League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Nov


Originally posted by noobcs50

How you build your champ matters almost as much as your team comp.

I've seen countless teams throw away their chances of winning because their only tanky champ wanted to be AP carry #3 instead of building tank. Or their only ADC builds poke/lethality into 2-3 tanky enemies instead of DPS. Or 3+ players all wanted to play an ADC. Or nobody builds grievous into a heal comp or serpents fang into a shield comp. The list goes on and on.

I got a bunch correct in a row by just selecting the team with more tanks until I picked a team with Tahm/Voli/MF that all decided to build full AP.

10 Nov


I'm very curious to see the prediction accuracy of human agents vs a machine learning model.


Originally posted by Boudynasr

u/Pupulasers u/Auberaun

pls fix this so our smurfs new players can have an enjoyable experience thanks

hi hi i'm not them but we're on it :)

u/dhiwbrvej ty for the post - as folks guessed this was just an oversight, our tutorial mission tests passed because blind pick was still available. Fix will be in ASAP, and we'll be changing the mission text to say that you should play Quickplay!


Originally posted by Carpet-Heavy

ok and how did it solve dodging in any way? previously, dodge abusers intelligently used their 3 dodges per day to avoid the 3 worst lobbies (or drafts).

now, we intelligently use our 3 dodges per day to avoid the 3 worst drafts. dodge abusers are going to max out at 3 either way. which, btw takes even more time in champ select to see the full draft as opposed to dodging right away once you see the op.ggs. so it's actually wasting more time lol.

Well, dodging has gone down quite a bit since the change was shipped, so it did something.

09 Nov


Way back when it was shown, the problem folks in this thread are describing was very real. Back then the cut off for Gold (rewards) was 1500 MMR and since you could lose below 1500 without any protection players would get to 1500 (or pay) and then stop. As I remember, Yegg (the designer who initially worked on the new ranked system with tiers and divisions) was right around 1500 MMR and I believe fell below the mark. They then had to play a game right at the deadline of the S2 ending to get back into Gold (and I mean literally the season ended while they were in this game, me and some other folks were watching live). They said the anxiety to not play and risk falling below was real and that helped fuel the new system.


Originally posted by BlackBiospark

Wasn't one of the main selling points for being able to ping ally ults is that it's faster than typing it?

Yes, and unfortunately sometimes ease of communication is not the only factor in our decision-making. Sometimes we make things that cause more harm than good. Speaking as the designer for the ping wheel, I have ... regrets. I wish I could go back and tell my naive past self that '?' is not the correct icon for MIA. Y'all get so creative with the tools we give you and that extends to expressing your frustration as well, and that was not something we anticipated at that time. When I was designing the system for Wild Rift we chose a different icon and that worked out much better. I think it would be much harder to remove in League, because of how expressive '?' has become and how accustomed players are to using it, but in a new game we could just change it from the start and MIA BM was almost eliminated, while the MIA ping was still very highly used.

I wasn't involved with these changes, but I'm pretty sure they had strong evidence that ult pings were overwhel...

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Originally posted by DavidHopp

I don't think you should try to go after toxicity and prevent people from seeing it, because no one managed to do it anywhere. Honestly, people are gonna be flaming from time to time on the internet in general and it's better to just have thick skin and ignore, or just disable chat (I did this since before it was in options, I would just fullmute everyone) if it can tilt you. Trying to prevent flame doesn't work. I understand as a public figure it's more than I would get but especially then, unfortunately it "comes with the job". I honestly get annoyed when reddit blames you for everything and you're the reason Riot doesn't care because it's stupid.

Except trying to mitigate flame in fact does work. No one receives death threats in games without chat in them. The fact that surveys indicate that people feel less flamed when there are fewer specific pings reinforces that. And it's not about tilt. It's about, for example, not wanting to receive death threats while attempting to communicate with players, in or out of game. It's really not that much to ask for.

You can absolutely make a good faith claim that this reduction in toxicity is not worth the cost in good faith communication. But that's a judgment call and not, "it doesn't work." Because it does have an impact, actually.


Originally posted by Fiibo

Yuumi can go aftershock despite not being able to immobilize champions (without everfrost maybe) i think its an oversight from when her R used to root enemies.

Aftershock was replaced in 13.22! Wasn't noted in the patch notes (will be noted in .23 alongside Glacial). Thanks for the report :)


Originally posted by mikael22

Reading this after reading the million comments saying "phreak never admits when he is wrong" is great.

To be fair I'm also extremely hard-headed sometimes.

I'm also happy to have unpopular opinions. I think Dynamic Queue's problem was kinda just an extension of the "Elo hell" collective delusion: People believed the ladder didn't matter because they thought everyone just abused group queueing. Anything to convince yourself you're not accurately rated below your goals. My experience as a Flex Queue enjoyer is that players still end up at their appropriate brackets despite the boosters. Somewhat similarly with role-based MM, it was people's fault. People would just say, "Oh, I didn't get main role, I'll just troll." I was excited to get an MMR per-role. I know I'm a worse Mid than Bot. I'd like to be fairly ranked at that role and play games against similarly-skilled mid laners without running an alt account.


Yeah that was a pretty dumb thing to say. I don't want to make it sound like your feedback is being ignored. It's obviously incorrect to imply that typing just 1:1 replaces quick pings as well. My bad on that.

Right now, overall player feedback has indicated that these changes have been good for the social experience as a whole. But as with anything, we intend to always keep our eyes and ears open. It could be there's something that we're missing, it could be that we think it's better back the way it was, even if there were measurable gains in toxicity, it could be that we find a perfect system that re-adds everything that you miss while retaining those gains, or something else entirely is the future for player communication tools.

