's probably reasonable to assume that dropping 6 MIA pings on an ally's head who didn't just pull off a crazy play are probably not helpful, and so we could do something about that. I think the MIA ping is super useful to be clear, and the negative framing of "what are you doing?" is very different in severity from the bait ping's "go die".
What is the point of this when MIA pings are still spammeable btw?
Agree there are more opportunities there. Removing the bait ping was a good initial step given what it got turned into.
does anyone at riot consider adding voice chat?
Yep, this is the most recent statement on it I think.
Could you guys look into adding alive pings back for higher elos? Communications made through these pings are a huge part of communicating teamfights. Deathtimers, sweeper pings and ult pings especially.
I understand that you guys want the gaming experience for casual players to be less toxic, but in competitive elos people do not care about stuff like spam pings.
We are looking to restore some contextual uses of the scoreboard pings for everyone, yeah! I would just caution that a lot of the generalizations around
in competitive elos people do not care about stuff like spam pings
Are very anecdotal assumptions and not as true in reality as I've seen the internet think it is.