Certainly we've made mistakes in the past. There have also been things that I personally enjoyed that players overall didn't (Dynamic Queue and role-based matchmaking were both things I personally really liked that didn't pan out). This i...

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Originally posted by jackham8

If you're able to talk about it, I'm curious what the cause wound up being.

Well I couldn't get Hexflash to not not-cast itself, so I instead added logic to just unwind the the spell and have you start really channeling Hexflash. You still lose the mana cost and CD from starting your W (because you did that) but now you just transition into Hexflashing instead of starting your W dash. TBH I really didn't get the root cause but this is better than disabling the rune. I still have no idea why Hexflash is not castable but yet tries to start casting anyway. No other spell works like this.


Originally posted by nickthepug

Didn’t you also say Ksante was in a “good” spot and didn’t need more nerfs? What happened to that?

People got better at him.

08 Nov


Originally posted by FrankTheBoxMonster

No that's just Draven R being mildly cursed. Draven R gives you a buff that handles the return when the buff is removed. When you hit a champ or the ult goes too far off the map, the buff is removed and the ult begins slowing down then returning. When you recast the R, you're actually removing the buff manually.

But, the buff is also removed when you die. Since they don't want the missile to suddenly bounce off nothing in mid air if you die, they tell it to not bounce at all if you die. They don't seem to consider that it might still hit someone after you die and therefore should still be allowed to bounce.

There's also a toggle to tell a buff to not be removed when you die, so I wonder if they just weren't aware of that either back in 2012? That should fix most of the issues on its own. It's also possible some of this is (questionably) intended, really can't tell, like I said the spell is kinda cursed.

The buff is removed on death intentionally. The internal tagging allows it to persist, it's told to disable the bouncing behavior and to remove the buff within its scripting, which reads as design intent to me. Maybe it shouldn't, but the current scripting is very much intentional.


Hi, I developed this. I've also just submitted an actual fix for the Hexflash bug, so we'll see if it comes back clean from QA.

Let me give some context on why this rune replacement was in: This bug is not a trivial fix. K'Sante W disables his other abilities and any Summoner Spells that are dashes/teleports. This disables Flash, Teleport, and even Hexflash. Hexflash is grayed out when you are channeling W. It's also disabled while you're actively dashing. I put debug logic onto the very first step of the Hexflash spell, and that debug does not fire. Hexflash does not cast or even begin casting if you press D/F while channeling W. And yet it cancels K'Sante W. This is not "simply" rescripting the logic of Hexflash (it doesn't cast) and it's not a trivial amount of work on K'Sante W (it already properly locks out spells). This bug is a meaningful amount of power and it is also very low impact (the rune has about a 1% pick rate, even in higher MMRs).

Obviously disabli...

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Originally posted by selbiT0mo

what we’ve taken to calling v1

So it's 2v2v2v2v2 ?



07 Nov


Originally posted by asiantuttle

I’m just imaging a rioter scrolling through the digits looking for one that’s reasonable

Yes I did


Originally posted by kayzeno

I'm a little confused. With augments being limited to 2 each, does that mean across the entire match? like only 2 players get the opportunity to take it?

This gamemode is awesome and I hope it stays for good some day. I don't like summoners rift and ARAM has gotten pretty stale.

Across the entire match, only two people will be able to take it. So, if someone sees it in the first round but doesn't take it, it will go back into the pool for subsequent rounds.

And thanks for the kind words!


Originally posted by maknaeline

the people who go out of their way to seek out the avenues given in order to provide feedback should at least receive better communication though, no? i say this not even as someone who's like, "me, me, pay attention to me!" just because i was recently providing feedback on this pbe cycle, but just because of general frustration over the utter lack of communication.

folks have been trying to go out of their way to try to politely express their feelings on what they like and dislike, and even if they are a "loud minority", it does feel like they get utterly ignored unless people start getting extreme. which should never be the case— there's no justification for that— and is part of the reason devs continue to pull away i'm sure. it's just a mess all around.

it just feels like, given the current increased scope of skins compared to how they used to be (across the board), the way things are just isn't entirely working. it feels like things are heavily skewed towards an...

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Your "because what are we supposed to do, then?" sums it up pretty well. :) Frankly, I don't know yet how exactly we can make the situation better. It'll take an effort of a bunch of us at Riot to figure something out.

In some cases, I actually don't know what else we can do, besides telling people "we hear you even if you aren't the majority". If we've made a decision that we believe in, and that the folks in question disagree with, then, well... that's kind of all there is to it. :o


Originally posted by WoonStruck

Do you think a system where you guys track trending topics and address them in Quick Gameplay Thoughts would be a way to acknowledge feedback without necessarily implementing it?

That would at least be a way to address a talking point so players can see why a specific thing is or isn't addressed.

Communication dropped off a cliff for Riot in the past year, despite them saying that they were going to start communicating more, especially through QGTs and videos.

Even when they do come out now, they're typically full of a lot of words that say absolutely nothing and leave you feeling scammed out of your time.

Yeah, some sort of response system and/or cadence would be nice. Everyone's busy with Worlds right now, but there's a conversation to be had. Dunno where it will lead, we'll see.


Originally posted by chrisbro4

Funny how you only bring up data when it fits your narrarive or backs up your decisions. Where is your data to the riot id changes?? If you, yet again, make absolute shit changes that nobody likes all you do is stay silent about it or talk some bs on why it was necessary. Strange that you dont bring up data and players opinion in this cases. f**king joke of a company.

What you are talking about is a system change driven by Riot's expanding eco-system. We are no longer a one-game company, and thus, we need to adjust things to make the backend interactions of different game accounts better.
In what world would data be the driver for this implementation? This isn’t a gameplay change, this has to do with platform engineering.
Look inward to resolve your anger, my friend.